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Functions in AWS SDK for PHP 7.5

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
awssdk_config_load ./awssdk.module Load the default AWSSDK settings and apply variable overrides. 2 1
awssdk_config_set ./awssdk.module Set configuration via CFCredentials::set() during library load. 1
awssdk_libraries_info ./awssdk.module Implements hook_libraries_info()
awssdk_menu ./awssdk.module Implements hook_menu()
awssdk_report ./awssdk.module Provide a function to wrap the require construct to be used as menu callback. 1
awssdk_requirements ./awssdk.module Implements hook_requirements() 1
awssdk_ui_menu ui/awssdk_ui.module Implements hook_menu().
awssdk_ui_permission ui/awssdk_ui.module Implements hook_permission().
awssdk_ui_settings_form ui/awssdk_ui.module Settings form. 1
awssdk_ui_settings_form_submit ui/awssdk_ui.module Clear config cache to new settings take effect. 1
awssdk_uninstall ./awssdk.install Implements hook_uninstall().
awssdk_update_7500 ./awssdk.install Remove aws_enable_extensions variable since the settings was removed in 1.5.
awssdk_update_7501 ./awssdk.install Update configuration variables from 1.4.x to 1.5.x.

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