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function availability_calendar_booking_formlet_variable_info in Availability Calendars 7.5

Implements hook_variable_info().

1 call to availability_calendar_booking_formlet_variable_info()
availability_calendar_booking_formlet_get_customizable_text in booking_formlet/
Returns a customizable text.


booking_formlet/, line 11
Availability calendar booking formlet translatable variables.


function availability_calendar_booking_formlet_variable_info() {

  // Form labels
  $variables['availability_calendar_booking_formlet_date'] = array(
    'type' => 'string',
    'title' => t('Date field for the %option option', array(
      '%option' => t('Only allow single day bookings'),
    'description' => t('Label to use for the single date when you enabled the %option option.', array(
      '%option' => t('Only allow single day bookings'),
    'default' => t('Date'),
  $variables['availability_calendar_booking_formlet_date_1'] = array(
    'type' => 'string',
    'title' => t('"Book now" form %1stOr2nd date field label', array(
      '%1stOr2nd' => t('first'),
    'default' => t('Arrival date'),
  $variables['availability_calendar_booking_formlet_date_2'] = array(
    'type' => 'string',
    'title' => t('"Book now" form %1stOr2nd date field label', array(
      '%1stOr2nd' => t('second'),
    'default' => t('Departure date'),
  $variables['availability_calendar_booking_formlet_duration'] = array(
    'type' => 'string',
    'title' => t('"Book now" form <em>duration</em> field label'),
    'default' => t('Duration'),
  $variables['availability_calendar_booking_formlet_clear_date_text'] = array(
    'type' => 'string',
    'title' => t('"Book now" form clear single date button text'),
    'description' => t('"Book now" form clear date button text when you enabled the %option option.', array(
      '%option' => t('Only allow single day bookings'),
    'default' => t('Clear selected date'),
  $variables['availability_calendar_booking_formlet_clear_date_title'] = array(
    'type' => 'string',
    'title' => t('"Book now" form clear single date button title'),
    'description' => t('"Book now" form clear date button title when you enabled the %option option.', array(
      '%option' => t('Only allow single day bookings'),
    'default' => t(''),
  $variables['availability_calendar_booking_formlet_clear_date_1_text'] = array(
    'type' => 'string',
    'title' => t('"Book now" form clear first date button text'),
    'default' => t('Clear selected arrival date'),
  $variables['availability_calendar_booking_formlet_clear_date_1_title'] = array(
    'type' => 'string',
    'title' => t('"Book now" form clear first date button title'),
    'default' => t(''),
  $variables['availability_calendar_booking_formlet_clear_date_2_text'] = array(
    'type' => 'string',
    'title' => t('"Book now" form clear selected dates button text'),
    'default' => t('Clear selected dates'),
  $variables['availability_calendar_booking_formlet_clear_date_2_title'] = array(
    'type' => 'string',
    'title' => t('"Book now" form clear selected dates button title'),
    'default' => t(''),
  $variables['availability_calendar_booking_formlet_submit_text'] = array(
    'type' => 'string',
    'title' => t('"Book now" button text'),
    'default' => t('Book this resource ...'),
  $variables['availability_calendar_booking_formlet_submit_title'] = array(
    'type' => 'string',
    'title' => t('"Book now" button title'),
    'default' => t(''),
  $variables['availability_calendar_booking_formlet_click_date_arrival'] = array(
    'type' => 'string',
    'title' => t('Help text for empty first date field'),
    'default' => t('Click on an available date'),
  $variables['availability_calendar_booking_formlet_click_date_departure'] = array(
    'type' => 'string',
    'title' => t('Help text for empty second date field'),
    'default' => t('Click on your departure date'),
  foreach ($variables as &$variable) {
    $variable['group'] = 'availability_calendar';
  return $variables;