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CHANGELOG.txt in Availability Calendars 7.4

Same filename in this branch
  1. 7.4 CHANGELOG.txt
  2. 7.4 booking_formlet/CHANGELOG.txt
Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 6.2 CHANGELOG.txt
  2. 7.5 CHANGELOG.txt
  3. 7.3 CHANGELOG.txt
Availability Calendar

Availability Calendar 7.x-4.x

Incompatibilities with 7.x-3.x:
These are actions and checks you have to perform manually after you have
upgraded to this version.
- Depending on how you updated, you may have to manually delete the following
  files (containing Views handlers that are moved to the views sub-directory):
   * availability_calendar_handler_*.inc
   * availability_calendar_plugin_*.inc
- Visit and save the "field settings" for all calendar fields in your site, as
  the setting "Allow to disable the calendar for a calendar instance" (that
  appears on the edit form) is now a field instance setting instead of a widget
- Clear all caches.
- Date formats are now customisable: customise (admin/config/regional/date-time
  and admin/config/regional/date-time/locale) them to your likings and check all
  your date handling and displaying parts to see whether they are still working
  as expected.
- Visit and save the "field settings" and "manage display" pages for all
  calendar fields and define whether they are day or overnight based.
- Visit and save the "field settings" and "manage display" pages for all booking
  formlet fields and check whether the new settings are better suited to your
  use case.
- Theming: check if all your custom styling still applies correctly. E.g., the
  buttons for the booking formlet are changed into <button>s; classes and other
  attributes have changed for several elements.
- Periods: the 2nd date of a period is either inclusive (day rental) or not
  inclusive (overnight rental, typically the "departure" date). In 7.x-3.x, the
  2nd date was always not inclusive. Test and check that every part is still
  working as expected.
- Booking formlet to webform POST: the arrival and departure fields are renamed
  to from_display and to_display. You have to update the default values for the
  elements that receive these values in the (or all in a multilingual site)
  webform. I.e: change "%post[arrival]" to "%post[from_display]" and change
  "%post[departure]" to "%post[to_display]".
- Booking formlet to webform POST: there are additional fields that now get
  posted: %post[from_iso] and %post[to_iso]. See the readme (of booking formlet)
  for an explanation of these values and their differences with from_display and
- API and JavaScript changes. Almost all API and JavaScript functions have been
  changed. Sometimes just slightly, sometimes they are completely rewritten or
  even replaced. If you have done custom coding: test it all. API changes are
  not separately described, they are part of the items in the change log below
  that is grouped by issue (feature/bug) not by API function.

Availability Calendar 7.x-4.2 2014-04-10
- [#2199169]: Changes not saved.
- [#2145909]: View with Exposed Filter for "At (date)" generates error.
- [#2168037]: Add the 'availability' variable to hook_theme.
- [#2068165]: Add API functions to delete calendar data.
- [#1632494] (partial): Add parameter $minimum_days to function
- [#2056289]: MSSQL and Oracle incompatibility.
- [#2037745]: "Enable the availability calendar" option is not saved for new
- [#1451180]: User can select date range with non available dates.
- Changed some jsdoc type expressions, e.g. Integer -> number.
- Merged (as much as possible) with experimental 7.x-5.x branch:
  - Moved widget setting 'allow_disable' to instance settings.
  - Other refactorings.
  - Define an index on cid in hook_field_schema.
  - Corrected the key "foreign_keys" to "foreign keys" in hook_field_schema.
- [#2012600]: Allow calendar to be displayed in a colorbox.
- [#2000990]: Selected dates on calendar aren't always cleared when showing
  calendar with colorbox.
- [#1976776]: Couple date pickers in exposed views form to select a date range.
- [#1975912]: Error in date format for month caption.
- Preparing for [#1856890] and [#1270718]:
  - Move Views handlers to sub-directory as there are more to come.
  - Move to views API 3.0.

Availability Calendar 7.x-4.1 2013-03-10
- [#1891390]: Previous and next button not working.
- [#1929336]: Can't edit availability (jQuery update module and jQuery 1.8).
- [#1924230]: Date parsing in exposed Views filter may throw an exception.
- [#1904596]: Make behavior regarding empty calendar fields more robust.
- Allow administrators to disable the name field. This will lead to:
  Notice: Undefined index: add_name in ...()
  to solve: please visit the field settings page, set the "Add a name property
  to the calendar for a ... instance" setting and save your settings.
- [#1904262]: Edit widget: allow to select whole weeks or months at once.
- Removed @author information from all files, except at the end of this file
  and corrected some typos and documentation errors.
- [#1899608]: Contextual filter to filter on availability gives SQL errors.
- [#1884224]: Date popup does no show in a view filter.
- [#1861772]: TypeError: settings.availabilityCalendar is undefined.

Availability Calendar 7.x-4.0
No changes since alpha2.

Availability Calendar 7.x-4.x-alpha2 2012-11-14
- [#1838360]: Timezone based error: split day duplicated on second day.
- Untranslated texts.

Availability Calendar 7.x-4.x-alpha1 2012-11-02
- Incorrect error message "only future ..." on searching today's availability.
- Views: Do not show the filter on availability as a displayable field.
- [#1813074]: Calendar and Booking formlet fields have problems when used in a
  view that displays separate fields.
- [#1814634]: Notice: Undefined index: selectable in
- [#1799826]: Fatal error in availability_calendar_get_calendar().
- Error: IE8- hack: IE8 and lower do not support the indexOf method on arrays.
- Error: Translated <none> on styling form is written to generated css file.
- [#1679524]: Adaptive viewport.
- [#1360702]: Allow invalid "default values" for exposed fields in availability
- [#1714504]: Disabled links don't look disabled.
- [#1676612]: Viewport fails when same calendar is displayed twice on the page.
- [#1678190]: Double date with date popup.
- [#1661454]: Better distinction between whole day and overnight rental.
- [#1413130]: Using date in other formats.
- [#1647446] by Marc-Antoine: Allow to translate the labels of the availability
- [#1447228] by Marc-Antoine: A.C. fails when #id of submit button is altered.
- [#1653150]: Allow booking formlet to be shown independent of calendar:
  Changes in JavaScript and add availability_calendar_is_available() to API.
- [#1637372]: Incompatibility with Openlayers module. Change JS code to prevent
  mal designed modules to no longer function.
- [#1410852]: settings.availabilityCalendar.states is not defined in attach
  behavior on Ajax refresh.
- Follow up of [#1508066]: Refactor javascript to use the same initialization
  pattern for viewport, editor and booking formlet, that can handle multiple
  instances and ajax refreshes (including execution of attachBehavior).
- [#1520936]: Calendar display not supporting RTL languages.
- Error, caught while solving [#1520936]: incorrect change of width and height
  usage in CSS style generation.
- Error: Default set of Allowed states not correct.
- [#1569334]: Message: An illegal choice has been detected.
  Please contact the site administrator.
- [#1508066]: Viewport keeps scrolling.
- JS refactoring.
- [#1458118]: Remove LICENSE.txt from Git repository.

Availability Calendar 7.x-3.x

Availability Calendar 7.x-3.2 2012-01-20
- [#1411452]: Views integration fails with multiple calendar fields.
- [#1410822]: Fatal error: Access level to availability_calendar_handler_filter_
  availability::$always_multiple must be public.
- [#1371182]: Calendars are too wide in some themes or other style overrides by
- [#1355640]: All states shown in key block despite the block settings.
- Further corrections on Views integration, e.g. INNER JOIN changed into a LEFT
- Error: DateTime::modify returns null in 5.2.

Availability Calendar 7.x-3.1 2011-11-12
- [#1281022-6]: Key incorrectly gets css class cal-month.
- Reworked the availability filter for Views. You can now choose between from/to
  or from/duration to specify the period.
- [#1332264]: An AJAX HTTP error occurred when using the availability filter for
- [#1183372]: 'Show first half of current day as past date in split day
  situation' was not really solved.
- Error: Mixed up variable names availability_calendar_styles_generate and
- Error: Calendar not shown on edit form when user may not disable the calendar.
- Cleaned up some code and classes in calendar widget and its usage in
- Calendar widget is no longer within a fieldset to not disturb its layout
  compared to the calendar field formatter.
- Slightly easier to use availability_calendar_get_states.
- Improved information in "README when coming from Availability Calendars.txt".
- [#1301500]: More sensible defaults.
- [#1290874]: Clone date objects before they are changed.
- [#1290874]: Allow multiple entities per form.

Availability Calendar 7.x-3.0 2011-09-19
- Fields based rewrite of Availability Calendar module.
  This module is a complete rewrite, so the changelog has been cleaned.

Current and past maintainers for Availability Calendar(s)
- geodaniel (
- nicholas.alipaz (
- fietserwin (

People that contributed patches:
- Marc-Antoine (


View source
  1. Availability Calendar
  2. =====================
  3. Availability Calendar 7.x-4.x
  4. =============================
  5. Incompatibilities with 7.x-3.x:
  6. -------------------------------
  7. These are actions and checks you have to perform manually after you have
  8. upgraded to this version.
  9. - Depending on how you updated, you may have to manually delete the following
  10. files (containing Views handlers that are moved to the views sub-directory):
  11. *
  12. * availability_calendar_handler_*.inc
  13. * availability_calendar_plugin_*.inc
  14. - Visit and save the "field settings" for all calendar fields in your site, as
  15. the setting "Allow to disable the calendar for a calendar instance" (that
  16. appears on the edit form) is now a field instance setting instead of a widget
  17. setting.
  18. - Clear all caches.
  19. - Date formats are now customisable: customise (admin/config/regional/date-time
  20. and admin/config/regional/date-time/locale) them to your likings and check all
  21. your date handling and displaying parts to see whether they are still working
  22. as expected.
  23. - Visit and save the "field settings" and "manage display" pages for all
  24. calendar fields and define whether they are day or overnight based.
  25. - Visit and save the "field settings" and "manage display" pages for all booking
  26. formlet fields and check whether the new settings are better suited to your
  27. use case.
  28. - Theming: check if all your custom styling still applies correctly. E.g., the
  29. buttons for the booking formlet are changed into
  30. attributes have changed for several elements.
  31. - Periods: the 2nd date of a period is either inclusive (day rental) or not
  32. inclusive (overnight rental, typically the "departure" date). In 7.x-3.x, the
  33. 2nd date was always not inclusive. Test and check that every part is still
  34. working as expected.
  35. - Booking formlet to webform POST: the arrival and departure fields are renamed
  36. to from_display and to_display. You have to update the default values for the
  37. elements that receive these values in the (or all in a multilingual site)
  38. webform. I.e: change "%post[arrival]" to "%post[from_display]" and change
  39. "%post[departure]" to "%post[to_display]".
  40. - Booking formlet to webform POST: there are additional fields that now get
  41. posted: %post[from_iso] and %post[to_iso]. See the readme (of booking formlet)
  42. for an explanation of these values and their differences with from_display and
  43. to_display.
  44. - API and JavaScript changes. Almost all API and JavaScript functions have been
  45. changed. Sometimes just slightly, sometimes they are completely rewritten or
  46. even replaced. If you have done custom coding: test it all. API changes are
  47. not separately described, they are part of the items in the change log below
  48. that is grouped by issue (feature/bug) not by API function.
  49. Availability Calendar 7.x-4.2 2014-04-10
  50. ----------------------------------------
  51. - [#2199169]: Changes not saved.
  52. - [#2145909]: View with Exposed Filter for "At (date)" generates error.
  53. - [#2168037]: Add the 'availability' variable to hook_theme.
  54. - [#2068165]: Add API functions to delete calendar data.
  55. - [#1632494] (partial): Add parameter $minimum_days to function
  56. availability_calendar_is_available().
  57. - [#2056289]: MSSQL and Oracle incompatibility.
  58. - [#2037745]: "Enable the availability calendar" option is not saved for new
  59. calendars.
  60. - [#1451180]: User can select date range with non available dates.
  61. - Changed some jsdoc type expressions, e.g. Integer -> number.
  62. - Merged (as much as possible) with experimental 7.x-5.x branch:
  63. - Moved widget setting 'allow_disable' to instance settings.
  64. - Other refactorings.
  65. - Define an index on cid in hook_field_schema.
  66. - Corrected the key "foreign_keys" to "foreign keys" in hook_field_schema.
  67. - [#2012600]: Allow calendar to be displayed in a colorbox.
  68. - [#2000990]: Selected dates on calendar aren't always cleared when showing
  69. calendar with colorbox.
  70. - [#1976776]: Couple date pickers in exposed views form to select a date range.
  71. - [#1975912]: Error in date format for month caption.
  72. - Preparing for [#1856890] and [#1270718]:
  73. - Move Views handlers to sub-directory as there are more to come.
  74. - Move to views API 3.0.
  75. Availability Calendar 7.x-4.1 2013-03-10
  76. ----------------------------------------
  77. - [#1891390]: Previous and next button not working.
  78. - [#1929336]: Can't edit availability (jQuery update module and jQuery 1.8).
  79. - [#1924230]: Date parsing in exposed Views filter may throw an exception.
  80. - [#1904596]: Make behavior regarding empty calendar fields more robust.
  81. - Allow administrators to disable the name field. This will lead to:
  82. Notice: Undefined index: add_name in ...()
  83. to solve: please visit the field settings page, set the "Add a name property
  84. to the calendar for a ... instance" setting and save your settings.
  85. - [#1904262]: Edit widget: allow to select whole weeks or months at once.
  86. - Removed @author information from all files, except at the end of this file
  87. and corrected some typos and documentation errors.
  88. - [#1899608]: Contextual filter to filter on availability gives SQL errors.
  89. - [#1884224]: Date popup does no show in a view filter.
  90. - [#1861772]: TypeError: settings.availabilityCalendar is undefined.
  91. Availability Calendar 7.x-4.0
  92. -----------------------------
  93. No changes since alpha2.
  94. Availability Calendar 7.x-4.x-alpha2 2012-11-14
  95. -----------------------------------------------
  96. - [#1838360]: Timezone based error: split day duplicated on second day.
  97. - Untranslated texts.
  98. Availability Calendar 7.x-4.x-alpha1 2012-11-02
  99. -----------------------------------------------
  100. - Incorrect error message "only future ..." on searching today's availability.
  101. - Views: Do not show the filter on availability as a displayable field.
  102. - [#1813074]: Calendar and Booking formlet fields have problems when used in a
  103. view that displays separate fields.
  104. - [#1814634]: Notice: Undefined index: selectable in
  105. availability_calendar_add_full_calendar_js()
  106. - [#1799826]: Fatal error in availability_calendar_get_calendar().
  107. - Error: IE8- hack: IE8 and lower do not support the indexOf method on arrays.
  108. - Error: Translated on styling form is written to generated css file.
  109. - [#1679524]: Adaptive viewport.
  110. - [#1360702]: Allow invalid "default values" for exposed fields in availability
  111. search.
  112. - [#1714504]: Disabled links don't look disabled.
  113. - [#1676612]: Viewport fails when same calendar is displayed twice on the page.
  114. - [#1678190]: Double date with date popup.
  115. - [#1661454]: Better distinction between whole day and overnight rental.
  116. - [#1413130]: Using date in other formats.
  117. - [#1647446] by Marc-Antoine: Allow to translate the labels of the availability
  118. states.
  119. - [#1447228] by Marc-Antoine: A.C. fails when #id of submit button is altered.
  120. - [#1653150]: Allow booking formlet to be shown independent of calendar:
  121. Changes in JavaScript and add availability_calendar_is_available() to API.
  122. - [#1637372]: Incompatibility with Openlayers module. Change JS code to prevent
  123. mal designed modules to no longer function.
  124. - [#1410852]: settings.availabilityCalendar.states is not defined in attach
  125. behavior on Ajax refresh.
  126. - Follow up of [#1508066]: Refactor javascript to use the same initialization
  127. pattern for viewport, editor and booking formlet, that can handle multiple
  128. instances and ajax refreshes (including execution of attachBehavior).
  129. - [#1520936]: Calendar display not supporting RTL languages.
  130. - Error, caught while solving [#1520936]: incorrect change of width and height
  131. usage in CSS style generation.
  132. - Error: Default set of Allowed states not correct.
  133. - [#1569334]: Message: An illegal choice has been detected.
  134. Please contact the site administrator.
  135. - [#1508066]: Viewport keeps scrolling.
  136. - JS refactoring.
  137. - [#1458118]: Remove LICENSE.txt from Git repository.
  138. Availability Calendar 7.x-3.x
  139. =============================
  140. Availability Calendar 7.x-3.2 2012-01-20
  141. ----------------------------------------
  142. - [#1411452]: Views integration fails with multiple calendar fields.
  143. - [#1410822]: Fatal error: Access level to availability_calendar_handler_filter_
  144. availability::$always_multiple must be public.
  145. - [#1371182]: Calendars are too wide in some themes or other style overrides by
  146. themes.
  147. - [#1355640]: All states shown in key block despite the block settings.
  148. - Further corrections on Views integration, e.g. INNER JOIN changed into a LEFT
  149. JOIN.
  150. - Error: DateTime::modify returns null in 5.2.
  151. Availability Calendar 7.x-3.1 2011-11-12
  152. ----------------------------------------
  153. - [#1281022-6]: Key incorrectly gets css class cal-month.
  154. - Reworked the availability filter for Views. You can now choose between from/to
  155. or from/duration to specify the period.
  156. - [#1332264]: An AJAX HTTP error occurred when using the availability filter for
  158. - [#1183372]: 'Show first half of current day as past date in split day
  159. situation' was not really solved.
  160. - Error: Mixed up variable names availability_calendar_styles_generate and
  161. availability_calendar_settings_system_generate.
  162. - Error: Calendar not shown on edit form when user may not disable the calendar.
  163. - Cleaned up some code and classes in calendar widget and its usage in
  164. availability_calendar.edit.js.
  165. - Calendar widget is no longer within a fieldset to not disturb its layout
  166. compared to the calendar field formatter.
  167. - Slightly easier to use availability_calendar_get_states.
  168. - Improved information in "README when coming from Availability Calendars.txt".
  169. - [#1301500]: More sensible defaults.
  170. - [#1290874]: Clone date objects before they are changed.
  171. - [#1290874]: Allow multiple entities per form.
  172. Availability Calendar 7.x-3.0 2011-09-19
  173. ----------------------------------------
  174. - Fields based rewrite of Availability Calendar module.
  175. This module is a complete rewrite, so the changelog has been cleaned.
  176. Current and past maintainers for Availability Calendar(s)
  177. =========================================================
  178. - geodaniel (
  179. - nicholas.alipaz (
  180. - fietserwin (
  181. People that contributed patches:
  182. - Marc-Antoine (