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public function ReadOnlyFilesystemTest::testDifferentLogicDiskNotWritable in Automatic Updates 8

Tests the readiness check on read-only file system.

@covers ::run


tests/src/Kernel/ReadinessChecker/ReadOnlyFilesystemTest.php, line 119


@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\automatic_updates\ReadinessChecker\ReadOnlyFilesystem




public function testDifferentLogicDiskNotWritable() {
  $root = self::getVfsRoot();

  // Assert messages if both core and vendor directory are not writable.
  $file_system = $this
    ->willThrowException(new FileException());
  $readOnly = new TestReadOnlyFileSystem($root, $this->container
    ->get(''), $file_system);
    "Drupal core filesystem at \"{$root}/core\" is read only. Updates to Drupal core cannot be applied against a read only file system.",
    "Vendor filesystem at \"{$root}/vendor\" is read only. Updates to the site's code base cannot be applied against a read only file system.",
  ], $readOnly

  // Assert messages if core directory is not writable.
  $file_system = $this
  ], [
    ->willReturnOnConsecutiveCalls(FALSE, TRUE);
  $readOnly = new TestReadOnlyFileSystem($root, $this->container
    ->get(''), $file_system);
    "Drupal core filesystem at \"{$root}/core\" is read only. Updates to Drupal core cannot be applied against a read only file system.",
  ], $readOnly

  // Assert messages if vendor directory is not writable.
  $file_system = $this
  ], [
    ->willReturnOnConsecutiveCalls(TRUE, FALSE);
  $readOnly = new TestReadOnlyFileSystem($root, $this->container
    ->get(''), $file_system);
    "Vendor filesystem at \"{$root}/vendor\" is read only. Updates to the site's code base cannot be applied against a read only file system.",
  ], $readOnly