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ReadOnlyFilesystemTest.php in Automatic Updates 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\automatic_updates\Kernel\ReadinessChecker;

use Drupal\automatic_updates\ReadinessChecker\ReadOnlyFilesystem;
use Drupal\Core\File\Exception\FileException;
use Drupal\Core\File\FileSystemInterface;
use Drupal\KernelTests\KernelTestBase;
use org\bovigo\vfs\vfsStream;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;

 * @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\automatic_updates\ReadinessChecker\ReadOnlyFilesystem
 * @group automatic_updates
class ReadOnlyFilesystemTest extends KernelTestBase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static $modules = [

   * Tests the readiness check where the root directory does not exist.
   * @covers ::run
   * @dataProvider providerNoWebRoot
  public function testNoWebRoot($files) {
    $readOnly = new ReadOnlyFilesystem(vfsStream::url('root'), $this
      ->reveal(), $this
      'The web root could not be located.',
    ], $readOnly

   * Data provider for testNoWebRoot().
  public function providerNoWebRoot() {
    return [
      'no core.api.php' => [
          'core' => [
            'core.txt' => 'test',
      'core.api.php in wrong location' => [
          'core.api.php' => 'test',

   * Tests the readiness check on writable file system on same logic disk.
   * @covers ::run
  public function testSameLogicDiskWritable() {
    $readOnly = new ReadOnlyFilesystem(self::getVfsRoot(), $this->container
      ->get(''), $this->container
      ->assertEquals([], $readOnly

   * Tests root and vendor directories are writable on different logical disks.
   * @covers ::run
  public function testDifferentLogicDiskWritable() {
    $readOnly = new TestReadOnlyFilesystem(self::getVfsRoot(), $this->container
      ->get(''), $this->container
      ->assertEquals([], $readOnly

   * Tests non-writable core and vendor directories on same logic disk.
   * @covers ::run
  public function testSameLogicDiskNotWritable() {
    $file_system = $this
      ->willThrowException(new FileException());
    $root = self::getVfsRoot();
    $readOnly = new ReadOnlyFilesystem($root, $this->container
      ->get(''), $file_system);
      "Logical disk at \"{$root}\" is read only. Updates to Drupal cannot be applied against a read only file system.",
    ], $readOnly

   * Tests the readiness check on read-only file system.
   * @covers ::run
  public function testDifferentLogicDiskNotWritable() {
    $root = self::getVfsRoot();

    // Assert messages if both core and vendor directory are not writable.
    $file_system = $this
      ->willThrowException(new FileException());
    $readOnly = new TestReadOnlyFileSystem($root, $this->container
      ->get(''), $file_system);
      "Drupal core filesystem at \"{$root}/core\" is read only. Updates to Drupal core cannot be applied against a read only file system.",
      "Vendor filesystem at \"{$root}/vendor\" is read only. Updates to the site's code base cannot be applied against a read only file system.",
    ], $readOnly

    // Assert messages if core directory is not writable.
    $file_system = $this
    ], [
      ->willReturnOnConsecutiveCalls(FALSE, TRUE);
    $readOnly = new TestReadOnlyFileSystem($root, $this->container
      ->get(''), $file_system);
      "Drupal core filesystem at \"{$root}/core\" is read only. Updates to Drupal core cannot be applied against a read only file system.",
    ], $readOnly

    // Assert messages if vendor directory is not writable.
    $file_system = $this
    ], [
      ->willReturnOnConsecutiveCalls(TRUE, FALSE);
    $readOnly = new TestReadOnlyFileSystem($root, $this->container
      ->get(''), $file_system);
      "Vendor filesystem at \"{$root}/vendor\" is read only. Updates to the site's code base cannot be applied against a read only file system.",
    ], $readOnly

   * Gets root of virtual Drupal directory.
   * @return string
   *   The root.
  protected static function getVfsRoot() {
      'core' => [
        'core.api.php' => 'test',
      'vendor' => [
        'composer' => [
          'LICENSE' => 'test',
    return vfsStream::url('root');


 * Test class to root and vendor directories in different logic disks.
 * Calls to stat() does not work on \org\bovigo\vfs\vfsStream.
class TestReadOnlyFileSystem extends ReadOnlyFilesystem {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function areSameLogicalDisk($root, $vendor) {
    return FALSE;



Namesort descending Description
ReadOnlyFilesystemTest @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\automatic_updates\ReadinessChecker\ReadOnlyFilesystem
TestReadOnlyFileSystem Test class to root and vendor directories in different logic disks.