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function autologout_form_validate in Automated Logout 6.3

1 string reference to 'autologout_form_validate'
autologout_form_alter in ./autologout.module
Implementation of hook_form_alter().


./autologout.module, line 54
Used to automagically log out a user after a certain time.


function autologout_form_validate($form, &$form_state) {
  $autologout_seconds = $form_state['values']['autologout_seconds'];
  if ($autologout_seconds != 0 && $autologout_seconds < 15) {
    form_set_error('autologout_seconds', t('The automated logout module requires the forced logout value to be greater than 15 seconds.', array(
      '%add-child' => t('Add child page'),