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class autologout_default_settings in Automated Logout 5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 autologout.module \autologout_default_settings
  2. 7.2 autologout.module \autologout_default_settings

Note, these defaults are for the "out of the box" settings. Most of these can be set by the site admin and once the site admin does change them, these are no longer used (i.e. if variable_get() returns a valid value these are ignored.


Expanded class hierarchy of autologout_default_settings

See also



./autologout.module, line 28
Used to automagically log out a user after a preset time, AjK May 2006

View source
class autologout_default_settings {
  var $enabled = FALSE;

  // Initially disabled
  var $timeout = 3600;

  // default 1 hour
  var $refresh_delta = 0;

  // force browser refresh (timeout+refresh_delta)
  var $use_watchdog = 1;

  // log auto-logouts to watchdog
  var $block_title = 'Automated Logout in';

