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CHANGELOG.txt in AutoFloat 6.2

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 6 CHANGELOG.txt
  2. 7 CHANGELOG.txt
By lolandese:
  Converted into and added a D6 branch.

#1676038#comment-6474406 by klausi:
  Added a section "Related projects" to the project page, linking to the Float
  filter module.
  autofloat_install(): no user provided input is involved here, removed
  autofloat_install(): using placeholders with t() instead of concatenating
  variables into translatable strings. Same in _autofloat_filter_settings().

By lolandese:
  Changed the comment references in the CHANGELOG.txt to use the id instead of
  the sequential short number.
#1676038#comment-6434710 by lord_of_freaks:
  Removed drupal_set_message() from because:
  - it could never be called after a return statement
  - Drupal takes care of displaying a message already after saving the settings.

#1676038#comment-6364684 by dwieeb:
  In .module file in the drupal_add_css() function added options to group the
  css with other modules (CSS_DEFAULT) and set the 'every_page' flag option to
  Changed some enclosing of strings from double to single quotes.
  Removed all markup out of t() functions.
  In .module file using the l() function to get rid of the markup in the
  t() function.
  In .css files added #content to target the body besides .content. Inspecting 
  several drupal themes, this should cover most cases. Nevertheless added a note
  about it in the README.txt and inline comments in the css files.
  In the .install file avoided variable with markup and direct markup in $t()
  In the .install file added a line to clear the variable cache after uninstall.
#1676038#comment-6287048 by sanchi.girotra:
  In .install file used db_delete to delete all the variable starting
  with "autofloat_%", although this method should be avoided for modules that
  might get extended by other modules and therefore might use the same variable
  prefix. Variable cache should be cleared with this method.
  In autofloat.admin removed autofloat_admin_settings_submit() as return
  system_settings_form($form) will accordingly save content in the variable
  In .module file wrapped up the conditional drupal_add_css() into a
  In .module file access argument "administer site configuration" replaced with
  "administer text formats and filters". Makes more sense.

#1676038#comment-6219676 by drupaldrop:
  Added a 'Configure' link to the .info file to make the settings accessible
  from the modules overview page. Also added a notice with a link in the
  AutoFloat settings on the text format configuration page: "AutoFloat Filter
  settings are shared by all the text formats where it is enabled".

#1676038#comment-6216646 by lolandese:
  Changed regex delimiting character from '~' to '@'.
  Enhanced readability of the regex, added an x-modifier to be able to split it
  over multiple lines and add inline comments. More info at
  Added other inline comments to explain better the different parts of code.
  Added a right-to-left css file to swap floats on sites where both ltr and rtl
  versions of pages exist.

By lolandese:
  Added CHANGELOG.txt.


View source
  1. By lolandese:
  2. Converted into and added a D6 branch.
  3. #1676038#comment-6474406 by klausi:
  4. Added a section "Related projects" to the project page, linking to the Float
  5. filter module.
  6. autofloat_install(): no user provided input is involved here, removed
  7. filter_xss_admin().
  8. autofloat_install(): using placeholders with t() instead of concatenating
  9. variables into translatable strings. Same in _autofloat_filter_settings().
  10. By lolandese:
  11. Changed the comment references in the CHANGELOG.txt to use the id instead of
  12. the sequential short number.
  13. #1676038#comment-6434710 by lord_of_freaks:
  14. Removed drupal_set_message() from because:
  15. - it could never be called after a return statement
  16. - Drupal takes care of displaying a message already after saving the settings.
  17. #1676038#comment-6364684 by dwieeb:
  18. In .module file in the drupal_add_css() function added options to group the
  19. css with other modules (CSS_DEFAULT) and set the 'every_page' flag option to
  20. TRUE.
  21. Changed some enclosing of strings from double to single quotes.
  22. Removed all markup out of t() functions.
  23. In .module file using the l() function to get rid of the markup in the
  24. t() function.
  25. In .css files added #content to target the body besides .content. Inspecting
  26. several drupal themes, this should cover most cases. Nevertheless added a note
  27. about it in the README.txt and inline comments in the css files.
  28. In the .install file avoided variable with markup and direct markup in $t()
  29. function.
  30. In the .install file added a line to clear the variable cache after uninstall.
  31. #1676038#comment-6287048 by sanchi.girotra:
  32. In .install file used db_delete to delete all the variable starting
  33. with "autofloat_%", although this method should be avoided for modules that
  34. might get extended by other modules and therefore might use the same variable
  35. prefix. Variable cache should be cleared with this method.
  36. In autofloat.admin removed autofloat_admin_settings_submit() as return
  37. system_settings_form($form) will accordingly save content in the variable
  38. table.
  39. In .module file wrapped up the conditional drupal_add_css() into a
  40. hook_init().
  41. In .module file access argument "administer site configuration" replaced with
  42. "administer text formats and filters". Makes more sense.
  43. #1676038#comment-6219676 by drupaldrop:
  44. Added a 'Configure' link to the .info file to make the settings accessible
  45. from the modules overview page. Also added a notice with a link in the
  46. AutoFloat settings on the text format configuration page: "AutoFloat Filter
  47. settings are shared by all the text formats where it is enabled".
  48. #1676038#comment-6216646 by lolandese:
  49. Changed regex delimiting character from '~' to '@'.
  50. Enhanced readability of the regex, added an x-modifier to be able to split it
  51. over multiple lines and add inline comments. More info at
  53. techniques/#more-11011
  54. Added other inline comments to explain better the different parts of code.
  55. Added a right-to-left css file to swap floats on sites where both ltr and rtl
  56. versions of pages exist.
  57. By lolandese:
  58. Added CHANGELOG.txt.