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function _autocomplete_widgets_get_options_suggested in Autocomplete Widgets for Text and Number Fields 7

Fetch an array of options for the given widget (suggested).

Options are retrieved from the suggested values defined for the field.

1 call to _autocomplete_widgets_get_options_suggested()
_autocomplete_widgets_get_options in ./
Fetch an array of options for the given widget.


./, line 195
Common functions for Autocomplete Widgets module.


function _autocomplete_widgets_get_options_suggested($instance, $string = '', $match = 'contains', $keys = NULL, $limit = NULL) {
  $case_sensitive = !empty($instance['widget']['settings']['autocomplete_case']);
  $options = explode("\n", $instance['widget']['settings']['suggested_values']);
  $options = array_map('trim', $options);
  $options = array_filter($options, 'strlen');
  switch ($match) {
    case 'contains':
    case 'starts_with':
      $matched_options = array();
      $string = !$case_sensitive ? strtolower($string) : $string;
      foreach ($options as $key => $option) {
        $option = !$case_sensitive ? strtolower($option) : $option;
        if ($match == 'contains' && strpos($option, $string) !== FALSE) {
          $matched_options[] = $options[$key];
        elseif ($match == 'starts_with' && strpos($option, $string) === 0) {
          $matched_options[] = $options[$key];
      $options = $matched_options;
    case 'equals':
      if (in_array($string, $options, TRUE)) {
        $options = array(
  _autocomplete_widgets_sort_options($options, $instance);
  return $options;