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function authcache_p13n_frontcontroller_handle_request in Authenticated User Page Caching (Authcache) 7.2

Dispatch incomming requests to the appropriate request handler.


array $req: The request parameters as extracted by authcache_p13n_frontcontroller_prepare_request

See also


2 calls to authcache_p13n_frontcontroller_handle_request()
authcache.php in modules/authcache_p13n/safe_frontcontroller/authcache.php
Alternative front controller for user specific content fragments.
authcache.php in modules/authcache_p13n/frontcontroller/authcache.php
Default front controller for user specific content fragments.


modules/authcache_p13n/includes/, line 49
Defines the main function for the front controller.


function authcache_p13n_frontcontroller_handle_request($req) {

  // Front controller configuration.
  $check_header = variable_get('authcache_p13n_checkheader', TRUE);
  $routerclass = variable_get('authcache_p13n_router', 'AuthcacheP13nDefaultRequestRouter');
  try {

    // This frontcontroller is only capable of responding to GET and HEAD
    // requests.
    if (!($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'GET' || $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'HEAD')) {
      drupal_add_http_header('Allow', 'GET, HEAD');
      throw new AuthcacheP13nRequestException('405 Method Not Allowed');

    // Check whether the authcache HTTP header is present on the request.
    if ($check_header && empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_AUTHCACHE'])) {
      watchdog('Authcache P13n Front Controller', 'X-Authcache header is missing on request', array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
      throw new AuthcacheP13nRequestInvalidInput();

    // Check whether the client supplied a request-id.
    if (empty($req['r'])) {
      watchdog('Authcache P13n Front Controller', 'Missing r-parameter on request', array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
      throw new AuthcacheP13nRequestInvalidInput();

    // Resolve and instantiate request handler.
    $router = new $routerclass();
    $handler = $router
    if ($handler === FALSE) {
      throw new AuthcacheP13nRequestInvalidInput();

    // Send response.
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'HEAD') {

      // Discard output if client does not care about it.
    else {
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    if (is_a($e, 'AuthcacheP13nRequestException')) {
      $status = $e
    else {
      $status = '500 Internal Server Error';
      watchdog_exception('Authcache P13n Front Controller', $e);
    drupal_add_http_header('Status', $status);

    // Discard output.