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authcache_flag.test in Authenticated User Page Caching (Authcache) 7.2

Test cases for the Authcache Flag module.


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 * @file
 * Test cases for the Authcache Flag module.

 * Tests for markup substitution.
class AuthcacheFlagTest extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  protected $stubmod;
  protected $member1;
  protected $member2;
  protected $nodeFlag;
  protected $userFlag;
  protected $termFlag;
  protected $node1;
  protected $node2;
  protected $term;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Authcache Flag',
      'description' => 'Test markup substitution and fragment generation for Flags',
      'group' => 'Authcache Flag',

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setUp() {
    $node_flag_data = array(
      'entity_type' => 'node',
      'name' => 'test_node_flag',
      'title' => 'Test Flag',
      'global' => 0,
      'types' => array(
        0 => 'article',
      'flag_short' => 'Flag this item',
      'flag_long' => '',
      'flag_message' => '',
      'unflag_short' => 'Unflag this item',
      'unflag_long' => '',
      'unflag_message' => '',
      'unflag_denied_text' => 'You may not unflag this item',
      'link_type' => 'normal',
      'weight' => 0,
      'show_as_field' => 0,
      'show_on_form' => 0,
      'access_author' => '',
      'show_contextual_link' => 0,
      'show_in_links' => array(
        'full' => 1,
        'teaser' => 1,
      'i18n' => 0,
      'api_version' => 3,
    $this->nodeFlag = $this
    $user_flag_data = array(
      'entity_type' => 'user',
      'name' => 'test_user_flag',
      'title' => 'Test Flag',
      'global' => 0,
      'types' => array(
        0 => 'user',
      'flag_short' => 'Flag this item',
      'flag_long' => '',
      'flag_message' => '',
      'unflag_short' => 'Unflag this item',
      'unflag_long' => '',
      'unflag_message' => '',
      'unflag_denied_text' => 'You may not unflag this item',
      'link_type' => 'normal',
      'weight' => 0,
      'show_as_field' => 0,
      'show_on_form' => 0,
      'show_on_profile' => 0,
      'access_author' => '',
      'show_contextual_link' => 0,
      'show_in_links' => array(
        'full' => 1,
        'teaser' => 1,
      'i18n' => 0,
      'api_version' => 3,
    $this->userFlag = $this
    $taxonomy_term_flag_data = array(
      'entity_type' => 'taxonomy_term',
      'name' => 'test_taxonomy_term_flag',
      'title' => 'Test Flag',
      'global' => 0,
      'types' => array(
        0 => 'tags',
      'flag_short' => 'Flag this item',
      'flag_long' => '',
      'flag_message' => '',
      'unflag_short' => 'Unflag this item',
      'unflag_long' => '',
      'unflag_message' => '',
      'unflag_denied_text' => 'You may not unflag this item',
      'link_type' => 'normal',
      'weight' => 0,
      'show_as_field' => 0,
      'show_on_form' => 0,
      'access_author' => '',
      'show_contextual_link' => 0,
      'show_in_links' => array(
        'full' => 1,
        'teaser' => 1,
      'i18n' => 0,
      'api_version' => 3,
    $this->termFlag = $this

    // Create test user who can flag and unflag.
    $this->member1 = $this
      'flag test_node_flag',
      'flag test_user_flag',
      'flag test_taxonomy_term_flag',
      'access user profiles',
    $this->member2 = $this
      'flag test_node_flag',
      'unflag test_node_flag',
      'flag test_user_flag',
      'unflag test_user_flag',
      'flag test_taxonomy_term_flag',
      'unflag test_taxonomy_term_flag',
      'access user profiles',
    $this->editor = $this
      'access administration pages',
      'administer flags',
    $this->node1 = $this
      'type' => 'article',
      'promote' => 1,
      'uid' => $this->editor->uid,
    $this->node2 = $this
      'type' => 'article',
      'promote' => 1,
      'uid' => $this->editor->uid,

    // Add taxonomy term.
    $vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load('tags');
    $this->term = $this
    $authcache_roles = array(
    ) + $this->member1->roles + $this->member2->roles + $this->editor->roles;

    // Setup authcache.
    variable_set('authcache_roles', $authcache_roles);
    $pagecaching = _authcache_default_pagecaching();
    $pagecaching[0]['roles']['roles'] = $authcache_roles;
    $pagecaching[0]['pages'] = '';
    variable_set('authcache_pagecaching', $pagecaching);

    // HookStub.
    $this->stubmod = new ModuleStub('authcache_p13n_test');

   * Test whether the given stub passes the invocation verifier.
  protected function assertStub(HookStubProxy $stub, $verifier, $message = NULL) {
    $result = $stub
      ->verify($verifier, $error);
    if (!$message) {
      $message = t('Verify invocation of hook @hook.', array(
        '@hook' => $stub
    if (!$result && is_string($error)) {
      $message .= ' ' . $error;
      ->assertTrue($result, $message);

   * Helper to create a flag from an array of data and clear caches etc.
   * @see FlagTestCaseBase::createFlag()
  protected function createFlag($flag_data) {
    $flag = flag_flag::factory_by_array($flag_data);
    return $this

   * Save a flag to the database, clear caches, rebuild router.
  protected function saveFlag($flag) {

    // Reset our cache so our permissions show up.

    // Reset permissions so that permissions for this flag are available.
      ->checkPermissions(array(), TRUE);

    // Rebuild authcache personalization fragment router.
    return $flag;

   * Returns a new term with random properties in vocabulary $vid.
   * @see TaxonomyWebTestCase::createTerm()
  protected function createTerm($vocabulary) {
    $term = new stdClass();
    $term->name = $this
    $term->description = $this

    // Use the first available text format.
    $term->format = db_query_range('SELECT format FROM {filter_format}', 0, 1)
    $term->vid = $vocabulary->vid;
    return $term;

   * Test that the flag markup is substituted by a partial.
   * Covers authcache_flag_entity_view_alter()
  public function testNodeMarkupSubstitution() {
      ->hook('authcache_p13n_client', array(
      'authcache_p13n_test' => array(
        'title' => t('Test Client'),
        'enabled' => TRUE,

    // M1: Visit the front page populated with two node having one flag each.
    $assembly_markup = $this
    $assembly_stub = HookStub::on('theme_authcache_p13n_assembly__authcache_p13n_test', $assembly_markup);
    $partial_markup = $this
    $partial_stub = HookStub::on('theme_authcache_p13n_partial__authcache_p13n_test', $partial_markup);
      ->assertStub($assembly_stub, HookStub::times(1));
      ->assertStub($partial_stub, HookStub::times(2));

    // Load flag and change it such that it will be displayed as a pseudo field.
    $flag = flag_get_flag($this->nodeFlag->name);
    $flag->show_in_links = array();
    $flag->show_as_field = 1;
    $this->nodeFlag = $this

    // M1: Visit a full node view.
    $assembly_markup = $this
    $assembly_stub = HookStub::on('theme_authcache_p13n_assembly__authcache_p13n_test', $assembly_markup);
    $partial_markup = $this
    $partial_stub = HookStub::on('theme_authcache_p13n_partial__authcache_p13n_test', $partial_markup);
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $this->node1->nid);
      ->assertStub($assembly_stub, HookStub::times(1));
      ->assertStub($partial_stub, HookStub::times(1));

   * Test that the flag markup is substituted by a partial for taxonomy terms.
   * Covers authcache_flag_entity_view_alter()
  public function testTaxonomyTermMarkupSubstitution() {
      ->hook('authcache_p13n_client', array(
      'authcache_p13n_test' => array(
        'title' => t('Test Client'),
        'enabled' => TRUE,

    // M1: Visit a full term view.
    $assembly_markup = $this
    $assembly_stub = HookStub::on('theme_authcache_p13n_assembly__authcache_p13n_test', $assembly_markup);
    $partial_markup = $this
    $partial_stub = HookStub::on('theme_authcache_p13n_partial__authcache_p13n_test', $partial_markup);
      ->drupalGet('taxonomy/term/' . $this->term->tid);
      ->assertStub($assembly_stub, HookStub::times(1));
      ->assertStub($partial_stub, HookStub::times(1));

    // Load flag and change it such that it will be displayed as a pseudo field.
    $flag = flag_get_flag($this->termFlag->name);
    $flag->show_in_links = array();
    $flag->show_as_field = 1;
    $this->termFlag = $this

    // M1: Visit a full term view.
    $assembly_markup = $this
    $assembly_stub = HookStub::on('theme_authcache_p13n_assembly__authcache_p13n_test', $assembly_markup);
    $partial_markup = $this
    $partial_stub = HookStub::on('theme_authcache_p13n_partial__authcache_p13n_test', $partial_markup);
      ->drupalGet('taxonomy/term/' . $this->term->tid);
      ->assertStub($assembly_stub, HookStub::times(1));
      ->assertStub($partial_stub, HookStub::times(1));

   * Test that the flag markup is substituted by a partial.
   * Covers authcache_flag_entity_view_alter()
  public function testUserMarkupSubstitution() {
      ->hook('authcache_p13n_client', array(
      'authcache_p13n_test' => array(
        'title' => t('Test Client'),
        'enabled' => TRUE,

    // M1: Visit the front page populated with two node having one flag each.
    $assembly_markup = $this
    $assembly_stub = HookStub::on('theme_authcache_p13n_assembly__authcache_p13n_test', $assembly_markup);
    $partial_markup = $this
    $partial_stub = HookStub::on('theme_authcache_p13n_partial__authcache_p13n_test', $partial_markup);
      ->drupalGet('user/' . $this->member2->uid);
      ->assertStub($assembly_stub, HookStub::times(1));
      ->assertStub($partial_stub, HookStub::times(1));

    // Load flag and change it such that it will be displayed as a pseudo field.
    $flag = flag_get_flag($this->userFlag->name);
    $flag->show_in_links = array();
    $flag->show_as_field = 1;
    $flag->show_on_profile = 0;
    $this->userFlag = $this

    // M1: Visit a full node view.
    $assembly_markup = $this
    $assembly_stub = HookStub::on('theme_authcache_p13n_assembly__authcache_p13n_test', $assembly_markup);
    $partial_markup = $this
    $partial_stub = HookStub::on('theme_authcache_p13n_partial__authcache_p13n_test', $partial_markup);
      ->drupalGet('user/' . $this->member2->uid);
      ->assertStub($assembly_stub, HookStub::times(1));
      ->assertStub($partial_stub, HookStub::times(1));

    // Load flag and change it such that it will be displayed as a user profile
    // field.
    $flag = flag_get_flag($this->userFlag->name);
    $flag->show_in_links = array();
    $flag->show_as_field = 0;
    $flag->show_on_profile = 1;
    $this->userFlag = $this

    // M1: Visit a full node view.
    $assembly_markup = $this
    $assembly_stub = HookStub::on('theme_authcache_p13n_assembly__authcache_p13n_test', $assembly_markup);
    $partial_markup = $this
    $partial_stub = HookStub::on('theme_authcache_p13n_partial__authcache_p13n_test', $partial_markup);
      ->drupalGet('user/' . $this->member2->uid);
      ->assertStub($assembly_stub, HookStub::times(1));
      ->assertStub($partial_stub, HookStub::times(1));

   * Ensure that flags are rendered propertly when user has unflag permission.
   * Covers AuthcacheFlagFlagFragment
  public function testAuthcacheFlagFlagFragmentWithUnflag() {
    $partial = _authcache_flag_partial_id($this->nodeFlag);
    $url = authcache_p13n_request_get_callback('asm/flags', array(
      $partial => array(

    // Fetch (both nodes unflagged).
    $result = $this
      ->drupalGetAJAX($GLOBALS['base_root'] . $url['path'], $url['options'], array(
      'X-Authcache: 1',
    ), array_keys($result[$partial]));
      ->assertLink('Flag this item', 0, 'The flag link appears in the first fragment.');
      ->assertLink('Flag this item', 0, 'The flag link appears in the second fragment.');

    // Click the link to flag the second node.
      ->clickLink(t('Flag this item'));

    // Refetch (first node unflagged, second node flagged).
    $result = $this
      ->drupalGetAJAX($GLOBALS['base_root'] . $url['path'], $url['options'], array(
      'X-Authcache: 1',
    ), array_keys($result[$partial]));
      ->assertLink('Flag this item', 0, 'The flag link appears in the first fragment.');
      ->assertLink('Unflag this item', 0, 'The unflag link appears on the page after flagging.');

    // Click the link to flag the second node.
      ->clickLink(t('Unflag this item'));

    // Refetch (first node unflagged, second node flagged).
    $result = $this
      ->drupalGetAJAX($GLOBALS['base_root'] . $url['path'], $url['options'], array(
      'X-Authcache: 1',
    ), array_keys($result[$partial]));
      ->assertLink('Flag this item', 0, 'The flag link appears in the first fragment.');
      ->assertLink('Flag this item', 0, 'The flag link appears in the second fragment.');

   * Ensure that flags are rendered propertly when user lacks unflag permission.
   * Covers AuthcacheFlagFlagFragment
  public function testAuthcacheFlagFlagFragmentWithoutUnflag() {
    $partial = _authcache_flag_partial_id($this->nodeFlag);
    $url = authcache_p13n_request_get_callback('asm/flags', array(
      $partial => array(

    // Fetch (both nodes unflagged).
    $result = $this
      ->drupalGetAJAX($GLOBALS['base_root'] . $url['path'], $url['options'], array(
      'X-Authcache: 1',
    ), array_keys($result[$partial]));
      ->assertLink('Flag this item', 0, 'The flag link appears in the first fragment.');
      ->assertLink('Flag this item', 0, 'The flag link appears in the second fragment.');

    // Click the link to flag the second node.
      ->clickLink(t('Flag this item'));

    // Refetch (first node unflagged, second node flagged).
    $result = $this
      ->drupalGetAJAX($GLOBALS['base_root'] . $url['path'], $url['options'], array(
      'X-Authcache: 1',
    ), array_keys($result[$partial]));
      ->assertLink('Flag this item', 0, 'The flag link appears in the first fragment.');
      ->assertNoLink('Flag this item', 0, 'The flag link appears in the second fragment.');
      ->assertText('You may not unflag this item', 0, 'The unflag denied text appears on the page after flagging.');

   * Ensure that flags are not rendered when user lacks flag permissions.
   * Covers AuthcacheFlagFlagFragment
  public function testAuthcacheFlagFlagFragmentNoPermission() {
    $partial = _authcache_flag_partial_id($this->nodeFlag);
    $url = authcache_p13n_request_get_callback('asm/flags', array(
      $partial => array(
    $result = $this
      ->drupalGetAJAX($GLOBALS['base_root'] . $url['path'], $url['options'], array(
      'X-Authcache: 1',



Namesort descending Description
AuthcacheFlagTest Tests for markup substitution.