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Functions in Authenticated User Page Caching (Authcache) 7

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
authcache_user_logout ./authcache.module
authcache_wrap_local_actions ./authcache.module Post-render callback for local actions. Wrap them into an authcache span, so we can find it again in JavaScript. 1
authcache_wrap_tabs ./authcache.module Post-render callback for page-tabs. Wrap them into an authcache span, so we can find it again in JavaScript. 1
_authcache_authcache_example ajax/authcache.php Example of customized block info being returned
_authcache_backendstatus ./authcache.install Return true if settings.php is properly configured and is the last entry in the cache_backends array. 1
_authcache_blocks ajax/authcache.php Render blocks. Grab from cache if available.
_authcache_comment_num_new ajax/authcache.php Display number of new comments on node-teaser
_authcache_contact ajax/authcache.php Return default form values for site contact form
_authcache_debug_access ./ Returns true if the currently logged in user has access to debug functions. 4
_authcache_dev_query ajax/authcache.php Database benchmarks for Authcache Ajax phase 1
_authcache_diff_roles ./ Returns an array containing all the roles from account_roles that are not present in allowed_roles. 2
_authcache_form_remove_build_id ./authcache.module 1
_authcache_form_token_id ajax/authcache.php Form tokens (prevents CSRF)
_authcache_forum_topic_info ajax/authcache.php Number of new topic replies for user or topic is unread
_authcache_forum_topic_new ajax/authcache.php Number of new forum topics for user
_authcache_funcname ajax/authcache_custom.default.php Example custom function.
_authcache_get_content_type ./ Determines the MIME content type of the current page response based on the currently set Content-Type HTTP header. 1
_authcache_get_http_status ./ Determines the HTTP response code that the current page request will be returning by examining the HTTP headers that have been output so far. 1
_authcache_get_nonhtml_content_types ./ Retrun an array of cachable non-html content-types. 1
_authcache_get_roles ./ Helper function, get authcache user roles 2
_authcache_invoke_hook ./ Helper function: Invoke hook_$hook() in all modules; merge recursively. 1
_authcache_is_account_cacheable ./ Should user account receive cached pages? 2
_authcache_is_cacheable ./ Should the current page be cached? 1
_authcache_key ./ Returns caching key based on user's role. 2
_authcache_max_age ajax/authcache.php
_authcache_menu_local_tasks ajax/authcache.php Render primary & secondary tabs. Response will be cached.
_authcache_node_history ajax/authcache.php Node history
_authcache_pagecache_form ./ Add new page caching rule to form (part of ajax) 1
_authcache_poll ajax/authcache.php Get poll results/form for user Response will be cached.
_authcache_q ajax/authcache.php
_authcache_shutdown_save_page ./ Save page to cache 1
_authcache_statistics ajax/authcache.php Node counter and access log statistics
_authcache_time ajax/authcache.php


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