You are here in Authenticated User Page Caching (Authcache) 7

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  1. 6

Helper functions for the Authcache module (no Drupal hooks here).

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 * @file
 * Helper functions for the Authcache module (no Drupal hooks here).

 * Returns an array containing all the roles from account_roles that are not
 * present in allowed_roles.
function _authcache_diff_roles($account_roles, $allowed_roles) {

  // Remove "authenticated user"-role from the account roles except when it is
  // the only role on the account.
  if (array_keys($account_roles) != array(
  )) {
  return array_diff_key($account_roles, $allowed_roles);

 * Should the current page be cached?
function _authcache_is_cacheable() {
  global $user, $_authcache_is_ajax, $_authcache_info, $conf;

  // Do not cache if...
  if (drupal_is_cli()) {
    $_authcache_info['no_cache_reason'] = 'Running as CLI script';
    return FALSE;
  if (!empty($_POST)) {
    $_authcache_info['no_cache_reason'] = 'POST request';
    return FALSE;

  // disabled this, as it's covered by the "role caching" test

  //if ($user->uid == 1) {

  //  return 'User is Superadmin (user id 1)';

  if ($user->uid && !isset($_COOKIE['has_js'])) {
    $_authcache_info['no_cache_reason'] = 'Users with JS disabled';
    return FALSE;
  if (isset($_COOKIE['nocache'])) {
    $_authcache_info['no_cache_reason'] = 'Caching disabled for session (nocache cookie set)';
    return FALSE;
  if ($_authcache_is_ajax) {
    $_authcache_info['no_cache_reason'] = 'Authcache Ajax request';
    return FALSE;
  if (drupal_set_message()) {
    $_authcache_info['no_cache_reason'] = 'User notification pending (drupal_set_message)';
    return FALSE;
  if (($ar = explode('?', basename(request_uri()))) && substr(array_shift($ar), -4) == '.php') {
    $_authcache_info['no_cache_reason'] = 'PHP files (cron.php, update.php, etc)';
    return FALSE;
  if (empty($conf['cache_backends'])) {
    $_authcache_info['no_cache_reason'] = 'no cache_backends defined in settings.php - please see README.txt';
    return FALSE;
  if (variable_get('authcache_noajax', FALSE) && isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest') {
    $_authcache_info['no_cache_reason'] = 'Ajax request';
    return FALSE;

  // Check if caching is enabled for user's role
  if (!_authcache_is_account_cacheable($user)) {
    $_authcache_info['no_cache_reason'] = 'Caching disabled for this users role';
    return FALSE;
  $alias = drupal_get_path_alias($_GET['q']);
  $path = drupal_get_normal_path($_GET['q']);

  // Normalize path
  // Now check page caching settings, defined by the site admin
  $pagecaching = variable_get('authcache_pagecaching', array(
      'option' => 0,
      'roles' => array(
  $i = 0;
  $is_cacheable = TRUE;
  foreach ($pagecaching as $page_rules) {

    // Do caching page roles apply to current user?
    $extra_roles = _authcache_diff_roles($user->roles, $page_rules['roles']);
    if (empty($extra_roles)) {
      switch ($page_rules['option']) {
        case '0':

        // Cache every page except the listed pages.
        case '1':

          // Cache only the listed pages.
          $page_listed = drupal_match_path($alias, $page_rules['pages']);
          if (!!($page_rules['option'] xor $page_listed)) {
            $_authcache_info['no_cache_reason'] = 'Caching disabled by Page Ruleset ' . $i;
            $is_cacheable = FALSE;
        case '2':

          // Cache pages for which the following PHP code returns TRUE
          if (module_exists('php')) {
            $result = php_eval($page_rules['pages']);
          if (empty($result)) {
            $_authcache_info['no_cache_reason'] = 'Caching disabled by PHP Rule';
            $is_cacheable = FALSE;
      if (!empty($page_rules['noadmin']) && path_is_admin(current_path())) {
        $is_cacheable = FALSE;
        $_authcache_info['no_cache_reason'] = 'Not caching admin pages';

  // Backport from 7.x-2.x: Let other modules prevent this request from being
  // cached.
  if ($is_cacheable) {
    $reasons = module_invoke_all('authcache_request_exclude');
    if (!empty($reasons)) {
      $_authcache_info['no_cache_reason'] = reset($reasons);
      $is_cacheable = FALSE;
  return $is_cacheable;

 * Should user account receive cached pages?
function _authcache_is_account_cacheable($account = FALSE) {
  if (!$account) {
    global $user;
    $account = $user;

  // Check if caching is enabled for user's role
  $cache_roles = variable_get('authcache_roles', array());

  // Anonymous
  if (!$account->uid && !in_array(DRUPAL_ANONYMOUS_RID, $cache_roles)) {
    return FALSE;
  elseif ($account->uid) {
    $extra_roles = _authcache_diff_roles($account->roles, $cache_roles);
    if (!empty($extra_roles)) {
      return FALSE;
  return TRUE;

 * Save page to cache
 * Called using PHP's register_shutdown_function().
 * This is better than an ob_start callback since global variables
 * are not deconstructed and the function is executed later.
function _authcache_shutdown_save_page() {
  if (drupal_is_cli()) {
  global $user, $base_root, $_authcache_is_cacheable, $_authcache_info;
  $content_type = _authcache_get_content_type();

  // Find user-specified non-html pages.
  $alias = drupal_get_path_alias($_GET['q']);
  $is_cached_nonhtml = drupal_match_path($alias, variable_get('authcache_nonhtml', AUTHCACHE_NONHTML_DEFAULT)) || in_array($content_type, _authcache_get_nonhtml_content_types()) || isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest';

  // Last minute checks to cancel saving to page cache.
  if (!$is_cached_nonhtml && strpos($content_type, 'text/html' != 0)) {
    $_authcache_info['no_cache_reason'] = 'Only cache allowed HTTP content types (HTML, JS, etc)';
    $_authcache_is_cacheable = FALSE;
  if (variable_get('authcache_http200', FALSE) && _authcache_get_http_status() != 200) {
    $_authcache_info['no_cache_reason'] = 'Don`t cache 404/403s/etc if specified by admin';
    $_authcache_is_cacheable = FALSE;

  /* simg: headers_sent() seems to always true since php sets a header. removing since I can't see what benefit this achieves?
     if (headers_sent()) {
      $_authcache_info['headers_list'] = implode(' - ',headers_list());
      $_authcache_info['no_cache_reason'] = 'Don`t cache private file transfers or if headers were unexpectly sent.';
      $_authcache_is_cacheable = FALSE ;

  // Make sure "Location" redirect isn't used
  foreach (headers_list() as $header) {
    if (strpos($header, "Location:") === 0) {
      $_authcache_info['no_cache_reason'] = 'Location header detected';
      $_authcache_is_cacheable = FALSE;


  // Don't cache pages with PHP errors (Drupal can't catch fatal errors)
  if (function_exists('error_get_last') && ($error = error_get_last())) {
    switch ($error['type']) {

      // Ignore these errors:
      case E_NOTICE:

      // run-time notices
      case E_USER_NOTICE:

      // user-generated notice message
      case E_DEPRECATED:

      // run-time notices

        // user-generated notice message

        // Let user know there is PHP error and return
        $_authcache_info['no_cache_reason'] = 'PHP Error:' . error_get_last();
        $_authcache_is_cacheable = FALSE;

  //Cache key, constructed from user role and URL
  $key = _authcache_key($user) . $base_root . request_uri();

  // Authcache info JSON
  $_authcache_info = array_merge($_authcache_info, array(
    'page_render' => timer_read('page'),
    // Benchmark
    'page_queries' => '-1',
    // Database benchmark, if enabled
    'cache_render' => '-1',
    // Filled by cookie via JS on cache request
    'cache_uid' => $user->uid,
    // Required by JS for HTML updates
    'cache_class' => get_class(_cache_get_object('cache_page')),
    'cache_time' => REQUEST_TIME,
    // Required by JS for HTML updates,
    'is_cacheable' => $_authcache_is_cacheable,
    'cache_key' => $key,

  // Hide sensitive info from anonymous users
  if (variable_get('authcache_debug_all', FALSE) || !_authcache_debug_access()) {

  // Database benchmarks

  //todo:D7 make this work (probably needs moving back into php shutdown function?)
  global $_authcache_queries;
  if (isset($_authcache_queries) && variable_get('dev_query', 0)) {
    $time_query = 0;
    foreach ($_authcache_queries as $q) {
      $time_query += $q[1];
    $time_query = round($time_query * 1000, 2);

    // Convert seconds to milliseconds
    $percent_query = round($time_query / $_authcache_info['page_render'] * 100);
    $_authcache_info['page_queries'] = count($_authcache_queries) . " queries @ {$time_query} ms ({$percent_query}%)";
  else {

  // JSON to send via Ajax
  // The "q" key is need during Ajax phase
  $authcache_ajax = array(
    'q' => $_GET['q'],

  // Invoke hook_authcache_info() operation to allow modules to modify info array
  _authcache_invoke_hook('authcache_info', $_authcache_info);

  // Invoke hook_authcache() operation to allow modules to modify ajax array
  _authcache_invoke_hook('authcache_ajax', $authcache_ajax);

  // Get buffered HTML
  $buffer = ob_get_contents();
  if (substr($buffer, 0, 5) == '<?xml') {
    $is_cached_nonhtml = TRUE;

    // don't append JS to XML pages

  // Add JS for debug mode?
  if ((variable_get('authcache_debug_all', FALSE) || $user->uid && ($debug_users = variable_get('authcache_debug_users', array()))) && !$is_cached_nonhtml) {
    $js = '<script type="text/javascript">
      if (!Authcache) Authcache = {}; = ' . drupal_json_encode($_authcache_info) . '</script>';

    // Insert JSON before </body>, otherwise just append
    if (strripos($buffer, '</body>') !== FALSE) {
      $buffer = str_replace('</body>', $js . '</body>', $buffer);
    else {
      $buffer .= $js;
    print $js;

    //since by this point the drupal page has already been sent to the browser

    // Also see authcache_authcache_info() for user debug settings
    drupal_add_js($js, array(
      'type' => 'inline',
      'scope' => 'header',

  // Don't cache empty/dead pages
  if (!$buffer) {
  $path = drupal_get_normal_path($_GET['q']);

  // normalize path
  // Only place JSON info for HTML pages
  if (!$is_cached_nonhtml && $user->uid) {
    $authcache_footer['info'] = $_authcache_info;
    $authcache_footer['ajax'] = $authcache_ajax;
    $authcache_json = "\n<!-- Authcache Footer JSON -->\n" . "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\nvar authcacheFooter = " . drupal_json_encode($authcache_footer) . ";\n</script>\n";

    // Insert JSON before </body>, otherwise just append
    if (strripos($buffer, '</body>') !== FALSE) {
      $buffer = str_replace('</body>', $authcache_json . '</body>', $buffer);
    else {
      $buffer .= $authcache_json;

  //header("Content-Length: " . strlen($output)); //D7 seems to have sent headers earlier, so doesn't seem possible to set headers at this point

  // Final check, in case variable was modified
  if ($_authcache_is_cacheable !== true) {

  // Check whether the current page might be compressed.
  $page_compressed = variable_get('page_compression', TRUE) && extension_loaded('zlib');
  $cache = (object) array(
    'cid' => $key,
    'data' => array(
      'path' => $_GET['q'],
      'body' => $buffer,
      'title' => drupal_get_title(),
      'headers' => array(),
      // We need to store whether page was compressed or not,
      // because by the time it is read, the configuration might change.
      'page_compressed' => $page_compressed,
    'expire' => CACHE_TEMPORARY,
    'created' => REQUEST_TIME,

  // Restore preferred header names based on the lower-case names returned by drupal_get_http_header().
  $header_names = _drupal_set_preferred_header_name();
  foreach (drupal_get_http_header() as $name_lower => $value) {
    $cache->data['headers'][$header_names[$name_lower]] = $value;
    if ($name_lower == 'expires') {

      // Use the actual timestamp from an Expires header if available.
      $cache->expire = strtotime($value);
  if ($cache->data['body']) {
    if ($page_compressed) {
      $cache->data['body'] = gzencode($cache->data['body'], 9, FORCE_GZIP);
    cache_set($cache->cid, $cache->data, 'cache_page', $cache->expire);

 * Helper function: Invoke hook_$hook() in all modules; merge recursively.
 * Similar to module_invoke_all(), except $var is passed by reference.
function _authcache_invoke_hook($hook, &$var) {
  foreach (module_implements($hook) as $name) {
    $function = "{$name}_{$hook}";
    $result = $function();
    if (isset($result) && is_array($result)) {
      $var = array_merge_recursive($var, $result);

 * Returns caching key based on user's role.
 * This is prefixed to the URL in the cache_page bin.
function _authcache_key($account) {
  if ($authcache_keygen = variable_get('authcache_key_generator', FALSE)) {

    // Call the user specified key generator
    return $authcache_keygen($account);
  else {

    // No custom key generator defined so use the default=
    if (!$account->uid) {
      return '';
    $keys = implode('.', array_keys($account->roles));
    $key = md5($keys . drupal_get_private_key());

    // Make sure superuser has its own key not shared with anyone else (though
    // it would be better if superuser would'nt be allowed to use the cache in
    // the first place).
    if ($account->uid == 1) {
      $key = md5($key . $keys . drupal_get_private_key());
    return substr($key, 0, 6);

 * Determines the MIME content type of the current page response based on
 * the currently set Content-Type HTTP header.
 * This should normally return the string 'text/html' unless another module
 * has overridden the content type.
function _authcache_get_content_type($default = NULL) {
  return drupal_get_http_header("content-type");

 * Retrun an array of cachable non-html content-types.
function _authcache_get_nonhtml_content_types() {
  return preg_split('/(\\r\\n?|\\n)/', AUTHCACHE_NONHTML_CONTENTTYPES, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);

 * Determines the HTTP response code that the current page request will be
 * returning by examining the HTTP headers that have been output so far.
function _authcache_get_http_status($status = 200) {
  $value = drupal_get_http_header("status");
  return isset($value) ? (int) $value : $status;

 * Returns true if the currently logged in user has access to debug functions.
function _authcache_debug_access() {
  global $user;
  if (variable_get('authcache_debug_all', FALSE)) {
    return TRUE;
  elseif (!$user->uid) {
    return FALSE;
  else {
    return in_array($user->name, variable_get('authcache_debug_users', array()));


Namesort descending Description
_authcache_debug_access Returns true if the currently logged in user has access to debug functions.
_authcache_diff_roles Returns an array containing all the roles from account_roles that are not present in allowed_roles.
_authcache_get_content_type Determines the MIME content type of the current page response based on the currently set Content-Type HTTP header.
_authcache_get_http_status Determines the HTTP response code that the current page request will be returning by examining the HTTP headers that have been output so far.
_authcache_get_nonhtml_content_types Retrun an array of cachable non-html content-types.
_authcache_invoke_hook Helper function: Invoke hook_$hook() in all modules; merge recursively.
_authcache_is_account_cacheable Should user account receive cached pages?
_authcache_is_cacheable Should the current page be cached?
_authcache_key Returns caching key based on user's role.
_authcache_shutdown_save_page Save page to cache