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final class RequestOptions in Auth0 Single Sign On 8.2

This class contains a list of built-in Guzzle request options.

More documentation for each option can be found at



Expanded class hierarchy of RequestOptions

1 file declares its use of RequestOptions
Proxy.php in vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Handler/Proxy.php


vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/RequestOptions.php, line 11


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final class RequestOptions {

   * allow_redirects: (bool|array) Controls redirect behavior. Pass false
   * to disable redirects, pass true to enable redirects, pass an
   * associative to provide custom redirect settings. Defaults to "false".
   * This option only works if your handler has the RedirectMiddleware. When
   * passing an associative array, you can provide the following key value
   * pairs:
   * - max: (int, default=5) maximum number of allowed redirects.
   * - strict: (bool, default=false) Set to true to use strict redirects
   *   meaning redirect POST requests with POST requests vs. doing what most
   *   browsers do which is redirect POST requests with GET requests
   * - referer: (bool, default=false) Set to true to enable the Referer
   *   header.
   * - protocols: (array, default=['http', 'https']) Allowed redirect
   *   protocols.
   * - on_redirect: (callable) PHP callable that is invoked when a redirect
   *   is encountered. The callable is invoked with the request, the redirect
   *   response that was received, and the effective URI. Any return value
   *   from the on_redirect function is ignored.
  const ALLOW_REDIRECTS = 'allow_redirects';

   * auth: (array) Pass an array of HTTP authentication parameters to use
   * with the request. The array must contain the username in index [0],
   * the password in index [1], and you can optionally provide a built-in
   * authentication type in index [2]. Pass null to disable authentication
   * for a request.
  const AUTH = 'auth';

   * body: (resource|string|null|int|float|StreamInterface|callable|\Iterator)
   * Body to send in the request.
  const BODY = 'body';

   * cert: (string|array) Set to a string to specify the path to a file
   * containing a PEM formatted SSL client side certificate. If a password
   * is required, then set cert to an array containing the path to the PEM
   * file in the first array element followed by the certificate password
   * in the second array element.
  const CERT = 'cert';

   * cookies: (bool|GuzzleHttp\Cookie\CookieJarInterface, default=false)
   * Specifies whether or not cookies are used in a request or what cookie
   * jar to use or what cookies to send. This option only works if your
   * handler has the `cookie` middleware. Valid values are `false` and
   * an instance of {@see GuzzleHttp\Cookie\CookieJarInterface}.
  const COOKIES = 'cookies';

   * connect_timeout: (float, default=0) Float describing the number of
   * seconds to wait while trying to connect to a server. Use 0 to wait
   * indefinitely (the default behavior).
  const CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 'connect_timeout';

   * debug: (bool|resource) Set to true or set to a PHP stream returned by
   * fopen()  enable debug output with the HTTP handler used to send a
   * request.
  const DEBUG = 'debug';

   * decode_content: (bool, default=true) Specify whether or not
   * Content-Encoding responses (gzip, deflate, etc.) are automatically
   * decoded.
  const DECODE_CONTENT = 'decode_content';

   * delay: (int) The amount of time to delay before sending in milliseconds.
  const DELAY = 'delay';

   * expect: (bool|integer) Controls the behavior of the
   * "Expect: 100-Continue" header.
   * Set to `true` to enable the "Expect: 100-Continue" header for all
   * requests that sends a body. Set to `false` to disable the
   * "Expect: 100-Continue" header for all requests. Set to a number so that
   * the size of the payload must be greater than the number in order to send
   * the Expect header. Setting to a number will send the Expect header for
   * all requests in which the size of the payload cannot be determined or
   * where the body is not rewindable.
   * By default, Guzzle will add the "Expect: 100-Continue" header when the
   * size of the body of a request is greater than 1 MB and a request is
   * using HTTP/1.1.
  const EXPECT = 'expect';

   * form_params: (array) Associative array of form field names to values
   * where each value is a string or array of strings. Sets the Content-Type
   * header to application/x-www-form-urlencoded when no Content-Type header
   * is already present.
  const FORM_PARAMS = 'form_params';

   * headers: (array) Associative array of HTTP headers. Each value MUST be
   * a string or array of strings.
  const HEADERS = 'headers';

   * http_errors: (bool, default=true) Set to false to disable exceptions
   * when a non- successful HTTP response is received. By default,
   * exceptions will be thrown for 4xx and 5xx responses. This option only
   * works if your handler has the `httpErrors` middleware.
  const HTTP_ERRORS = 'http_errors';

   * idn: (bool|int, default=true) A combination of IDNA_* constants for
   * idn_to_ascii() PHP's function (see "options" parameter). Set to false to
   * disable IDN support completely, or to true to use the default
   * configuration (IDNA_DEFAULT constant).
  const IDN_CONVERSION = 'idn_conversion';

   * json: (mixed) Adds JSON data to a request. The provided value is JSON
   * encoded and a Content-Type header of application/json will be added to
   * the request if no Content-Type header is already present.
  const JSON = 'json';

   * multipart: (array) Array of associative arrays, each containing a
   * required "name" key mapping to the form field, name, a required
   * "contents" key mapping to a StreamInterface|resource|string, an
   * optional "headers" associative array of custom headers, and an
   * optional "filename" key mapping to a string to send as the filename in
   * the part. If no "filename" key is present, then no "filename" attribute
   * will be added to the part.
  const MULTIPART = 'multipart';

   * on_headers: (callable) A callable that is invoked when the HTTP headers
   * of the response have been received but the body has not yet begun to
   * download.
  const ON_HEADERS = 'on_headers';

   * on_stats: (callable) allows you to get access to transfer statistics of
   * a request and access the lower level transfer details of the handler
   * associated with your client. ``on_stats`` is a callable that is invoked
   * when a handler has finished sending a request. The callback is invoked
   * with transfer statistics about the request, the response received, or
   * the error encountered. Included in the data is the total amount of time
   * taken to send the request.
  const ON_STATS = 'on_stats';

   * progress: (callable) Defines a function to invoke when transfer
   * progress is made. The function accepts the following positional
   * arguments: the total number of bytes expected to be downloaded, the
   * number of bytes downloaded so far, the number of bytes expected to be
   * uploaded, the number of bytes uploaded so far.
  const PROGRESS = 'progress';

   * proxy: (string|array) Pass a string to specify an HTTP proxy, or an
   * array to specify different proxies for different protocols (where the
   * key is the protocol and the value is a proxy string).
  const PROXY = 'proxy';

   * query: (array|string) Associative array of query string values to add
   * to the request. This option uses PHP's http_build_query() to create
   * the string representation. Pass a string value if you need more
   * control than what this method provides
  const QUERY = 'query';

   * sink: (resource|string|StreamInterface) Where the data of the
   * response is written to. Defaults to a PHP temp stream. Providing a
   * string will write data to a file by the given name.
  const SINK = 'sink';

   * synchronous: (bool) Set to true to inform HTTP handlers that you intend
   * on waiting on the response. This can be useful for optimizations. Note
   * that a promise is still returned if you are using one of the async
   * client methods.
  const SYNCHRONOUS = 'synchronous';

   * ssl_key: (array|string) Specify the path to a file containing a private
   * SSL key in PEM format. If a password is required, then set to an array
   * containing the path to the SSL key in the first array element followed
   * by the password required for the certificate in the second element.
  const SSL_KEY = 'ssl_key';

   * stream: Set to true to attempt to stream a response rather than
   * download it all up-front.
  const STREAM = 'stream';

   * verify: (bool|string, default=true) Describes the SSL certificate
   * verification behavior of a request. Set to true to enable SSL
   * certificate verification using the system CA bundle when available
   * (the default). Set to false to disable certificate verification (this
   * is insecure!). Set to a string to provide the path to a CA bundle on
   * disk to enable verification using a custom certificate.
  const VERIFY = 'verify';

   * timeout: (float, default=0) Float describing the timeout of the
   * request in seconds. Use 0 to wait indefinitely (the default behavior).
  const TIMEOUT = 'timeout';

   * read_timeout: (float, default=default_socket_timeout ini setting) Float describing
   * the body read timeout, for stream requests.
  const READ_TIMEOUT = 'read_timeout';

   * version: (float) Specifies the HTTP protocol version to attempt to use.
  const VERSION = 'version';

   * force_ip_resolve: (bool) Force client to use only ipv4 or ipv6 protocol
  const FORCE_IP_RESOLVE = 'force_ip_resolve';



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
RequestOptions::ALLOW_REDIRECTS constant allow_redirects: (bool|array) Controls redirect behavior. Pass false to disable redirects, pass true to enable redirects, pass an associative to provide custom redirect settings. Defaults to "false". This option only works if your handler…
RequestOptions::AUTH constant auth: (array) Pass an array of HTTP authentication parameters to use with the request. The array must contain the username in index [0], the password in index [1], and you can optionally provide a built-in authentication type in index [2]. Pass null…
RequestOptions::BODY constant body: (resource|string|null|int|float|StreamInterface|callable|\Iterator) Body to send in the request.
RequestOptions::CERT constant cert: (string|array) Set to a string to specify the path to a file containing a PEM formatted SSL client side certificate. If a password is required, then set cert to an array containing the path to the PEM file in the first array element followed by…
RequestOptions::CONNECT_TIMEOUT constant connect_timeout: (float, default=0) Float describing the number of seconds to wait while trying to connect to a server. Use 0 to wait indefinitely (the default behavior).
RequestOptions::COOKIES constant cookies: (bool|GuzzleHttp\Cookie\CookieJarInterface, default=false) Specifies whether or not cookies are used in a request or what cookie jar to use or what cookies to send. This option only works if your handler has the `cookie` middleware. Valid…
RequestOptions::DEBUG constant debug: (bool|resource) Set to true or set to a PHP stream returned by fopen() enable debug output with the HTTP handler used to send a request.
RequestOptions::DECODE_CONTENT constant decode_content: (bool, default=true) Specify whether or not Content-Encoding responses (gzip, deflate, etc.) are automatically decoded.
RequestOptions::DELAY constant delay: (int) The amount of time to delay before sending in milliseconds.
RequestOptions::EXPECT constant expect: (bool|integer) Controls the behavior of the "Expect: 100-Continue" header.
RequestOptions::FORCE_IP_RESOLVE constant force_ip_resolve: (bool) Force client to use only ipv4 or ipv6 protocol
RequestOptions::FORM_PARAMS constant form_params: (array) Associative array of form field names to values where each value is a string or array of strings. Sets the Content-Type header to application/x-www-form-urlencoded when no Content-Type header is already present.
RequestOptions::HEADERS constant headers: (array) Associative array of HTTP headers. Each value MUST be a string or array of strings.
RequestOptions::HTTP_ERRORS constant http_errors: (bool, default=true) Set to false to disable exceptions when a non- successful HTTP response is received. By default, exceptions will be thrown for 4xx and 5xx responses. This option only works if your handler has the `httpErrors` middleware.
RequestOptions::IDN_CONVERSION constant idn: (bool|int, default=true) A combination of IDNA_* constants for idn_to_ascii() PHP's function (see "options" parameter). Set to false to disable IDN support completely, or to true to use the default configuration (IDNA_DEFAULT…
RequestOptions::JSON constant json: (mixed) Adds JSON data to a request. The provided value is JSON encoded and a Content-Type header of application/json will be added to the request if no Content-Type header is already present.
RequestOptions::MULTIPART constant multipart: (array) Array of associative arrays, each containing a required "name" key mapping to the form field, name, a required "contents" key mapping to a StreamInterface|resource|string, an optional "headers"…
RequestOptions::ON_HEADERS constant on_headers: (callable) A callable that is invoked when the HTTP headers of the response have been received but the body has not yet begun to download.
RequestOptions::ON_STATS constant on_stats: (callable) allows you to get access to transfer statistics of a request and access the lower level transfer details of the handler associated with your client. ``on_stats`` is a callable that is invoked when a handler has finished sending a…
RequestOptions::PROGRESS constant progress: (callable) Defines a function to invoke when transfer progress is made. The function accepts the following positional arguments: the total number of bytes expected to be downloaded, the number of bytes downloaded so far, the number of bytes…
RequestOptions::PROXY constant proxy: (string|array) Pass a string to specify an HTTP proxy, or an array to specify different proxies for different protocols (where the key is the protocol and the value is a proxy string).
RequestOptions::QUERY constant query: (array|string) Associative array of query string values to add to the request. This option uses PHP's http_build_query() to create the string representation. Pass a string value if you need more control than what this method provides
RequestOptions::READ_TIMEOUT constant read_timeout: (float, default=default_socket_timeout ini setting) Float describing the body read timeout, for stream requests.
RequestOptions::SINK constant sink: (resource|string|StreamInterface) Where the data of the response is written to. Defaults to a PHP temp stream. Providing a string will write data to a file by the given name.
RequestOptions::SSL_KEY constant ssl_key: (array|string) Specify the path to a file containing a private SSL key in PEM format. If a password is required, then set to an array containing the path to the SSL key in the first array element followed by the password required for the…
RequestOptions::STREAM constant stream: Set to true to attempt to stream a response rather than download it all up-front.
RequestOptions::SYNCHRONOUS constant synchronous: (bool) Set to true to inform HTTP handlers that you intend on waiting on the response. This can be useful for optimizations. Note that a promise is still returned if you are using one of the async client methods.
RequestOptions::TIMEOUT constant timeout: (float, default=0) Float describing the timeout of the request in seconds. Use 0 to wait indefinitely (the default behavior).
RequestOptions::VERIFY constant verify: (bool|string, default=true) Describes the SSL certificate verification behavior of a request. Set to true to enable SSL certificate verification using the system CA bundle when available (the default). Set to false to disable certificate…
RequestOptions::VERSION constant version: (float) Specifies the HTTP protocol version to attempt to use.