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function _auditfiles_not_in_database_get_file_data in Audit Files 7.4

Retrieves file data from the database and checks if it is on the server.


string $filepathname: The path and name of the file to prepare for display.

string $date_format: The format to display time/date values in.

Return value

array The row for the table on the report, with the file's information formatted for display.

2 calls to _auditfiles_not_in_database_get_file_data()
auditfiles_not_in_database_form in ./
Generates the report.
_auditfiles_not_in_database_batch_display_process_batch in ./
The batch process for displaying the files.


./, line 688
Generates a report showing files on the server, but not in the database.


function _auditfiles_not_in_database_get_file_data($filepathname, $date_format) {

  // Convert the path name to a Drupal URI scheme for comparison in the
  // database.
  // Get the path of the currently used file scheme.
  $files_path = variable_get('file_' . file_default_scheme() . '_path', conf_path() . '/files');

  // Remove the path to the files directory.
  if ($files_path != '') {
    $matches = array();
    preg_match_all('~(.*)(' . $files_path . ')(.*)~', $filepathname, $matches);
    $match = end($matches);
    $match = reset($match);
    $file_uri = file_build_uri($match);

  // See if the file is in the database.
  $query = "SELECT fid FROM {file_managed} WHERE uri = :file_uri";
  $stored_file = db_query($query, array(
    ':file_uri' => $file_uri,
  if (empty($stored_file)) {

    // This file is not in the database.
    // Get the filename from the filepathname.
    $filename = substr($filepathname, strrpos($filepathname, '/') + 1);

    // Return the file.
    return array(
      'filepathname' => $filepathname,
      'filemime' => file_get_mimetype($filepathname),
      'filesize' => number_format(filesize($filepathname)),
      'filemodtime' => format_date(filemtime($filepathname), $date_format),
      'filename' => $filename,