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42 calls to asset_load() in Asset 6

asset_check_directory in inc/
Wrapper for file_check_directory that also checks/adds a matching asset
asset_directory_view in ./
Implementation of hook_asset_type('view') for directory asset type
asset_field in modules/
Implementation of hook_field().
asset_img_preview in ./asset.module
Callback function to output an image for preview of an asset.
asset_js_preview in ./asset.module
Menu Callback from javascript to print an assets preview
asset_lightbox in ./asset.module
Integrate asset with lightbox
asset_nodeapi in inc/
Implementation of hook_nodeapi() This is where we build the asset_node records.
asset_panels_content_gallery in asset_panels/asset_panels.module
Output function for the 'node' content type. Outputs a node based on the module and delta supplied in the configuration.
asset_preview in ./asset.module
Build a preview of an asset based on module and format options. If no module and format info is given then the default teaser formatter is used.
asset_process in inc/modules/
asset_render_macro in ./asset.module
build html from atrributes array.
asset_save in inc/
Persist an asset object to the db
asset_views_handler_field_asset in ./
asset_views_handler_field_asset in inc/
asset_views_handler_field_asset in modules/
asset_views_handler_field_asset_link in ./
asset_views_handler_field_asset_link in inc/
asset_views_handler_field_asset_link in modules/
asset_widget in modules/
Define the behavior of a widget.
asset_widget in inc/modules/
Implementation of hook_widget().
asset_wizard_browse in ./asset_wizard.module
Step 1: Display a browsable list of assets
asset_wizard_default_fields in ./
This is the base form for asset types.
asset_wizard_default_fields in inc/
This is the base form for asset types.
asset_wizard_directory_options in ./
asset_wizard_directory_options in inc/
asset_wizard_form in ./
Main form builder function for the asset wizard.
asset_wizard_form in inc/
Main form builder function for the asset wizard.
asset_wizard_form_asset_selection in ./
Form builder for step 1 of the asset wizard. This step is the most intensive so it has been separated out for clarity.
asset_wizard_form_asset_selection in inc/
Form builder for step 1 of the asset wizard. This step is the most intensive so it has been separated out for clarity.
asset_wizard_form_validate in ./
Validate callback for asset_wizard_form().
asset_wizard_form_validate in inc/
Validate callback for asset_wizard_form().
asset_wizard_get_path in ./asset_wizard.module
asset_wizard_location_bar in ./
asset_wizard_location_bar in inc/
asset_wizard_menu in ./asset_wizard.module
Implementation of hook_menu().
asset_wizard_set_breadcrumb in ./asset_wizard.module
Set breadcrumb based on asset heirarchy
asset_youtube_save_asset in asset_youtube/asset_youtube.module
theme_assetfield in ./asset_wizard.module
Format an assetfield.
theme_asset_wizard_links in ./asset_wizard.module
theme_asset_wizard_selected in ./asset_wizard.module
theme_asset_wizard_textfield_preview in ./asset_wizard.module
_asset_widget_form in modules/