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function asset_panels_content_gallery in Asset 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.2 contrib/asset_panels/asset_panels.module \asset_panels_content_gallery()
  2. 5 asset_panels/asset_panels.module \asset_panels_content_gallery()

Output function for the 'node' content type. Outputs a node based on the module and delta supplied in the configuration.

1 string reference to 'asset_panels_content_gallery'
asset_panels_panels_content_types in asset_panels/asset_panels.module
Callback function to supply a list of content types.


asset_panels/asset_panels.module, line 17


function asset_panels_content_gallery($conf, $more_link = "") {
  $node = node_load($conf['nid']);
  if (function_exists('i18n_get_lang')) {
    $lang = i18n_get_lang();
    if ($node->language != $lang && isset($node->translation[$lang]->nid)) {
      $node = node_load($node->translation[$lang]->nid);
  if (!node_access('view', $node)) {
  $is_audio = array(
  $count = 0;
  $assets = array();

  // 1. Build an array of all non-audio assets
  foreach ($node as $fieldname => $value) {
    if (substr($fieldname, 0, 6) == "field_") {

      // For each cck field, check if it's an asset field
      $fields = content_fields($fieldname, $node->type);
      if ($fields['type'] == "asset") {
        foreach ($node->{$fieldname} as $asset) {

          // Add the html code for the preview
          if (!empty($asset['aid'])) {
            $a = asset_load(array(
              'aid' => $asset['aid'],
            if (!in_array($a->extension, $is_audio)) {
              $assets[] = array(
                'aid' => $asset['aid'],
                'caption' => $asset['caption'],
                'copyright' => $asset['copyright'],

  // 2. Make some calculations (how many pages we have for instance)
  $amount_of_assets = count($assets);
  if ($conf['asset_amount'] < $amount_of_assets) {
    $amount_of_assets = $conf['asset_amount'];
  $amount_of_assets_per_page = $conf['asset_amount_per_page'];
  if ($amount_of_assets > $amount_of_assets_per_page) {

    // There are more assets than we are allow to show on one page
    $amount_of_pages = round($amount_of_assets / $amount_of_assets_per_page);
  else {

    // There are less assets than we are allow to show on one page, so we display them all
    $amount_of_pages = 0;

  // 3. Display $conf['asset_amount'] of assets, depending on which page you're at
  $page_this = $_GET['page'] ? $_GET['page'] : 1;
  $page_prev = $page_this - 1;
  $page_next = $page_this + 1;
  $range_from = 0;
  if (!$amount_of_pages) {
    $range_from = 0;
    $range_to = $amount_of_assets - 1;
  else {
    $range_from = $page_prev * $amount_of_assets_per_page;
    $range_to = $range_from + $amount_of_assets_per_page - 1;
  $output = "<div class='asset-gallery'>";
  foreach (range($range_from, $range_to) as $range) {
    if ($assets[$range]) {
      $output .= "<div class='asset-gallery-item-wrapper'><div class='asset-gallery-item'>";
      $asset = array(
      $output .= asset_lightbox($asset);
      $output .= "</div></div>";
  if ($more_link) {
    $output .= "<div class='asset-gallery-more read-more'>" . l(t("More"), $more_link) . "</div>";
  $output .= '</div>';

  // 4. Generate the pager
  if ($amount_of_pages) {
    $output .= '<div class="pager">';
    if ($_GET['page'] && $_GET['page'] != 1) {
      $output .= '<a href="/' . $_GET['q'] . '" class="pager-first active">&laquo; ' . t('first') . '</a>';
      $output .= '<a href="/' . $_GET['q'] . '?page=' . $page_prev . '" class="pager-previous active">&lsaquo; ' . t('previous') . '</a>';
    $output .= '<span class="pager-list">' . t('Page');
    foreach (range(1, $amount_of_pages) as $range) {
      if ($range != $page_this) {
        $output .= '<a href="/' . $_GET['q'] . '?page=' . $range . '" class="pager-last active">' . $range . '</a>';
      else {
        $output .= '<strong class="pager-current">' . $range . '</strong>';
    $output .= '</span>';
    if ($_GET['page'] < $amount_of_pages) {
      $output .= '<a href="/' . $_GET['q'] . '?page=' . $page_next . '" class="pager-last active">' . t('next') . ' &rsaquo;</a>';
      $output .= '<a href="/' . $_GET['q'] . '?page=' . $amount_of_pages . '" class="pager-last active">' . t('last') . ' &raquo;</a>';
    $output .= '</div><span class="clear"></span>';

  // 5. Display it all
  return $output;