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function asset_render in Asset 5.2

Central asset rendering function.


$asset : The asset to be rendered

$format : Can be either a full array of formatting options (like that returned from asset_get_macros() or a string specifying the formatter to use

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function asset_render($asset, $format = NULL) {
  if (is_array($format)) {
    $attr = $format;
    $format = $attr['format'];
  else {
    $attr = array(
      'format' => $format,
  if (in_array($format, array_keys($asset->formatters))) {
    $format = $asset->formatters[$format];
    $output = module_invoke($format->module, 'asset_formatter', 'render', $asset, $attr);
    $attr['display'] = $attr['display'] ? $attr['display'] : $format->display;
    return theme('asset', $output, $attr);
  else {
    return 'n/a';