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function asset_lightbox in Asset 5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 asset.module \asset_lightbox()

Integrate asset with lightbox

2 calls to asset_lightbox()
asset_field_formatter in modules/
Prepare an individual item for viewing in a browser.
asset_panels_content_gallery in asset_panels/asset_panels.module
Output function for the 'node' content type. Outputs a node based on the module and delta supplied in the configuration.


./asset.module, line 338


function asset_lightbox($assets, $preview = FALSE, $teaser = FALSE) {
  if (!$preview && file_exists(path_to_theme() . "/lightbox/lightbox.js")) {

    // Do not include Lightbox integration in preview mode: it breaks the jQuery fieldsets
    drupal_add_js(path_to_theme() . "/lightbox/prototype.js");
    drupal_add_js(path_to_theme() . "/lightbox/scriptaculous.js?load=effects");
    drupal_add_js(path_to_theme() . "/lightbox/lightbox.js");
    drupal_add_css(path_to_theme() . "/lightbox/lightbox.css");
  $output = "";
  $is_image = array(
  $is_audio = array(
  $count = 1;
  $total = 3;
  $imgpresent = 1;
  $imgcount = 0;
  $imgdisplay = 0;
  $firstimg = "";
  foreach ($assets as $asset) {
    $a = asset_load(array(
      'aid' => $asset['aid'],
    if (in_array($a->extension, $is_image)) {

      // If it's an image and imagecache configuration has been done, display the imagecached version
      $imagecache = asset_get_default_formatter('local', $a->extension, $teaser);
      if (function_exists('theme_imagecache') && substr($imagecache, 0, 11) == "imagecache:") {
        list($imagecache, $preset) = split(":", $imagecache);
        $img = theme('imagecache', $preset, $a->filepath, $asset['caption'], $asset['caption']);
      else {
        $img = theme('image', $a->filepath, $asset['caption'], $asset['caption']);
      $link = '<a href="' . file_create_url($a->filepath) . '" rel="lightbox[gallery]" title="' . str_replace("\"", "'", $asset['caption']);
      $link .= $asset['copyright'] ? '<br/>&#169; ' . str_replace("\"", "'", $asset['copyright']) . '"' : '"';

      // We only want to display $total thumbnails, but we need the html for the lightbox gallery
      if ($count > $total) {
        $link .= " style='display:none'";
      else {
      if (empty($firstimg)) {
        $firstimg = $link . ">";
      $link .= ">" . $img . "</a>";
      $output .= $link;
      if ($count <= $total) {
        $output .= $asset['caption'] ? "<p>" . $asset['caption'] . "</p>" : "";
        $output .= $asset['copyright'] ? "<p class='attribution'>&#169; " . $asset['copyright'] . "</p>" : "";
        $output .= "<br/>";
    else {

      // Not an image so automatically asset_preview() it
      $output .= asset_preview($asset['aid']);
      $output .= $asset['caption'] ? "<p>" . $asset['caption'] . "</p>" : "";
      $output .= $asset['copyright'] ? "<p class='attribution'>&#169; " . $asset['copyright'] . "</p>" : "";
      if (in_array($a->extension, $is_audio)) {
        $output .= '<p><a href="' . file_create_url($a->filepath) . '">' . t("Download this audio file") . '</a></p>';
  if (!empty($imgcount) && $imgcount > $imgdisplay) {
    $firstimg = str_replace("style='display:none'", "", $firstimg);
    $output .= t('<br/><div class="view-all-images">' . $firstimg . '%mycount </a></div>', array(
      '%mycount' => format_plural($imgcount, 'View the image', 'View all @count images'),
  return $output;