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function drush_apps_install in Apps 7

Install an app, or list.


./, line 145
Apps module drush integration.


function drush_apps_install() {
  module_load_include('inc', 'apps', 'apps.installer');
  $apps = func_get_args();
  $installable = drush_apps_installable_apps();
  $to_install = array();

  // Verify that all apps are installable,
  foreach ($apps as $app) {
    if (array_key_exists($app, $installable)) {
      $to_install[$app] = $installable[$app];
    else {
      drush_log(dt('App @app is not available for installation', array(
        '@app' => $app,
      )), 'error');

  // If we have no installable apps, list all apps that are installable.
  if (empty($to_install)) {
    $type = drush_choice($installable, 'Enter a number to choose which App to install.', '!key');
    if ($type === FALSE) {
    $to_install[$type] = $installable[$type];

  // For each app we want to download its dependencies and itself.
  foreach ($to_install as $app => $server) {
    drush_print(dt('Install @app for server @server', array(
      '@app' => $app,
      '@server' => $server,
    $downloadables = apps_download_apps_list(apps_app_load($server, $app));
    foreach ($downloadables as $downloadable) {
      $download = array(
        'url' => $downloadable['url'],
      $name = $downloadable['name'];
      $download_location = variable_get('apps_install_path', APPS_INSTALL_PATH) . "/" . $name;
      $parts = explode('.', DRUSH_VERSION);
      if ($parts[0] < 6 && !($parts[0] == 5 && $parts[1] > 9)) {
        $downloaded = make_download_file($name, $download, $download_location);
      else {
        $downloaded = make_download_file($name, 'file', $download, $download_location);
      if (!$downloaded) {
        drush_log(dt('One of the dependencies of @app failed to download, canceling installation', array(
          '@app' => $app,
        )), 'error');

    // As there are now new modules, we have to reset the module data static
    // cache.
    drush_invoke('pm-enable', $app);