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function apply_for_role_block_view in Apply for role 7.2

Implements hook_block_view()

Used to render content for creat_block_view


./apply_for_role.module, line 243
Allows users to apply for roles.


function apply_for_role_block_view($delta = '') {

  // Check that the relevant block is loaded.
  if ($delta == 'apply_for_role') {

    // Load user for permissions check.
    global $user;

    // Check if user can even access apply for role before proceeding.
    if (user_access('apply for roles')) {

      // Attempt to fetch form.
      $form = drupal_get_form("apply_for_role_apply_form", $user);

      // Check if form is empty and should not be displayed.
      if (!empty($form['no_roles']) && variable_get('apply_for_role_hide_block_no_roles', 0) == TRUE) {
        return FALSE;
      else {
        return array(
          "subject" => t("APPLY FOR ROLES"),
          "content" => $form,
    else {
      return FALSE;