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7 calls to EdgeEntityBase::id() in Apigee Edge 8

ApiProduct::id in src/Entity/ApiProduct.php
We have to override this to make it compatible with the SDK's entity interface that has return type hint.
App::label in src/Entity/App.php
Gets the label of the entity.
Developer::id in src/Entity/Developer.php
We have to override this to make it compatible with the SDK's entity interface that has return type hint.
DeveloperApp::id in src/Entity/DeveloperApp.php
We have to override this.
EdgeEntityBase::label in src/Entity/EdgeEntityBase.php
Gets the label of the entity.
Team::id in modules/apigee_edge_teams/src/Entity/Team.php
We have to override this.
TeamApp::id in modules/apigee_edge_teams/src/Entity/TeamApp.php
We have to override this.