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DeveloperApp.php in Apigee Edge 8


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 * Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
 * MA 02110-1301, USA.
namespace Drupal\apigee_edge\Entity;

use Apigee\Edge\Api\Management\Entity\DeveloperApp as EdgeDeveloperApp;
use Apigee\Edge\Entity\EntityInterface as EdgeEntityInterface;
use Drupal\apigee_edge\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeInterface;
use Drupal\user\Entity\User;
use Drupal\user\UserInterface;

 * Defines the Developer app entity class.
 * @\Drupal\apigee_edge\Annotation\EdgeEntityType(
 *   id = "developer_app",
 *   label = @Translation("Developer App"),
 *   label_collection = @Translation("Developer Apps"),
 *   label_singular = @Translation("developer app"),
 *   label_plural = @Translation("developer apps"),
 *   label_count = @PluralTranslation(
 *     singular = "@count developer app",
 *     plural = "@count developer apps",
 *   ),
 *   config_with_labels = "apigee_edge.developer_app_settings",
 *   handlers = {
 *     "storage" = "Drupal\apigee_edge\Entity\Storage\DeveloperAppStorage",
 *     "access" = "Drupal\apigee_edge\Entity\EdgeEntityAccessControlHandler",
 *     "permission_provider" = "Drupal\apigee_edge\Entity\DeveloperAppPermissionProvider",
 *     "form" = {
 *       "default" = "Drupal\apigee_edge\Entity\Form\DeveloperAppCreateForm",
 *       "add" = "Drupal\apigee_edge\Entity\Form\DeveloperAppCreateForm",
 *       "add_for_developer" = "Drupal\apigee_edge\Entity\Form\DeveloperAppCreateFormForDeveloper",
 *       "edit" = "Drupal\apigee_edge\Entity\Form\DeveloperAppEditForm",
 *       "edit_for_developer" = "Drupal\apigee_edge\Entity\Form\DeveloperAppEditFormForDeveloper",
 *       "delete" = "Drupal\apigee_edge\Entity\Form\AppDeleteForm",
 *       "delete_for_developer" = "Drupal\apigee_edge\Entity\Form\DeveloperAppDeleteFormForDeveloper",
 *       "analytics" = "Drupal\apigee_edge\Form\DeveloperAppAnalyticsForm",
 *       "analytics_for_developer" = "Drupal\apigee_edge\Form\DeveloperAppAnalyticsFormForDeveloper",
 *       "add_api_key" = "Drupal\apigee_edge\Form\DeveloperAppApiKeyAddForm",
 *       "delete_api_key" = "Drupal\apigee_edge\Form\DeveloperAppApiKeyDeleteForm",
 *       "revoke_api_key" = "Drupal\apigee_edge\Form\DeveloperAppApiKeyRevokeForm",
 *     },
 *     "list_builder" = "Drupal\apigee_edge\Entity\ListBuilder\AppListBuilder",
 *     "view_builder" = "Drupal\apigee_edge\Entity\AppViewBuilder",
 *     "route_provider" = {
 *        "html" = "Drupal\apigee_edge\Entity\DeveloperAppRouteProvider",
 *     },
 *   },
 *   links = {
 *     "canonical" = "/developer-apps/{developer_app}",
 *     "collection" = "/developer-apps",
 *     "add-form" = "/developer-apps/add",
 *     "edit-form" = "/developer-apps/{developer_app}/edit",
 *     "delete-form" = "/developer-apps/{developer_app}/delete",
 *     "analytics" = "/developer-apps/{developer_app}/analytics",
 *     "canonical-by-developer" = "/user/{user}/apps/{app}",
 *     "collection-by-developer" = "/user/{user}/apps",
 *     "add-form-for-developer" = "/user/{user}/create-app",
 *     "edit-form-for-developer" = "/user/{user}/apps/{app}/edit",
 *     "delete-form-for-developer" = "/user/{user}/apps/{app}/delete",
 *     "analytics-for-developer" = "/user/{user}/apps/{app}/analytics",
 *     "api-keys" = "/user/{user}/apps/{app}/api-keys",
 *     "add-api-key-form" = "/user/{user}/apps/{app}/api-keys/add",
 *     "delete-api-key-form" = "/user/{user}/apps/{app}/api-keys/{consumer_key}/delete",
 *     "revoke-api-key-form" = "/user/{user}/apps/{app}/api-keys/{consumer_key}/revoke",
 *   },
 *   entity_keys = {
 *     "id" = "appId",
 *   },
 *   query_class = "Drupal\apigee_edge\Entity\Query\DeveloperAppQuery",
 *   admin_permission = "administer developer_app",
 *   field_ui_base_route = "apigee_edge.settings.developer_app",
 * )
class DeveloperApp extends App implements DeveloperAppInterface {

   * The cached Drupal UID.
   * Use getOwnerId() to return the correct value.
   * @var null|int
  protected $drupalUserId;

   * The decorated developer app entity from the SDK.
   * @var \Apigee\Edge\Api\Management\Entity\DeveloperApp
  protected $decorated;

   * DeveloperApp constructor.
   * @param array $values
   *   An array of values to set, keyed by property name.
   * @param null|string $entity_type
   *   Type of the entity. It is optional because constructor sets its default
   *   value.
   * @param \Apigee\Edge\Entity\EntityInterface|null $decorated
   *   The SDK entity that this Drupal entity decorates.
  public function __construct(array $values, ?string $entity_type = NULL, ?EdgeEntityInterface $decorated = NULL) {

    // Little help to make it easier to initialize a new developer app object
    // with a property configured developerId which is required in app
    // creation.
    // @see DeveloperAppEntityControllerProxy::create()
    if (isset($values['drupalUserId'])) {

    /** @var \Apigee\Edge\Api\Management\Entity\DeveloperAppInterface $decorated */
    $entity_type = $entity_type ?? 'developer_app';
    parent::__construct($values, $entity_type, $decorated);

   * We have to override this.
   * This is how we could make it compatible with the SDK's
   * entity interface that has return type hint.
  public function id() : ?string {
    return parent::id();

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getOwner() {
    $owner_id = $this
    return $owner_id === NULL ? NULL : User::load($owner_id);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setOwner(UserInterface $account) {
    return $this;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getOwnerId() {
    if ($this->drupalUserId === NULL) {
      if ($this
        ->getDeveloperId()) {
        $developer = Developer::load($this
        if ($developer) {

          /** @var \Drupal\user\UserInterface $account */
          $account = user_load_by_mail($developer
          if ($account) {
            $this->drupalUserId = $account
    return $this->drupalUserId;

   * Sets the entity owner's user ID.
   * @param int $uid
   *   The owner user id.
   * @return $this
  public function setOwnerId($uid) {
    $this->drupalUserId = $uid;
    $user = User::load($uid);
    if ($user) {
      $developer = Developer::load($user
      if ($developer) {
      else {

        // Sanity check, probably someone called this method with invalid data.
        throw new InvalidArgumentException("Developer with {$user->getEmail()} email does not exist on Apigee Edge.");
    else {

      // Sanity check, probably someone called this method with invalid data.
      throw new InvalidArgumentException("User with {$uid} id does not exist.");
    return $this;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected static function decoratedClass() : string {
    return EdgeDeveloperApp::class;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function idProperty() : string {
    return EdgeDeveloperApp::idProperty();

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getAppOwner() : ?string {
    return $this

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setAppOwner(string $owner) : void {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getDeveloperId() : ?string {
    return $this->decorated

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function baseFieldDefinitions(EntityTypeInterface $entity_type) {

    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition[] $definitions */
    $definitions = parent::baseFieldDefinitions($entity_type);
    $developer_app_singular_label = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
    $developer_app_singular_label = mb_convert_case($developer_app_singular_label, MB_CASE_TITLE);
      ->setLabel(t('@developer_app name', [
      '@developer_app' => $developer_app_singular_label,
      ->setLabel(t('@developer_app status', [
      '@developer_app' => $developer_app_singular_label,
    $developer_app_settings = \Drupal::config('apigee_edge.developer_app_settings');
    foreach ((array) $developer_app_settings
      ->get('required_base_fields') as $required) {

    // Hide readonly properties from Manage form display list.
      ->setDisplayConfigurable('form', FALSE);
    return $definitions;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function urlRouteParameters($rel) {
    $params = parent::urlRouteParameters($rel);
    $link_templates = $this
    if (isset($link_templates[$rel])) {
      if (strpos($link_templates[$rel], '{user}') !== FALSE) {
        $params['user'] = $this
      if (strpos($link_templates[$rel], '{app}') !== FALSE) {
        $params['app'] = $this
      if (strpos($link_templates[$rel], '{developer_app}') === FALSE) {
    return $params;



Namesort descending Description
DeveloperApp Defines the Developer app entity class.