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function apigee_edge_user_cancel_methods_alter in Apigee Edge 8

Implements hook_user_cancel_methods_alter().


./apigee_edge.module, line 1419
Copyright 2018 Google Inc.


function apigee_edge_user_cancel_methods_alter(&$methods) {

  // Transform available keys to replacements that could be passed to t().
  $get_replacements = function (array $method_info) : array {
    $replacements = [];
    array_walk($method_info, function ($value, $key) use (&$replacements) {
      $replacements["@{$key}"] = $value;
    return $replacements;

  // Returns extra information for a method that we would like to display.
  // "title" is what a user with "administer users" permission can see,
  // "description" is for regular authenticated users by default.
  $get_extra_info = function (string $key, $replacements) : ?array {
    $extra_infos = [
      'user_cancel_block' => [
        'title' => t("@title Account's API credentials will be invalid until this account gets re-activated.", $replacements),
        'description' => t('@description <strong>Your API credentials will be invalid until your account is unblocked.</strong>', $replacements),
      'user_cancel_delete' => [
        'title' => t("@title <strong>All API apps and API credentials owned by this account will be deleted from Apigee Edge.</strong>", $replacements),
        'description' => t('@description <strong>Your API apps and API credentials will be deleted permanently.</strong>', $replacements),

    // The same warning should be displayed in these cancellation methods.
    $extra_infos['user_cancel_block_unpublish'] = $extra_infos['user_cancel_block'];
    $extra_infos['user_cancel_reassign'] = $extra_infos['user_cancel_delete'];
    return $extra_infos[$key] ?? NULL;
  foreach ($methods as $method => $info) {
    $extra_info = $get_extra_info($method, $get_replacements($info));
    if ($extra_info) {
      $methods[$method] = array_merge($methods[$method], $extra_info);