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function ape_page_delivery_callback_alter in Advanced Page Expiration 7

Implements hook_page_delivery_callback_alter().

Set an exception length cache-control, or if no match set a global value.


./ape.module, line 105
Allows finer control of the Cache Control header.


function ape_page_delivery_callback_alter(&$callback) {
  $max_age = ape_cache_set();

  // Check to see if another module or hook has already set an APE header. This
  // allows rules or other module integration to take precedent.
  if (is_null($max_age)) {
    if (ape_check_path(variable_get('ape_alternatives', ''), $_GET['q'])) {
      $max_age = variable_get('ape_alternative_lifetime', 0);
    else {
      $max_age = variable_get('page_cache_maximum_age', 0);
  $router_item = menu_get_item();

  // If 404, set to 404 configurable value.
  if ($router_item == FALSE) {
    $max_age = variable_get('ape_404_lifetime', 0);
  elseif ($router_item['access'] == FALSE) {
    $max_age = 0;

  // Allow max_age to be altered by hook_ape_cache_alter().
  $original_max_age = $max_age;
  drupal_alter('ape_cache_expiration', $max_age, $original_max_age);