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function ape_cache_set in Advanced Page Expiration 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 ape.module \ape_cache_set()

Statically cache an expiration length.


int $new_age: The new value for age.

Return value

int The resulting max age.

1 call to ape_cache_set()
ApeSubscriber::onRespond in src/EventSubscriber/ApeSubscriber.php
Sets extra headers on successful responses.


./ape.module, line 52
Allows finer control of the Cache Control header.


function ape_cache_set($new_age = NULL) {
  $max_age =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
  if (!isset($max_age)) {
    $max_age = NULL;
  if (is_null($max_age) && !is_null($new_age)) {
    $max_age = $new_age;
  return $max_age;