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apdqc.test in Asynchronous Prefetch Database Query Cache 7

Tests for the Asynchronous Prefetch Database Query Cache module.


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 * @file
 * Tests for the Asynchronous Prefetch Database Query Cache module.

 * Add new functionality to DrupalWebTestCase.
class ApdqcCacheTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  protected $defaultBin = 'cache';
  protected $defaultCid = 'test_temporary';
  protected $defaultValue = 'CacheTest';

   * Setup for tests.
  public function setUp() {
    $cache_backends = variable_get('cache_backends', array());
    $file_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'apdqc');
    $cache_backends[] = "{$file_path}/";
    variable_set('cache_backends', $cache_backends);
    variable_set('cache_default_class', 'APDQCache');

   * Check whether or not a cache entry exists.
   * @param string $cid
   *   The cache id.
   * @param mixed $var
   *   The variable the cache should contain.
   * @param string $bin
   *   The bin the cache item was stored in.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE on pass, FALSE on fail.
  protected function checkCacheExists($cid, $var, $bin = NULL) {
    if ($bin == NULL) {
      $bin = $this->defaultBin;
    $cache = new APDQCache($bin);
    $cached = $cache
    return isset($cached->data) && $cached->data == $var;

   * Assert that a cache entry exists.
   * @param string $message
   *   Message to display.
   * @param mixed $var
   *   The variable the cache should contain.
   * @param string $cid
   *   The cache id.
   * @param string $bin
   *   The bin the cache item was stored in.
  protected function assertCacheExists($message, $var = NULL, $cid = NULL, $bin = NULL) {
    if ($bin == NULL) {
      $bin = $this->defaultBin;
    if ($cid == NULL) {
      $cid = $this->defaultCid;
    if ($var == NULL) {
      $var = $this->defaultValue;
      ->checkCacheExists($cid, $var, $bin), $message);

   * Assert that a cache entry has been removed.
   * @param string $message
   *   Message to display.
   * @param string $cid
   *   The cache id.
   * @param string $bin
   *   The bin the cache item was stored in.
  public function assertCacheRemoved($message, $cid = NULL, $bin = NULL) {
    if ($bin == NULL) {
      $bin = $this->defaultBin;
    if ($cid == NULL) {
      $cid = $this->defaultCid;
    $cache = new APDQCache($bin);
    $cached = $cache
      ->assertFalse($cached, $message);

   * Perform the general wipe.
   * @param string $bin
   *   The bin to perform the wipe on.
  protected function generalWipe($bin = NULL) {
    if ($bin == NULL) {
      $bin = $this->defaultBin;
    $cache = new APDQCache($bin);

   * Setup minimum lifetime settings for caching.
   * @param int $time
   *   The minimum time in seconds the cache should live.
  protected function setupLifetime($time) {
    variable_set('cache_lifetime', $time);
    variable_set('cache_flush', 0);


 * Test cache clearing methods for APDQC.
class ApdqcCacheClearCase extends ApdqcCacheTestCase {

   * Provide information to the UI for this test.
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'APDQC cache clear test',
      'description' => t('Check that caches are cleared correctly.'),
      'group' => 'APDQC',

   * Install the apdqc module and setup the cache.
  public function setUp() {
    $this->defaultBin = 'cache_page';
    $this->defaultValue = $this
    $cache_backends = variable_get('cache_backends', array());
    $file_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'apdqc');
    $cache_backends[] = "{$file_path}/";
    variable_set('cache_backends', $cache_backends);
    variable_set('cache_default_class', 'APDQCache');

   * Tests CACHE_TEMPORARY behavior.
  public function testCacheTemporary() {
    $cache = new APDQCache($this->defaultBin);

    // Set a permanent and temporary cache item.
      ->set('test_cache_temporary', $this->defaultValue, CACHE_TEMPORARY);
      ->set('test_cache_permanent', $this->defaultValue);

    // Also set expired and yet to expire cache items.
      ->set('test_cache_expired', $this->defaultValue, REQUEST_TIME - 1000);
      ->set('test_cache_not_expired', $this->defaultValue, REQUEST_TIME + 1000);

    // Run Tests.
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cache_expired', $this->defaultValue), 'cache_expired set');
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cache_temporary', $this->defaultValue), 'cache_temporary set');
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cache_permanent', $this->defaultValue), 'cache_permanent set');
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cache_not_expired', $this->defaultValue), 'cache_not_expired set');

    // Clear all items in the bin. Only the temporary and expired items should
    // be removed.

    // Run Tests.
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cache_expired', $this->defaultValue), 'cache_expired removed after a clear');
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cache_temporary', $this->defaultValue), 'cache_temporary removed after a clear');
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cache_permanent', $this->defaultValue), 'cache_permanent still set after a clear');
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cache_not_expired', $this->defaultValue), 'cache_not_expired still set after a clear');

    // Re-add the items we just cleared.
      ->set('test_cache_temporary', $this->defaultValue, CACHE_TEMPORARY);
      ->set('test_cache_expired', $this->defaultValue, REQUEST_TIME - 1000);

    // Set a minimum cache lifetime.

    // Now after clearing the bin, only the expired item should be removed.

    // Run Tests.
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cache_expired', $this->defaultValue), 'cache_expired removed after a clear with min lifetime');
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cache_temporary', $this->defaultValue), 'cache_temporary still set after a clear with min lifetime');
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cache_permanent', $this->defaultValue), 'cache_permanent still set after a clear with min lifetime');
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cache_not_expired', $this->defaultValue), 'cache_not_expired still set after a clear with min lifetime');

   * Test clearing using an array.
  public function testClearArray() {
    $cache = new APDQCache($this->defaultBin);

    // Create three cache entries.
      ->set('test_cid_clear1', $this->defaultValue);
      ->set('test_cid_clear2', $this->defaultValue);
      ->set('test_cid_clear3', $this->defaultValue);
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear1', $this->defaultValue) && $this
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear2', $this->defaultValue) && $this
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear3', $this->defaultValue), 'Three cache entries were created.');

    // Clear two entries using an array.
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear1', $this->defaultValue) || $this
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear2', $this->defaultValue), 'Two cache entries removed after clearing with an array.');

    // Make sure the 3rd entry still exists.
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear3', $this->defaultValue), 'Entry was not cleared from the cache');

    // Create two cache entries.
      ->set('test_cid_clear1', $this->defaultValue);
      ->set('test_cid_clear2', $this->defaultValue);
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear1', $this->defaultValue) && $this
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear2', $this->defaultValue), 'Two cache entries were created.');

    // Clear all three entries using an array.
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear1', $this->defaultValue) || $this
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear2', $this->defaultValue) || $this
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear3', $this->defaultValue), 'All cache entries removed when the array exceeded the cache clear threshold.');

   * Test minimum cache lifetime.
  public function testMinimumCacheLifetime() {

    // Set a minimum/maximum cache lifetime.

    // Login as a newly-created user.
    $account = $this

    // Set two cache objects in different bins.
    $data = $this
    $cache = new APDQCache('cache');
      ->set($data, $data, CACHE_TEMPORARY);
    $cached = $cache
      ->assertTrue(isset($cached->data) && $cached->data === $data, 'Cached item retrieved.');
    $cache_page = new APDQCache('cache_page');
      ->set($data, $data, CACHE_TEMPORARY);

    // Expire old items in the 'page' bin.

    // Since the database cache uses REQUEST_TIME, set the $_SESSION variable
    // manually to force it to the current time.
    $_SESSION['cache_expiration']['cache_page'] = time();

    // Items in the default cache bin should not be expired.
    $cached = $cache
      ->assertTrue(isset($cached->data) && $cached->data == $data, 'Cached item retrieved');

    // Despite the minimum cache lifetime, the item in the 'page' bin should
    // be invalidated for the current user.
    $cached = $cache_page
      ->assertFalse($cached, 'Cached item was invalidated');


 * Test isEmpty() function.
class ApdqcCacheIsEmptyCase extends ApdqcCacheTestCase {

   * Provide information to the UI for this test.
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'APDQC Cache emptiness test',
      'description' => 'Check if a cache bin is empty after performing clear operations.',
      'group' => 'APDQC',

   * Install the apdqc module and setup the cache.
  public function setUp() {
    $this->defaultBin = 'cache_page';
    $this->defaultValue = $this
    $cache_backends = variable_get('cache_backends', array());
    $file_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'apdqc');
    $cache_backends[] = "{$file_path}/";
    variable_set('cache_backends', $cache_backends);

   * Test clearing using a cid.
  public function testIsEmpty() {
    $cache = new APDQCache($this->defaultBin);

    // Clear the cache bin.
      ->clear('*', TRUE);

    // Run the test.
      ->isEmpty(), 'The cache bin is empty');

    // Add some data to the cache bin.
      ->set($this->defaultCid, $this->defaultValue, CACHE_PERMANENT);
      ->assertCacheExists(t('Cache was set.'), $this->defaultValue, $this->defaultCid);

    // Run the test.
      ->isEmpty(), 'The cache bin is not empty');

    // Remove the cached data.
      ->clear($this->defaultCid, FALSE);

    // Run the test.
      ->assertCacheRemoved(t('Cache was removed.'), $this->defaultCid);
      ->isEmpty(), 'The cache bin is empty');


 * Tests for the lock system.
class ApdqcLockFunctionalTest extends DrupalWebTestCase {

   * Provide information to the UI for this test.
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'APDQC Locking framework tests',
      'description' => 'Confirm locking works between two separate requests.',
      'group' => 'APDQC',

   * Install system_test and apdqc module.
  public function setUp() {
    $file_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'apdqc');
    variable_set('lock_inc', "{$file_path}/");

   * Confirm that we can acquire and release locks in two parallel requests.
  public function testLockAcquire() {
    module_load_include('', 'apdqc');
    $lock_acquired = 'TRUE: Lock successfully acquired in system_test_lock_acquire()';
    $lock_not_acquired = 'FALSE: Lock not acquired in system_test_lock_acquire()';
      ->assertTrue(lock_acquire('system_test_lock_acquire'), 'Lock acquired by this request.', 'Lock');
      ->assertTrue(lock_acquire('system_test_lock_acquire'), 'Lock extended by this request.', 'Lock');

    // Cause another request to acquire the lock.
      ->assertText($lock_acquired, 'Lock acquired by the other request.', 'Lock');

    // The other request has finished, thus it should have released its lock.
      ->assertTrue(lock_acquire('system_test_lock_acquire'), 'Lock acquired by this request.', 'Lock');

    // This request holds the lock, so the other request cannot acquire it.
      ->assertText($lock_not_acquired, 'Lock not acquired by the other request.', 'Lock');

    // Try a very short timeout and lock breaking.
      ->assertTrue(lock_acquire('system_test_lock_acquire', 0.5), 'Lock acquired by this request.', 'Lock');

    // The other request should break our lock.
      ->assertText($lock_acquired, 'Lock acquired by the other request, breaking our lock.', 'Lock');

    // We cannot renew it, since the other thread took it.
      ->assertFalse(lock_acquire('system_test_lock_acquire'), 'Lock cannot be extended by this request.', 'Lock');

    // Check the shut-down function.
    $lock_acquired_exit = 'TRUE: Lock successfully acquired in system_test_lock_exit()';
      ->assertText($lock_acquired_exit, 'Lock acquired by the other request before exit.', 'Lock');
      ->assertTrue(lock_acquire('system_test_lock_exit'), 'Lock acquired by this request after the other request exits.', 'Lock');


 * Tests for the session system.
class ApdqcSessionTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {

   * Provide information to the UI for this test.
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'APDQC Session tests',
      'description' => 'Drupal session handling tests.',
      'group' => 'APDQC',

   * Install session_test and apdqc module.
  public function setUp() {
    $file_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'apdqc');
    variable_set('session_inc', "{$file_path}/");
    variable_set('page_cache_invoke_hooks', TRUE);
    $GLOBALS['conf']['page_cache_invoke_hooks'] = TRUE;

   * Tests for drupal_save_session() and drupal_session_regenerate().
  public function testSessionSaveRegenerate() {
    $GLOBALS['conf']['page_cache_invoke_hooks'] = TRUE;
      ->assertFalse(drupal_save_session(), 'drupal_save_session() correctly returns FALSE (inside of testing framework) when initially called with no arguments.', 'Session');
      ->assertFalse(drupal_save_session(FALSE), 'drupal_save_session() correctly returns FALSE when called with FALSE.', 'Session');
      ->assertFalse(drupal_save_session(), 'drupal_save_session() correctly returns FALSE when saving has been disabled.', 'Session');
      ->assertTrue(drupal_save_session(TRUE), 'drupal_save_session() correctly returns TRUE when called with TRUE.', 'Session');
      ->assertTrue(drupal_save_session(), 'drupal_save_session() correctly returns TRUE when saving has been enabled.', 'Session');

    // Test session hardening code from SA-2008-044.
    $user = $this
      'access content',

    // Enable sessions.

    // Make sure the session cookie is set as HttpOnly.
      ->assertTrue(preg_match('/HttpOnly/i', $this
      ->drupalGetHeader('Set-Cookie', TRUE)), 'Session cookie is set as HttpOnly.');

    // Verify that the session is regenerated if a module calls exit
    // in hook_user_login().
    user_save($user, array(
      'name' => 'session_test_user',
    $user->name = 'session_test_user';
    $matches = array();
    preg_match('/\\s*session_id:(.*)\\n/', $this
      ->drupalGetContent(), $matches);
      ->assertTrue(!empty($matches[1]), 'Found session ID before logging in.');
    $original_session = $matches[1];

    // We cannot use $this->drupalLogin($user); because we exit in
    // session_test_user_login() which breaks a normal assertion.
    $edit = array(
      'name' => $user->name,
      'pass' => $user->pass_raw,
      ->drupalPost('user', $edit, t('Log in'));
    $pass = $this
      ->assertText($user->name, format_string('Found name: %name', array(
      '%name' => $user->name,
    )), 'User login');
    $this->_logged_in = $pass;
    $matches = array();
    preg_match('/\\s*session_id:(.*)\\n/', $this
      ->drupalGetContent(), $matches);
      ->assertTrue(!empty($matches[1]), 'Found session ID after logging in.');
      ->assertTrue($matches[1] != $original_session, 'Session ID changed after login.');

   * Test data persistence via the session_test module callbacks.
  public function testDataPersistence() {
    $GLOBALS['conf']['page_cache_invoke_hooks'] = TRUE;
    $user = $this
      'access content',

    // Enable sessions.
    $value_1 = $this
      ->drupalGet('session-test/set/' . $value_1);
      ->assertText($value_1, 'The session value was stored.', 'Session');
      ->assertText($value_1, 'Session correctly returned the stored data for an authenticated user.', 'Session');

    // Attempt to write over val_1. If drupal_save_session(FALSE) is working.
    // properly, val_1 will still be set.
    $value_2 = $this
      ->drupalGet('session-test/no-set/' . $value_2);
      ->assertText($value_2, 'The session value was correctly passed to session-test/no-set.', 'Session');
      ->assertText($value_1, 'Session data is not saved for drupal_save_session(FALSE).', 'Session');

    // Switch browser cookie to anonymous user, then back to user 1.
      ->assertText($value_1, 'Session data persists through browser close. ' . $value_1 . ' ' . microtime(TRUE), 'Session');

    // Logout the user and make sure the stored value no longer persists.
      ->assertNoText($value_1, "After logout, previous user's session data is not available.", 'Session');

    // Now try to store some data as an anonymous user.
    $value_3 = $this
      ->drupalGet('session-test/set/' . $value_3);
      ->assertText($value_3, 'Session data stored for anonymous user.', 'Session');
      ->assertText($value_3, 'Session correctly returned the stored data for an anonymous user.', 'Session');

    // Try to store data when drupal_save_session(FALSE).
    $value_4 = $this
      ->drupalGet('session-test/no-set/' . $value_4);
      ->assertText($value_4, 'The session value was correctly passed to session-test/no-set.', 'Session');
      ->assertText($value_3, 'Session data is not saved for drupal_save_session(FALSE).', 'Session');

    // Login, the data should persist.
      ->assertNoText($value_1, 'Session has persisted for an authenticated user after logging out and then back in.', 'Session');

    // Change session and create another user.
    $user2 = $this
      'access content',

   * Test that empty anonymous sessions are destroyed.
  public function testEmptyAnonymousSession() {
    $GLOBALS['conf']['page_cache_invoke_hooks'] = TRUE;

    // Verify that no session is automatically created for anonymous user.

    // The same behavior is expected when caching is enabled.
    variable_set('cache', 1);
      ->drupalGetHeader('X-Drupal-Cache'), 'MISS', 'Page was not cached.');

    // Start a new session by setting a message.
      ->drupalGetHeader('Set-Cookie'), 'New session was started.');

    // Display the message, during the same request the session is destroyed
    // and the session cookie is unset.
      ->drupalGetHeader('X-Drupal-Cache'), 'Caching was bypassed.');
      ->assertText(t('This is a dummy message.'), 'Message was displayed.');
      ->assertTrue(preg_match('/SESS\\w+=deleted/', $this
      ->drupalGetHeader('Set-Cookie')), 'Session cookie was deleted.');

    // Verify that session was destroyed.
      ->assertNoText(t('This is a dummy message.'), 'Message was not cached.');
      ->drupalGetHeader('X-Drupal-Cache'), 'HIT', 'Page was cached.');
      ->drupalGetHeader('Set-Cookie'), 'New session was not started.');

    // Verify that no session is created if drupal_save_session(FALSE) is
    // called.

    // Verify that no message is displayed.
      ->assertNoText(t('This is a dummy message.'), 'The message was not saved.');

   * Test that sessions are only saved when necessary.
  public function testSessionWrite() {
    $GLOBALS['conf']['page_cache_invoke_hooks'] = TRUE;
    $user = $this
      'access content',
    $sql = 'SELECT u.access, s.timestamp FROM {users} u INNER JOIN {sessions} s ON u.uid = s.uid WHERE u.uid = :uid';
    $times1 = db_query($sql, array(
      ':uid' => $user->uid,

    // Before every request we sleep one second to make sure that if the session
    // is saved, its timestamp will change.
    // Modify the session.
    $times2 = db_query($sql, array(
      ':uid' => $user->uid,
      ->assertEqual($times2->access, $times1->access, 'Users table was not updated.');
      ->assertNotEqual($times2->timestamp, $times1->timestamp, 'Sessions table was updated.');

    // Write the same value again, i.e. do not modify the session.
    $times3 = db_query($sql, array(
      ':uid' => $user->uid,
      ->assertEqual($times3->access, $times1->access, 'Users table was not updated.');
      ->assertEqual($times3->timestamp, $times2->timestamp, 'Sessions table was not updated.');

    // Do not change the session.
    $times4 = db_query($sql, array(
      ':uid' => $user->uid,
      ->assertEqual($times4->access, $times3->access, 'Users table was not updated.');
      ->assertEqual($times4->timestamp, $times3->timestamp, 'Sessions table was not updated.');

    // Force updating of users and sessions table once per second.
    variable_set('session_write_interval', 0);
    $times5 = db_query($sql, array(
      ':uid' => $user->uid,
      ->assertNotEqual($times5->access, $times4->access, 'Users table was updated.');
      ->assertNotEqual($times5->timestamp, $times4->timestamp, 'Sessions table was updated.');

   * Test that empty session IDs are not allowed.
  public function testEmptySessionId() {
    $GLOBALS['conf']['page_cache_invoke_hooks'] = TRUE;
    $user = $this
      'access content',
      ->assertResponse(200, 'User is logged in.');

    // Reset the sid in {sessions} to a blank string. This may exist in the
    // wild in some cases, although we normally prevent it from happening.
      'sid' => '',
      ->condition('uid', $user->uid)

    // Send a blank sid in the session cookie, and the session should no longer
    // be valid. Closing the curl handler will stop the previous session ID
    // from persisting.
    $this->additionalCurlOptions[CURLOPT_COOKIE] = rawurlencode($this->session_name) . '=;';
      ->assertRaw("session_id:\n", 'Session ID is blank as sent from cookie header.');

    // Assert that we have an anonymous session now.
      ->assertResponse(403, 'An empty session ID is not allowed.');

   * Reset the cookie file so that it refers to the specified user.
   * @param int $uid
   *   User id to set as the active session.
  public function sessionReset($uid = 0) {

    // Close the internal browser.
    $this->loggedInUser = FALSE;

    // Change cookie file for user.
    $this->cookieFile = file_stream_wrapper_get_instance_by_scheme('temporary')
      ->getDirectoryPath() . '/cookie.' . $uid . '.txt';
    $this->additionalCurlOptions[CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE] = $this->cookieFile;
    $this->additionalCurlOptions[CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION] = TRUE;
      ->assertResponse(200, 'Session test module is correctly enabled.', 'Session');

   * Assert whether the SimpleTest browser sent a session cookie.
  public function assertSessionCookie($sent) {
    if ($sent) {
        ->assertNotNull($this->session_id, 'Session cookie was sent.');
    else {
        ->assertNull($this->session_id, 'Session cookie was not sent.');

   * Assert whether $_SESSION is empty at the beginning of the request.
  public function assertSessionEmpty($empty) {
    $headers = $this
    if (!isset($headers['x-session-empty']) && !isset($headers['X-Session-Empty'])) {
        ->pass('X-Session-Empty header not found.');
    else {
      if ($empty) {
          ->drupalGetHeader('X-Session-Empty'), '1', 'Session was empty.' . microtime(TRUE));
      else {
          ->drupalGetHeader('X-Session-Empty'), '0', 'Session was not empty.' . microtime(TRUE));


 * Ensure that when running under HTTPS two session cookies are generated.
class ApdqcSessionHttpsTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {

   * Provide information to the UI for this test.
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'APDQC Session HTTPS handling',
      'description' => 'Ensure that when running under HTTPS two session cookies are generated.',
      'group' => 'APDQC',

   * Install session_test and apdqc module.
  public function setUp() {
    $file_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'apdqc');
    variable_set('session_inc', "{$file_path}/");

   * Test HTTPS sessions.
  protected function testHttpsSession() {
    global $is_https;
    if ($is_https) {
      $secure_session_name = session_name();
      $insecure_session_name = substr(session_name(), 1);
    else {
      $secure_session_name = 'S' . session_name();
      $insecure_session_name = session_name();
    $user = $this
      'access administration pages',

    // Test HTTPS session handling by altering the form action to submit the
    // login form through https.php, which creates a mock HTTPS request.
    $form = $this
    $form[0]['action'] = $this
    $edit = array(
      'name' => $user->name,
      'pass' => $user->pass_raw,
      ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Log in'));

    // Test a second concurrent session.
    $form = $this
    $form[0]['action'] = $this
      ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Log in'));

    // Check secure cookie on secure page.
      ->assertTrue($this->cookies[$secure_session_name]['secure'], 'The secure cookie has the secure attribute');

    // Check insecure cookie is not set.
    $ssid = $this->cookies[$secure_session_name]['value'];
      ->assertSessionIds($ssid, $ssid, 'Session has a non-empty SID and a correct secure SID.');
    $cookie = $secure_session_name . '=' . $ssid;

    // Verify that user is logged in on secure URL.
      ->httpsUrl('admin/config'), array(), array(
      'Cookie: ' . $cookie,

    // Verify that user is not logged in on non-secure URL.
      ->httpUrl('admin/config'), array(), array(
      'Cookie: ' . $cookie,

    // Verify that empty SID cannot be used on the non-secure site.
    $cookie = $insecure_session_name . '=';
      ->httpUrl('admin/config'), array(), array(
      'Cookie: ' . $cookie,

    // Test HTTP session handling by altering the form action to submit the
    // login form through http.php, which creates a mock HTTP request on HTTPS
    // test environments.
    $form = $this
    $form[0]['action'] = $this
    $edit = array(
      'name' => $user->name,
      'pass' => $user->pass_raw,
      ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Log in'));
    $sid = $this->cookies[$insecure_session_name]['value'];
      ->assertSessionIds($sid, '', 'Session has the correct SID and an empty secure SID.');

    // Verify that empty secure SID cannot be used on the secure site.
    $cookie = $secure_session_name . '=';
      ->httpsUrl('admin/config'), array(), array(
      'Cookie: ' . $cookie,

    // Clear browser cookie jar.
    $this->cookies = array();
    if ($is_https) {

      // The functionality does not make sense when running on HTTPS.

    // Enable secure pages.
    variable_set('https', TRUE);

    // Start an anonymous session on the insecure site.
    $session_data = $this
      ->drupalGet('session-test/set/' . $session_data);

    // Check secure cookie on insecure page.
      ->assertFalse(isset($this->cookies[$secure_session_name]), 'The secure cookie is not sent on insecure pages.');

    // Check insecure cookie on insecure page.
      ->assertFalse($this->cookies[$insecure_session_name]['secure'], 'The insecure cookie does not have the secure attribute');

    // Store the anonymous cookie so we can validate that its session is killed
    // after login.
    $anonymous_cookie = $insecure_session_name . '=' . $this->cookies[$insecure_session_name]['value'];

    // Check that password request form action is not secure.
    $form = $this
      ->assertNotEqual(substr($form[0]['action'], 0, 6), 'https:', 'Password request form action is not secure');
    $form[0]['action'] = $this

    // Check that user login form action is secure.
    $form = $this
      ->assertEqual(substr($form[0]['action'], 0, 6), 'https:', 'Login form action is secure');
    $form[0]['action'] = $this
    $edit = array(
      'name' => $user->name,
      'pass' => $user->pass_raw,
      ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Log in'));

    // Check secure cookie on secure page.
      ->assertTrue($this->cookies[$secure_session_name]['secure'], 'The secure cookie has the secure attribute');

    // Check insecure cookie on secure page.
      ->assertFalse($this->cookies[$insecure_session_name]['secure'], 'The insecure cookie does not have the secure attribute');
    $sid = $this->cookies[$insecure_session_name]['value'];
    $ssid = $this->cookies[$secure_session_name]['value'];
      ->assertSessionIds($sid, $ssid, 'Session has both secure and insecure SIDs');
    $cookies = array(
      $insecure_session_name . '=' . $sid,
      $secure_session_name . '=' . $ssid,

    // Test that session data saved before login is still available on the
    // authenticated session.
      ->assertText($session_data, 'Session correctly returned the stored data set by the anonymous session.');
    foreach ($cookies as $cookie_key => $cookie) {
      foreach (array(
      ) as $url_key => $url) {
          ->drupalGet($url, array(), array(
          'Cookie: ' . $cookie,
        if ($cookie_key == $url_key) {
        else {

    // Test that session data saved before login is not available using the
    // pre-login anonymous cookie.
    $this->cookies = array();
      ->drupalGet('session-test/get', array(
      'Cookie: ' . $anonymous_cookie,
      ->assertNoText($session_data, 'Initial anonymous session is inactive after login.');

    // Clear browser cookie jar.
    $this->cookies = array();

    // Start an anonymous session on the secure site.

    // Mock a login to the secure site using the secure session cookie.
    $form = $this
    $form[0]['action'] = $this
      ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Log in'));

    // Test that the user is also authenticated on the insecure site.

   * Tests that empty session IDs do not cause unrelated sessions to load.
  public function testEmptySessionId() {
    global $is_https;
    if ($is_https) {
      $secure_session_name = session_name();
    else {
      $secure_session_name = 'S' . session_name();

    // Enable mixed mode for HTTP and HTTPS.
    variable_set('https', TRUE);
    $admin_user = $this
      'access administration pages',
    $standard_user = $this
      'access content',

    // First log in as the admin user on HTTP.
    // We cannot use $this->drupalLogin() here because we need to use the
    // special http.php URLs.
    $edit = array(
      'name' => $admin_user->name,
      'pass' => $admin_user->pass_raw,
    $form = $this
    $form[0]['action'] = $this
      ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Log in'));

    // Now start a session for the standard user on HTTPS.
    $edit = array(
      'name' => $standard_user->name,
      'pass' => $standard_user->pass_raw,
    $form = $this
    $form[0]['action'] = $this
      ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Log in'));

    // Make the secure session cookie blank.
    curl_setopt($this->curlHandle, CURLOPT_COOKIE, "{$secure_session_name}=");
      ->assertNoText($admin_user->name, 'User is not logged in as admin');
      ->assertNoText($standard_user->name, "The user's own name is not displayed because the invalid session cookie has logged them out.");

   * Test that there exists a session with two specific session IDs.
   * @param string $sid
   *   The insecure session ID to search for.
   * @param string $ssid
   *   The secure session ID to search for.
   * @param string $assertion_text
   *   The text to display when we perform the assertion.
   * @return bool
   *   The result of assertTrue() that there's a session in the system that
   *   has the given insecure and secure session IDs.
  protected function assertSessionIds($sid, $ssid, $assertion_text) {
    $args = array(
      ':sid' => $sid,
      ':ssid' => $ssid,
    return $this
      ->assertTrue(db_query('SELECT timestamp FROM {sessions} WHERE sid = :sid AND ssid = :ssid', $args)
      ->fetchField(), $assertion_text);

   * Builds a URL for submitting a mock HTTPS request to HTTP test environments.
   * @param string $url
   *   A Drupal path such as 'user'.
   * @return string
   *   An absolute URL.
  protected function httpsUrl($url) {
    global $base_url;
    return $base_url . '/modules/simpletest/tests/https.php?q=' . $url;

   * Builds a URL for submitting a mock HTTP request to HTTPS test environments.
   * @param string $url
   *   A Drupal path such as 'user'.
   * @return string
   *   An absolute URL.
  protected function httpUrl($url) {
    global $base_url;
    return $base_url . '/modules/simpletest/tests/http.php?q=' . $url;



Namesort descending Description
ApdqcCacheClearCase Test cache clearing methods for APDQC.
ApdqcCacheIsEmptyCase Test isEmpty() function.
ApdqcCacheTestCase Add new functionality to DrupalWebTestCase.
ApdqcLockFunctionalTest Tests for the lock system.
ApdqcSessionHttpsTestCase Ensure that when running under HTTPS two session cookies are generated.
ApdqcSessionTestCase Tests for the session system.