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public function ApdqcFakeDatabaseStatement::findCallerfunction in Asynchronous Prefetch Database Query Cache 7

Determine the routine that called this query.

We define "the routine that called this query" as the first entry in the call stack that is not inside includes/database and does have a file (which excludes call_user_func_array(), anonymous functions and similar). That makes the climbing logic very simple, and handles the variable stack depth caused by the query builders. Also makes sure this is not from the cache api.


Return value

string This method returns a stack trace entry similar to that generated by debug_backtrace(). However, it flattens the trace entry and the trace entry before it so that we get the function and args of the function that called into the database system, not the function and args of the database call itself.

1 call to ApdqcFakeDatabaseStatement::findCallerfunction()
ApdqcFakeDatabaseStatement::__construct in ./
Constructs a DrupalDatabaseCache object.


./, line 64
Creates a fake db statement for devel query logging.


Fake database statement class for devel logging.


public function findCallerfunction() {
  $stack = debug_backtrace();
  $stack_count = count($stack);
  for ($i = 0; $i < $stack_count; ++$i) {
    if (!empty($stack[$i]['file']) && strpos($stack[$i]['file'], 'includes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'database') === FALSE && strpos($stack[$i]['file'], 'includes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cache') === FALSE && strpos($stack[$i]['file'], '') === FALSE && strpos($stack[$i]['function'], '__construct') === FALSE && strpos($stack[$i + 1]['function'], '__construct') === FALSE && strpos($stack[$i]['function'], __FUNCTION__) === FALSE && strpos($stack[$i + 1]['function'], 'apdqc_get_db_object') === FALSE) {
      $stack[$i] += array(
        'args' => array(),
      $full_stack = array();
      if (variable_get('apdqc_verbose_devel_output', APDQC_VERBOSE_DEVEL_OUTPUT)) {
        foreach ($stack as $trace) {
          if (!isset($trace['args'])) {
            $trace['args'] = 1;
          if (isset($trace['class'])) {
            $full_stack[] = $trace['class'] . '::' . $trace['function'] . '(' . count($trace['args']) . ')';
          else {
            $full_stack[] = $trace['function'] . '(' . count($trace['args']) . ')';
        $full_stack = array_slice($full_stack, 2, 30);
      return 'Call from ' . $stack[$i + 1]['function'] . '()' . '.  ' . implode(' -> ', array_reverse($full_stack));