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A database-mediated implementation of a locking mechanism.

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 * @file
 * A database-mediated implementation of a locking mechanism.

 * @defgroup lock Locking mechanisms
 * @{
 * Functions to coordinate long-running operations across requests.
 * In most environments, multiple Drupal page requests (a.k.a. threads or
 * processes) will execute in parallel. This leads to potential conflicts or
 * race conditions when two requests execute the same code at the same time. A
 * common example of this is a rebuild like menu_rebuild() where we invoke many
 * hook implementations to get and process data from all active modules, and
 * then delete the current data in the database to insert the new afterwards.
 * This is a cooperative, advisory lock system. Any long-running operation
 * that could potentially be attempted in parallel by multiple requests should
 * try to acquire a lock before proceeding. By obtaining a lock, one request
 * notifies any other requests that a specific operation is in progress which
 * must not be executed in parallel.
 * To use this API, pick a unique name for the lock. A sensible choice is the
 * name of the function performing the operation. A very simple example use of
 * this API:
 * @ignore production_code:8
 * @code
 * function mymodule_long_operation() {
 *   if (lock_acquire('mymodule_long_operation')) {
 *     // Do the long operation here.
 *     // ...
 *     lock_release('mymodule_long_operation');
 *   }
 * }
 * @endcode
 * If a function acquires a lock it should always release it when the
 * operation is complete by calling lock_release(), as in the example.
 * A function that has acquired a lock may attempt to renew a lock (extend the
 * duration of the lock) by calling lock_acquire() again during the operation.
 * Failure to renew a lock is indicative that another request has acquired
 * the lock, and that the current operation may need to be aborted.
 * If a function fails to acquire a lock it may either immediately return, or
 * it may call lock_wait() if the rest of the current page request requires
 * that the operation in question be complete. After lock_wait() returns,
 * the function may again attempt to acquire the lock, or may simply allow the
 * page request to proceed on the assumption that a parallel request completed
 * the operation.
 * lock_acquire() and lock_wait() will automatically break (delete) a lock
 * whose duration has exceeded the timeout specified when it was acquired.
 * Alternative implementations of this API (such as APC) may be substituted
 * by setting the 'lock_inc' variable to an alternate include filepath. Since
 * this is an API intended to support alternative implementations, code using
 * this API should never rely upon specific implementation details (for example
 * no code should look for or directly modify a lock in the {semaphore} table).

 * Initialize the locking system.
function _apdqc_lock_initialize() {
  global $locks;
  $locks = array();

 * Helper function to get this request's unique id.
function _apdqc_lock_id() {

  // Do not use drupal_static(). This identifier refers to the current
  // client request, and must not be changed under any circumstances
  // else the shutdown handler may fail to release our locks.
  static $lock_id;
  if (!isset($lock_id)) {

    // Assign a unique id.
    $lock_id = uniqid(mt_rand(), TRUE);

    // Compress the base16 string down to base85 string.
    $lock_id = str_replace('.', '', $lock_id);
    $lock_id = pack("H*", $lock_id);
    $lock_id = apdqc_lock_base85_encode($lock_id);

    // We only register a shutdown function if a lock is used.
    drupal_register_shutdown_function('lock_release_all', $lock_id);
  return $lock_id;

 * Acquire (or renew) a lock, but do not block if it fails.
 * @param string $name
 *   The name of the lock. Limit of name's length is 255 characters.
 * @param float $timeout
 *   A number of seconds (float) before the lock expires (minimum of 0.001).
 * @return bool
 *   TRUE if the lock was acquired, FALSE if it failed.
function _apdqc_lock_acquire($name, $timeout = 30.0) {
  global $locks;

  // Insure that the timeout is at least 1 ms.
  $timeout = max($timeout, 0.001);
  $expire = microtime(TRUE) + $timeout;
  if (isset($locks[$name])) {

    // Build query.
    $query = \Database::getConnection()
      ->prefixTables("\n      UPDATE {" . db_escape_table('semaphore') . "}\n      SET expire = " . (double) $expire . "\n      WHERE name = '" . apdqc_escape_string($name) . "'\n      AND value = '" . apdqc_escape_string(_lock_id()) . "'\n    ");

    // Run Query.
    $results = apdqc_query(array(
    ), array(
    ), $query, array(
      'get_affected_rows' => TRUE,
    if (!is_string($results) || $results !== 'NO DB') {
      $success = (bool) $results;
    else {

      // Try to extend the expiration of a lock we already acquired.
      $success = (bool) db_update('semaphore')
        'expire' => $expire,
        ->condition('name', $name)
        ->condition('value', _lock_id())
    if (!$success) {

      // The lock was broken.
    return $success;
  else {

    // Optimistically try to acquire the lock, then retry once if it fails.
    // The first time through the loop cannot be a retry.
    $retry = FALSE;

    // We always want to do this code at least once.
    // Build query.
    $query = \Database::getConnection()
      ->prefixTables("\n      INSERT INTO {" . db_escape_table('semaphore') . "}\n      (name, value, expire)\n      VALUES ('" . apdqc_escape_string($name) . "', '" . apdqc_escape_string(_lock_id()) . "', " . (double) $expire . ")\n    ");
    do {

      // Run Query.
      $results = apdqc_query(array(
      ), array(
      ), $query, array(
        'get_affected_rows' => TRUE,
      if (!is_string($results) || $results !== 'NO DB') {
        if ($results == 1) {

          // We track all acquired locks in the global variable.
          $locks[$name] = TRUE;

          // We never need to try again.
          $retry = FALSE;
        else {

          // If this is our first pass through the loop, then $retry is FALSE.
          // In this case, the insert must have failed meaning some other
          // request acquired the lock but did not release it. We decide
          // whether to retry by checking lock_may_be_available() Since this
          // will break the lock in case it is expired.
          $retry = $retry ? FALSE : lock_may_be_available($name);
      else {
        try {
            'name' => $name,
            'value' => _lock_id(),
            'expire' => $expire,

          // We track all acquired locks in the global variable.
          $locks[$name] = TRUE;

          // We never need to try again.
          $retry = FALSE;
        } catch (PDOException $e) {

          // Suppress the error. If this is our first pass through the loop,
          // then $retry is FALSE. In this case, the insert must have failed
          // meaning some other request acquired the lock but did not release
          // it. We decide whether to retry by checking
          // lock_may_be_available() Since this will break the lock in case it
          // is expired.
          $retry = $retry ? FALSE : lock_may_be_available($name);

      // We only retry in case the first attempt failed, but we then broke
      // an expired lock.
    } while ($retry);
  return isset($locks[$name]);

 * Check if lock acquired by a different process may be available.
 * If an existing lock has expired, it is removed.
 * @param string $name
 *   The name of the lock.
 * @return bool
 *   TRUE if there is no lock or it was removed, FALSE otherwise.
function _apdqc_lock_may_be_available($name) {

  // Build query.
  $query = \Database::getConnection()
    ->prefixTables("\n    SELECT expire, value FROM {" . db_escape_table('semaphore') . "}\n    WHERE name = '" . apdqc_escape_string($name) . "'\n  ");

  // Run query.
  $result = apdqc_query(array(
  ), array(
  ), $query, array(
    'fetch_all' => TRUE,
  if (empty($result)) {
    return TRUE;

  // Core DB fallback.
  if (is_string($result) && $result === 'NO DB') {
    $lock = db_query('SELECT expire, value FROM {semaphore} WHERE name = :name', array(
      ':name' => $name,
    if (!$lock) {
      return TRUE;
  else {
    $lock = $result[0];
  $expire = (double) $lock['expire'];
  $now = microtime(TRUE);
  if ($now > $expire) {

    // We check two conditions to prevent a race condition where another
    // request acquired the lock and set a new expire time. We add a small
    // number to $expire to avoid errors with float to string conversion.
    // Build query.
    $query = \Database::getConnection()
      ->prefixTables("\n      DELETE FROM {" . db_escape_table('semaphore') . "}\n      WHERE name = '" . apdqc_escape_string($name) . "'\n      AND value = '" . apdqc_escape_string($lock['value']) . "'\n      AND expire = " . (double) $expire . "\n    ");

    // Run Query.
    $results = apdqc_query(array(
    ), array(
    ), $query, array(
      'get_affected_rows' => TRUE,
    if (!is_string($results) || $results !== 'NO DB') {
      if ($results == 1) {
        return TRUE;
      else {
        return FALSE;
    else {
      return (bool) db_delete('semaphore')
        ->condition('name', $name)
        ->condition('value', $lock['value'])
        ->condition('expire', 0.0001 + $expire, '<=')
  return FALSE;

 * Wait for a lock to be available.
 * This function may be called in a request that fails to acquire a desired
 * lock. This will block further execution until the lock is available or the
 * specified delay in seconds is reached. This should not be used with locks
 * that are acquired very frequently, since the lock is likely to be acquired
 * again by a different request while waiting.
 * @param string $name
 *   The name of the lock.
 * @param int $delay
 *   The maximum number of seconds to wait, as an integer.
 * @return bool
 *   TRUE if the lock holds, FALSE if it is available.
function _apdqc_lock_wait($name, $delay = 30) {

  // Pause the process for short periods between calling
  // lock_may_be_available(). This prevents hitting the database with constant
  // database queries while waiting, which could lead to performance issues.
  // However, if the wait period is too long, there is the potential for a
  // large number of processes to be blocked waiting for a lock, especially
  // if the item being rebuilt is commonly requested. To address both of these
  // concerns, begin waiting for 25ms, then add 25ms to the wait period each
  // time until it reaches 500ms. After this point polling will continue every
  // 500ms until $delay is reached.
  // $delay is passed in seconds, but we will be using usleep(), which takes
  // microseconds as a parameter. Multiply it by 1 million so that all
  // further numbers are equivalent.
  $delay = (int) $delay * 1000000;

  // Begin sleeping at 25ms.
  $sleep = 25000;
  while ($delay > 0) {

    // This function should only be called by a request that failed to get a
    // lock, so we sleep first to give the parallel request a chance to finish
    // and release the lock.

    // After each sleep, increase the value of $sleep until it reaches
    // 500ms, to reduce the potential for a lock stampede.
    $delay = $delay - $sleep;
    $sleep = min(500000, $sleep + 25000, $delay);
    if (lock_may_be_available($name)) {

      // No longer need to wait.
      return FALSE;

  // The caller must still wait longer to get the lock.
  return TRUE;

 * Release a lock previously acquired by lock_acquire().
 * This will release the named lock if it is still held by the current
 * request.
 * @param string $name
 *   The name of the lock.
function _apdqc_lock_release($name) {
  global $locks;

  // Build query.
  $query = \Database::getConnection()
    ->prefixTables("\n    DELETE FROM {" . db_escape_table('semaphore') . "}\n    WHERE name = '" . apdqc_escape_string($name) . "'\n    AND value = '" . apdqc_escape_string(_lock_id()) . "'\n  ");

  // Run Query.
  $results = apdqc_query(array(
  ), array(
  ), $query, array(
    'get_affected_rows' => TRUE,
    'async' => TRUE,
  if (is_string($results) && $results === 'NO DB') {
      ->condition('name', $name)
      ->condition('value', _lock_id())

 * Release all previously acquired locks.
 * @param string $lock_id
 *   Unique id for all locks acquired during this request.
function _apdqc_lock_release_all($lock_id = NULL) {
  global $locks;
  $locks = array();
  if (empty($lock_id)) {
    $lock_id = _lock_id();

  // Build query.
  $query = \Database::getConnection()
    ->prefixTables("\n    DELETE FROM {" . db_escape_table('semaphore') . "}\n    WHERE value = '" . apdqc_escape_string($lock_id) . "'\n  ");

  // Run Query.
  $results = apdqc_query(array(
  ), array(
  ), $query, array(
    'get_affected_rows' => TRUE,
    'async' => TRUE,
  if (is_string($results) && $results === 'NO DB') {
      ->condition('value', $lock_id)

 * Change the lock id.
 * @param string $name
 *   Name of the lock.
 * @param string $old_lock_id
 *   Value from _lock_id().
 * @param string $new_lock_id
 *   New value for the 'value' column in the database.
function _apdqc_lock_change_lock_id($name, $old_lock_id, $new_lock_id) {
  global $locks;

  // Build query.
  $query = \Database::getConnection()
    ->prefixTables("\n    UPDATE {" . db_escape_table('semaphore') . "}\n    SET value = '" . apdqc_escape_string($new_lock_id) . "'\n    WHERE name = '" . apdqc_escape_string($name) . "'\n    AND value = '" . apdqc_escape_string($old_lock_id) . "'\n  ");

  // Run Query.
  $results = apdqc_query(array(
  ), array(
  ), $query, array(
    'get_affected_rows' => TRUE,
  if (!is_string($results) || $results !== 'NO DB') {
    $success = (bool) $results;
  else {

    // Try to extend the expiration of a lock we already acquired.
    $success = (bool) db_update('semaphore')
      'value' => $new_lock_id,
      ->condition('name', $name)
      ->condition('value', $old_lock_id)
    if (!$success) {

      // The lock was broken.
  return $success;

 * Release a lock previously acquired by lock_acquire().
 * This will release the named lock.
 * @param string $name
 *   The name of the lock.
function _apdqc_lock_release_fuzzy($name) {
  global $locks;

  // Build query.
  $query = \Database::getConnection()
    ->prefixTables("\n    DELETE FROM {" . db_escape_table('semaphore') . "}\n    WHERE name = '" . apdqc_escape_string($name) . "'\n  ");

  // Run Query.
  $results = apdqc_query(array(
  ), array(
  ), $query, array(
    'get_affected_rows' => TRUE,
    'async' => TRUE,
  if (is_string($results) && $results === 'NO DB') {
      ->condition('name', $name)

 * Convert a binary string to base85 ascii.
 * @param string $binary
 *   Binary string.
 * @return string
 *   Ascii base85 transformation of the binary string.
function apdqc_lock_base85_encode($binary) {

  // Calculate padding.
  $padding = 4 - strlen($binary) % 4;
  if (strlen($binary) % 4 === 0) {
    $padding = 0;

  // Append NULL character to make sure this is a 4 byte chunk.
  $binary .= str_repeat("\0", $padding);

  // Generate output.
  $output = '';
  foreach (unpack('N*', $binary) as $chunk) {

    // Fix bug with unpack returning negative numbers (32bit os).
    if ($chunk < 0) {

      // Chunk is now a float on 32bit systems.
      $chunk += 4294967296;

    // Convert the 32bit integer into 5 "quintet" chunks.
    $int_ascii = intval($chunk / 52200625);
    $chunk -= $int_ascii * 52200625;
    $output .= chr($int_ascii + 33);
    $int_ascii = intval($chunk / 614125);
    $chunk -= $int_ascii * 614125;
    $output .= chr($int_ascii + 33);
    $int_ascii = intval($chunk / 7225);
    $chunk -= $int_ascii * 7225;
    $output .= chr($int_ascii + 33);
    $int_ascii = intval($chunk / 85);
    $chunk -= $int_ascii * 85;
    $output .= chr($int_ascii + 33);
    $output .= chr($chunk + 33);

  // If we added some null bytes, remove them from the final string.
  if ($padding) {
    $output = preg_replace("/z\$/", '!!!!!', $output);
    $output = substr($output, 0, strlen($output) - $padding);
  return $output;

 * @} End of "defgroup lock".


Namesort descending Description
apdqc_lock_base85_encode Convert a binary string to base85 ascii.
_apdqc_lock_acquire Acquire (or renew) a lock, but do not block if it fails.
_apdqc_lock_change_lock_id Change the lock id.
_apdqc_lock_id Helper function to get this request's unique id.
_apdqc_lock_initialize Initialize the locking system.
_apdqc_lock_may_be_available Check if lock acquired by a different process may be available.
_apdqc_lock_release Release a lock previously acquired by lock_acquire().
_apdqc_lock_release_all Release all previously acquired locks.
_apdqc_lock_release_fuzzy Release a lock previously acquired by lock_acquire().
_apdqc_lock_wait Wait for a lock to be available.