You are here in Apache Solr Views 6

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  1. 7

View source

// TODO: Spellchecker field? What todo about spellchecker...

 * Class for handling a view that gets its data not from the database, but from
 * a Solr server.
class apachesolr_views_query extends views_plugin_query implements Drupal_Solr_Query_Interface {

   * Static shared by all instances, used to increment ID numbers.
  protected static $idCount = 0;

   * Each query/subquery will have a unique ID
  public $id;

  // facets for the solr query
  protected $_facets = array();

  // String containing the query that will be handed to Solr.
  protected $_query;

  // Object encapsulating the actual query to Solr.
  protected $_solr_service;

  // Array containing the parameters that will be handed to Solr.
  protected $_params = array(
    'facet' => 'true',
    'facet.mincount' => 1,
    'facet.sort' => 'true',

  // array all of the fields for the query
  protected $_used_fields = array(

  // the template to use on the solr
  protected $_query_template = '';

  // the view object. used for the get_path() method
  // @see get_path()
  protected $_view_arguments = array();

  // from the view object used in the get_url_queryvalues() method
  // @see get_url_queryvalues()
  protected $_view_filters = array();

  // this stores the base path for the view. we store it here as the
  // $view object isn't always avaible
  protected $_base_path = '';

  // used to store subqueries. Useful in say the node_access implementation
  protected $_subqueries = array();

  // array to store extra url query params. Used for instance to store
  // latitudes and longitudes
  protected $_extra_query = array();

  // array to store the sorts for get_available_sorts() call
  protected $_available_sorts = array();

  // array of sorts to apply to the query keyed by field => direction
  protected $_sorts = array();

  // string to identify the current Views display
  protected $_current_display = '';

  // string to identify the current Views name
  protected $_current_views_name = '';

  // Array of query fields
  protected $_query_fields = array();

  // array of boost functions
  protected $_boost_functions = array();

  // array of boost queries
  protected $_boost_queries = array();
  protected $base_table;
  protected $sql_base_table;
  protected $base_field;
  protected $_db_query = NULL;
  protected $has_sql_fields = FALSE;

   * Views init() function
  public function init($base_table, $base_field, $options) {
    $this->base_table = $base_table;
    $this->base_field = $base_field;
    $this->sql_base_table = substr($base_table, 11);
    $this->_solr_service = apachesolr_get_solr();
    module_load_include('inc', 'views', 'plugins/views_plugin_query_default');
    $this->_db_query = new views_plugin_query_default();
      ->init($this->sql_base_table, $base_field, $options);
    $this->id = ++self::$idCount;
    $data = views_fetch_data($base_table);
    foreach ($data as $field_name => $field) {
      if (!empty($field['sort'])) {
        $this->_available_sorts[$field_name] = array(
          'name' => $field['title'],
          'default' => 'asc',

   * copy constructor... what else to do?
  public function __clone() {
    $this->id = ++self::$idCount;

   * Build the query object. Load up all avaivable facets so the blocks work.
  public function build(&$view) {
    if ($this->pager
      ->use_pager()) {

    // Let the pager modify the query to add limits.

    // Build in the default qf, bf and bq if they haven't been set
    // TODO: remove this when we expose and interface via Views UI
    if (empty($this->_query_template) || $this->_query_template == 'dismax') {

      // if no query fields are set, use default
      // TODO: remove when we have this exposed to the Views UI
      if (empty($this->_query_fields)) {
        $qf = variable_get('apachesolr_search_query_fields', array());
        foreach ($qf as $field_name => $boost) {
          if (!empty($boost)) {

            // if its a normed field
            if ($field_name == 'body') {
              $boost *= 40.0;
              ->add_query_field($field_name, $boost);

      // now we do boost functions
      if (empty($this->_boost_functions)) {
        $this->_params['bf'] = array();
        $solr = $this->_solr_service;
        $total = 0;
        if (isset($solr)) {
          try {
            $data = $solr
          } catch (Exception $e) {
            watchdog('apachesolr_views', $e
          if (isset($data) && isset($data->index->numDocs)) {
            $total = $data->index->numDocs;
        if (empty($total)) {
          $total = db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(nid) FROM {node}"));

        // date_settings
        $date_settings = variable_get('apachesolr_search_date_boost', '4:200.0');
        list($date_steepness, $date_boost) = explode(':', $date_settings);
        if (!empty($date_boost)) {
          $values = array(
            ->add_boost_function("recip(rord(created),%f,%d,%d)^%f", $values);

        // comment_settings
        $comment_settings = variable_get('apachesolr_search_comment_boost', '0:0');
        list($comment_steepness, $comment_boost) = explode(':', $comment_settings);
        if ($comment_boost) {
          $values = array(
            ->add_boost_function("recip(rord(comment_count),%f,%d,%d)^%f", $values);

        // changed_settings
        $changed_settings = variable_get('apachesolr_search_changed_boost', '0:0');
        list($changed_steepness, $changed_boost) = explode(':', $changed_settings);
        if ($changed_boost) {
          $values = array(
            ->add_boost_function("recip(rord(last_comment_or_change),%f,%d,%d)^%f", $values);

      // now we do boost queries
      if (empty($this->_boost_queries)) {

        // Boost for nodes with sticky bit set.
        $sticky_boost = variable_get('apachesolr_search_sticky_boost', 0);
        if ($sticky_boost) {
            ->add_boost_query('sticky', 'true', $sticky_boost);

        // Boost for nodes with promoted bit set.
        $promote_boost = variable_get('apachesolr_search_promote_boost', 0);
        if ($promote_boost) {
            ->add_boost_query('promote', 'true', $promote_boost);

        // Modify the weight of results according to the node types.
        $type_boosts = variable_get('apachesolr_search_type_boosts', array());
        if (!empty($type_boosts)) {
          foreach ($type_boosts as $type => $boost) {

            // Only add a param if the boost is != 0 (i.e. > "Normal").
            if (!empty($boost)) {
                ->add_boost_query('type', $type, $boost);
    try {

      // TODO: add in config screen on the View instead of using apachesolr settings
      // here we add in all the facet stuff for things that are turned on
      // we rely on the apachesolr_search module to provide them for us
      apachesolr_search_add_facet_params($this->_params, $this);
      if ($this->_query_template == 'dismax' || empty($this->_query_template)) {

        // add in the qf to the params array here
        $this->_params['qf'] = array();
        foreach ($this->_query_fields as $field_name => $boost) {
          $this->_params['qf'][] = "{$field_name}^{$boost}";

        // add in the bf
        $this->_params['bf'] = $this->_boost_functions;

        // build the bq
        foreach ($this->_boost_queries as $field_name => $fields) {
          foreach ($fields as $field_value => $boost) {
            $this->_params['bq'][] = "{$field_name}:{$field_value}^{$boost}";

      // Add in facets now
      $this->_params['fq'] = $this

      // process subqueries
      foreach ($this->_subqueries as $query_data) {

        // process the query string first
        $sub_query_string = $query_data['query']
        if ($sub_query_string) {
          $this->_query .= " {$query_data['q_op']} ({$sub_query_string})";

        // now handle the filter query
        $subfq = $query_data['query']
        if (!empty($subfq)) {
          $operator = $query_data['fq_op'];
          $this->_params['fq'][] = "(" . implode(" {$operator} ", $subfq) . ")";

      // add in the fields. These fields include the necessary fields.
      $this->_params['fl'] = implode(',', $this->_used_fields);

      // build up the sorts here
      $sort_strings = array();
      foreach ($this->_sorts as $name => $direction) {
        $sort_strings[] = "{$name} {$direction}";
      $this->_params['sort'] = implode(',', $sort_strings);

      // query template handling
      if (!empty($this->_query_template)) {
        $this->_params['qt'] = $this->_query_template;
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      watchdog('apachesolr_views', $e

   * Let modules modify the query just prior to finalizing it.
  public function alter(&$view) {
    foreach (module_implements('apachesolr_modify_query') as $module) {
      $function = $module . '_apachesolr_modify_query';
      $function($this, $this->_params, 'apachesolr_views_query');

   * Executes the query and fills the associated view object with according
   * values.
   * Values to set: $view->result, $view->total_rows, $view->execute_time,
   * $view->pager['current_page'].
  public function execute(&$view) {
    $start_time = views_microtime();
    $view->result = array();
    $this->_view_arguments = $view->argument;
    $this->_view_filters = $view->filter;
    $this->_base_path = $view
    $this->_current_display = $view->current_display;
    $this->_current_views_name = $view->name;

    // Let the pager modify the query to add limits.
      ->pre_execute($this->_query, $args);
    try {

      // If no text query is set we set a default of all
      // @todo Check the execution flow, when does apachesolr modify query get run
      if (empty($this->_query)) {
        watchdog('Apachesolr Views', 'Warning, no query string set');
      $response = $this->_solr_service
        ->search($this->_query, $this->offset, $this->limit, $this->_params);
      $view->total_rows = $total = $response->response->numFound;

      // The response is cached so that it is accessible to the blocks and
      // anything else that needs it beyond the initial search.
      // TODO: allow this to be configurable on the Views UI
      if (!empty($this->_base_path)) {
      if ($total > 0) {
        $results = $response->response->docs;

        // Process dates
        $date_fields = array(
        foreach (array_values($date_fields) as $field) {
          if (empty($this->_used_fields[$field])) {
        if (!empty($date_fields)) {
          foreach ($results as $doc) {
            foreach ($date_fields as $field) {
              $doc->{$field} = strtotime($doc->{$field});
        $base_fields = array();
        foreach ($results as $doc) {
          $base_fields[] = $doc->{$this->base_field};

        // If there has been SQL fields added via add_field(), run a SQL query.
        if ($this->has_sql_fields) {
          $sql_table = $this->_db_query
          $replace = array_fill(0, sizeof($base_fields), '%d');
          $in = '(' . implode(", ", $replace) . ')';
            ->add_where(0, "{$sql_table}.{$this->base_field} IN {$in}", $base_fields);
          $base_alias = $this->_db_query
            ->add_field($sql_table, $this->base_field);
          $sql_query = $this->_db_query
          $sql_args = $this->_db_query
          $sql_result = db_query($sql_query, $sql_args);

          // Merge results from the SQL query into the $result set.
          while ($sql_row = db_fetch_object($sql_result)) {
            foreach ($results as $key => $doc) {
              if ($doc->{$this->base_field} == $sql_row->{$base_alias}) {
                foreach ($sql_row as $field => $value) {
                  $results[$key]->{$field} = $value;
        $view->result = $results;
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      watchdog('Apache Solr', $e
        ->getMessage(), NULL, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
      apachesolr_failure(t('Solr search'), is_null($query) ? $this->_keys : $query
    $this->pager->total_items = $view->total_rows;
    $view->execute_time = views_microtime() - $start_time;

   * Set a LIMIT on the query, specifying a maximum number of results.
  function set_limit($limit) {
    $this->limit = $limit;

   * Set an OFFSET on the query, specifying a number of results to skip
  function set_offset($offset) {
    $this->offset = $offset;

   * Set keywords in this query.
   * @param $keys
   *   New keywords
  function set_keys($keys) {
    $this->keys = $keys;

   * Get this query's keywords.
  function get_keys() {
    return $this->keys;

   * Add a Solr Field to retrieve.
   * @param $field
   *  The name of the field to add.
   * @return string
   *   The field alias.
  public function add_solr_field($field) {
    if (!in_array($field, $this->_used_fields)) {
      $this->_used_fields[] = $field;
    return $field;

   * Add a field to retrieve.
  public function add_field($table, $field, $alias = '', $params = array()) {
    $this->has_sql_fields = TRUE;
    return $this->_db_query
      ->add_field($table, $field, $alias, $params);

   * Ensure table function.
  public function ensure_table($table, $relationship) {
    if ($table != $this->base_table) {
      if (substr($table, 0, strlen($this->base_table)) == $this->base_table) {
        $real_table = substr($table, strlen($this->base_table) + 1);
      else {
        $real_table = $table;
      return $this->_db_query
        ->ensure_table($real_table, $relationship);

   * Add a sorting directive.
   * @param $single If TRUE, the results will only be sorted by this order.
  public function add_sort($field, $order, $single = FALSE) {
    if ($single) {
      $this->_sorts = array();

    // don't need drupal_strtolower, this isn't a UTF-8 string
    $this->_sorts[$field] = strtolower($order);

   * get a search param. Used primarly by the snippet field
   * @param string $param_name
   * @return string parameter setting
  function get_param($param_name) {
    return $this->_params[$param_name];

   * set the search param. useful for extensions like localsolr
   * @param string $param_name
   * name of the parameter
   * @param string $param_value
   * value of the parameter
   * @return none;
  function set_param($param_name, $param_value) {
    $this->_params[$param_name] = $param_value;

   * Add in a facet string
   * @param string $type
   * The type of facet. use apachesolr_index_key() for dynamic fields
   * @param string $value
   * The value of the facet. Can be "story OR page" to filter multiple
   * @param boolean $exclude
   * Whether or not to exclude the value from the results
   * @return none
  public function add_filter($type, $value, $exclude = FALSE) {
    $this->_facets[$type][] = array(
      'value' => $value,
      'exclude' => $exclude,

   * This function sets the query string
   * @param string $query
   * plain text typed in search query
   * @return none
  public function set_query($query) {
    return $this->_query = $query;

   * return the basic query
  public function get_query_basic() {
    return $this->_query;

   * Remove the keys from the query.
  public function remove_keys() {
    $this->_query = '';

   * Checks to see if the facet has bene applied
   * @param string $field
   * the facet field to check
   * @param string $value
   * The facet value to check against
  function has_filter($field, $value) {
    if (isset($this->_facets[$field])) {
      foreach ($this->_facets[$field] as $definition) {
        if ($definition['value'] == $value && $definition['exclude'] == FALSE) {
          return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

   * Remove a facet from the query
   * @param string $field
   * the facet field to remove
   * @param string $value
   * The facet value to remove
   * This value can be NULL
  function remove_filter($field, $value = NULL) {
    if (!empty($value)) {
      if (isset($this->_facets[$field])) {
        $removal_key = FALSE;
        foreach ($this->_facets[$field] as $key => $definition) {
          if ($definition['value'] == $value) {
            $removal_key = $key;

        // we found it delete the value
        if ($removal_key !== FALSE) {
    else {
      if (isset($this->_facets[$field])) {

   * return the search path
  function get_path($new_keys = NULL) {
    if (isset($new_keys)) {
    $wildcard_count = 0;

    // this is used to remove the some/path/argument/all/all paths
    if (empty($this->_view_arguments)) {
      return $this->_base_path;
    foreach ($this->_view_arguments as $field => $argument) {

      // because some arguments arn't standard base arguments we need to do things differently
      // so that the facet blocks behave. So any argument thats not part of a facet block
      // we have its value copied into the path
      // arguments that are a facet block argument will be processed differently
      $path_part = $this
        ->part_of_facet_block($argument) ? $this
        ->argument_part($field) : $argument->argument;
      if (!empty($path_part)) {
        $path_parts[$argument->position + 1] = $path_part;
        $wildcard_count = 0;
      else {
        $path_parts[$argument->position + 1] = $argument->options['wildcard'];
    $arguments = explode('/', $this->_base_path);
    $path = '';
    foreach ($arguments as $arg) {
      if ($arg == '%') {
        $part = array_shift($path_parts);
      else {
        $part = $arg;
      $path .= "/{$part}";
    if (count($path_parts) && $wildcard_count != count($path_parts)) {
      $path .= "/" . implode('/', array_slice($path_parts, 0, count($path_parts) - $wildcard_count));
    $path = substr($path, 1);
    if (trim($path) == trim(variable_get('site_frontpage', 'node'))) {
      return '<front>';
    return $path;

   * return the facet argument suitable for Views
   * @param string $field
   * name of the facet
   * @return string the part of the url for Views that matches this facet value
  protected function argument_part($field) {
    $argument_path = '';
    if (empty($this->_facets[$field])) {
      if ($field == 'text' && !empty($this->_query)) {

        //the search argument is special
        return $this->_query;
      else {
        return '';
    foreach ($this->_facets[$field] as $defintion) {
      if (!$defintion['exclude']) {
        $argument_path .= ',' . $defintion['value'];
    return drupal_substr($argument_path, 1);

   * determine if argument field is part of a facet block
   * @return bool
   * Whether or not the provided argument could be in a facet block
  protected function part_of_facet_block($argument) {
    foreach (apachesolr_get_enabled_facets() as $module => $module_facets) {
      foreach ($module_facets as $delta => $facet_field) {
        $facet_arguments[] = $facet_field;

    // Facets are IM_* where as argument are tid so this is a quick fix
    if (!empty($facet_arguments) && $argument->field == "tid") {
      return true;

    // we use field instead of real_field
    // because we want these specific ones defined in
    return in_array($argument->field, $facet_arguments);

   * return any query string for use in the l function
   * @see l()
  function get_url_queryvalues() {

    // goes through and finds all the exposed filters
    $query_values = array();
    foreach ($this->_view_filters as $filter) {
      if ($filter->options['exposed']) {
        if ($filter->field == 'text' && !empty($this->_query)) {

          // the search exposed filter is special
          $query_values[$filter->options['expose']['identifier']] = $this->_query;
        elseif ($this->_facets[$filter->field]) {
          $query_values[$filter->options['expose']['identifier']] = $this->_facets[$filter->field];
        elseif (!empty($_GET[$filter->options['expose']['identifier']]) && $filter->field != 'text') {
          $query_values[$filter->options['expose']['identifier']] = $_GET[$filter->options['expose']['identifier']];
    foreach ($this->_extra_query as $field => $value) {
      $query_values[$field] = $value;
    return $query_values;

   * set the solrsort. This currently doesn't work
   * @param string $field
   * the field to sort on
   * @param string $direction
   * the direction in which to sort (ASC/DESC)
  function set_solrsort($field, $direction) {
      ->add_sort($field, $direction);

   * Get the solrsort
   * @return array
   * array keyed with name => direction
  function get_solrsort() {
    return $this->_sorts;

   * return an array of filters
   * @param string $name
   * the name of the filter applied to the query
   * Compabatiablity layer with Solr_Base_Query
  function get_filters($name = NULL) {
    $filters = array();
    foreach ($this->_facets as $type => $fields) {
      foreach ($fields as $data) {
        $filters[] = array(
          '#name' => $data['exclude'] ? "NOT {$type}" : $type,
          '#value' => $data['value'],

    // if we are looking for a specific one
    // remove all those that don't match and return the array
    if (!empty($name)) {
      foreach ($filters as $key => $filter) {
        if ($filter['#name'] != $name) {
    return $filters;
  function get_fq() {
    return $this

   * return the Views display id
  function get_display_id() {
    return $this->_current_display;

   * return the Views name
  function get_views_name() {
    return $this->_current_views_name;

   * add a subquery to the current query
  function add_subquery(Drupal_Solr_Query_Interface $query, $fq_operator = 'OR', $q_operator = 'AND') {
    $this->_subqueries[$query->id] = array(
      'query' => $query,
      'fq_op' => $fq_operator,
      'q_op' => $q_operator,

   * Escapes a term for passing it to the query.
  public static function escape_term($term) {
    $term = trim($term);
    if (empty($term)) {
      return '';
    if ($term[0] == '"' && $term[strlen($term) - 1] == '"' || $term[0] == '(' && $term[strlen($term) - 1] == ')') {
      return $term;
    if (strpos($term, ' TO ') !== FALSE) {
      return $term;
    if (strpos($term, ' ') !== FALSE) {
      return Drupal_Apache_Solr_Service::phrase($term);
    return Drupal_Apache_Solr_Service::escape($term);

   * allows the user to change the query template
   * @see localsolr
   * @param string $qt
   * the query template name to use
  public function change_query_template($qt) {
    $this->_query_template = $qt;

   * add a field and value to the query string
   * This is useful for generating links with the facet blocks
   * @param string $field
   * the query field
   * @param string $value
   * the value of hte query field
  function add_url_query_param($field, $value) {
    $this->_extra_query[$field] = $value;
  public function get_available_sorts() {
    return $this->_available_sorts;

   * Remove a specific subquery
   * @param Drupal_Solr_Query_Interface $query
   * the query to remove
  function remove_subquery(Drupal_Solr_Query_Interface $query) {

   * remove all subqueries
  function remove_subqueries() {
    $this->_subqueries = array();

   * make a sort available
  function set_available_sort($field, $sort) {

    // TODO: hmm.. wierd... we pull in all the sorts from Views data fields

   * adds query fields to the query with a specified weight
   * @param string $field_name
   * name of the field in the schema
   * @param double $boost
   * the amount of boost applied
  function add_query_field($field_name, $boost = 1.0) {
    $this->_query_fields[$field_name] = $boost;

   * remove a query field
   * @param $field_name
   * the name of the field in the schema
  function remove_query_field($field_name) {

   * adds a query boost function to the query
   * @param string $function
   * String with placeholders can use one or more of:
   * @param array $values
   * the values to be sprintf'd in place
  function add_boost_function($function, array $values) {
    $this->_boost_functions[] = vsprintf($function, $values);

   * adds a query boost for a specific field/value combo
   * @param string $field_name
   * name of field in the schema
   * @param string $field_value
   * the value of the field to boost
   * @param double $boost_value
   * the amount of boost to apply
  function add_boost_query($field_name, $field_value, $boost_value) {
    $this->_boost_queries[$field_name][$field_value] = $boost_value;

   * remove boost query
   * @param string $field_name
   * the name of the field in the schema
   * @param string $field_value
   * The value of the field we are boosting. Can be NULL to remove all boosts on $field_name
  function remove_boost_query($field_name, $field_value = NULL) {
    if ($field_value) {
    else {

   * build up the filter query params that are passed to Solr
  protected function rebuild_fq() {
    $query_filters = array();
    foreach ($this->_facets as $type => $facets) {
      $filter_string = '';
      foreach ($facets as $definition) {
        if ($definition['exclude']) {
          $type_string = "NOT {$type}";
        else {
          $type_string = $type;
        $query_filters[] = "{$type_string}:" . $definition['value'];
    $query_filters[] = "entity:" . $this->sql_base_table;
    return $query_filters;



Namesort descending Description
apachesolr_views_query Class for handling a view that gets its data not from the database, but from a Solr server.