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function apachesolr_confgen_get_required_version_string in Apache Solr Config Generator 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 apachesolr_confgen.module \apachesolr_confgen_get_required_version_string()
1 call to apachesolr_confgen_get_required_version_string()
apachesolr_confgen_advanced_settings_variable_info in apachesolr_confgen_advanced_settings/
Implements hook_variable_info().


./apachesolr_confgen.module, line 196
Generator for Apache Solr Configuration Files.


function apachesolr_confgen_get_required_version_string($version, $options = array(), $format = 'html') {

  // TODO replace by theme function
  return $format == 'html' ? ' <strong>' . t('Solr %version and newer.', array(
    '%version' => $version,
  ), $options) . '</strong>' : ' (' . t('Solr @version and newer', array(
    '@version' => $version,
  ), $options) . ')';