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function apachesolr_autocomplete_get_stopwords in Apache Solr Autocomplete 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 apachesolr_autocomplete.module \apachesolr_autocomplete_get_stopwords()
  2. 7 apachesolr_autocomplete.module \apachesolr_autocomplete_get_stopwords()

Gets the current stopwords list configured in Solr.

1 call to apachesolr_autocomplete_get_stopwords()
apachesolr_autocomplete_suggest in ./apachesolr_autocomplete.module


./apachesolr_autocomplete.module, line 436
Alters search forms to suggest terms using Apache Solr using AJAX. Thanks to robertDouglass who contributed some of the code.


function apachesolr_autocomplete_get_stopwords() {
  static $words = array(), $cached_flag = false;
  if ($cached_flag) {
    return $words;
  $stopwords_url = "/admin/file/?file=stopwords.txt";
  $host = variable_get('apachesolr_host', 'localhost');
  $port = variable_get('apachesolr_port', 8983);
  $path = variable_get('apachesolr_path', '/solr');
  $url = "http://{$host}:{$port}{$path}{$stopwords_url}";
  $result = drupal_http_request($url);
  if ($result->code != 200) {
    return array();
  $words = array();
  foreach (explode("\n", $result->data) as $line) {
    if (drupal_substr($line, 0, 1) == "#") {
    if ($word = trim($line)) {
      $words[] = $word;
  $cached_flag = true;
  return $words;