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function apachesolr_attachments_update_index in Apache Solr Attachments 5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 apachesolr_attachments.module \apachesolr_attachments_update_index()
  2. 6.2 apachesolr_attachments.module \apachesolr_attachments_update_index()

Hook is called by search.module to add things to the search index. In our case we will search content types and add any CCK type that is a file type that we know how to parse and any uploaded file attachments.


./apachesolr_attachments.module, line 98
Provides a file attachment search implementation for use with the Apache Solr module


function apachesolr_attachments_update_index() {
  $result = ApacheSolrUpdate::getNodesToIndex(SOLR_ATTACHMENT_NS);
  while ($row = db_fetch_object($result)) {

    // Variables to track the last item changed.
    $solr_last_change = $row->last_change;
    $solr_last_id = $row->nid;
    $node = node_load($row->nid);
    if ($node->nid) {

      // Since there is no notification for an attachment being unassociated with a
      // node (but that action will trigger it to be indexed again), lets remove
      // all indexed attachments then add all attached (if any)
      $files = _asa_get_indexable_files($node);
      if (!empty($files)) {

        // Update solr index.
        try {
          foreach ($files as $file) {

            // Some are arrays others are objects, treat them all as objects
            $file = (object) $file;
            $text = _asa_get_attachment_text($file);
            $text = trim($text);
            if (!empty($text)) {
              $document = new Apache_Solr_Document();
              $site = url(NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE);
              $hash = md5($site);
              $document->site = $site;
              $document->hash = $hash;
              $document->url = file_create_url($file->filepath);
              $document->id = $file->fid;
              $document->nid = $node->nid;
              $document->title = $file->filename;
              $document->changed = $node->changed;
              $document->uid = $node->uid;
              $document->body = $text;
              $document->text = "{$file->description} {$file->filename} {$text}";
              $document->type = $node->type;
              $document->bsfield_isfile = TRUE;
              _as_configure_taxonomy($document, $node);

              // Let modules add to the document
              foreach (module_implements('apachesolr_attachments_update_index') as $module) {
                $function = $module . '_apachesolr_attachments_update_index';
                $function($document, $node, $file);
              $documents[] = $document;
        } catch (Exception $e) {
          watchdog(SOLR_ATTACHMENT_WD, $e
            ->getMessage(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
      ApacheSolrUpdate::success(SOLR_ATTACHMENT_NS, $solr_last_change, $solr_last_id);