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interface DrupalSolrQueryInterface in Apache Solr Search 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.3 \DrupalSolrQueryInterface
  2. 7 \DrupalSolrQueryInterface

The interface for all 'query' objects.


Expanded class hierarchy of DrupalSolrQueryInterface

All classes that implement DrupalSolrQueryInterface

2 string references to 'DrupalSolrQueryInterface'
apachesolr_drupal_query in ./apachesolr.module
Factory function for query objects.
apachesolr_drupal_subquery in ./apachesolr.module
Factory function for query objects.


./, line 6

View source
interface DrupalSolrQueryInterface {

   * Get query name.
  function getName();

   * Get query searcher name (for facetapi, views, pages, etc).
  function getSearcher();

   * Get context values.
  function getContext();

   * Set context value.
  function addContext(array $context);

   * Returns all filters matching $name, if set; otherwise, returns all filters.
   * @param string $name
   *   The facet field name to match. If NULL, all filters will be returned.
   * @return array
   *   All matching filters.
  function getFilters($name = NULL);

   * Tests whether a filter is already present in the query.
   * @param string $name
   *   The facet field name to check.
   * @param string $value
   *   The facet value to check.
   * @param boolean $exclude
   *   Optional, defaults to FALSE, must match the filter.
   * @return boolean
   *   TRUE or FALSE.
  function hasFilter($name, $value, $exclude = FALSE);

   * Adds a filter to the query.
   * @param string $name
   *   The facet field name.
   * @param string $value
   *   The facet field value.
   * @param boolean $exclude
   *   Set to TRUE to filter out documents matching $value.
   * @param string $local
   *   Solr LocalParams.
   * @return DrupalSolrQueryInterface
   *   The called object.
  function addFilter($name, $value, $exclude = FALSE, $local = '');

   * Removes a filter from the query.
   * @param string $name
   *   The name of the facet field to remove.
   * @param string $value
   *   The value of the facet field to remove. If NULL, all filters matching
   *   $name are removed.
   * @param boolean $exclude
   *   If $value is not NULL, only filters matching both $value and $exclude are
   *   removed. Ignored if $value is NULL.
   * @return DrupalSolrQueryInterface
   *   The called object.
  function removeFilter($name, $value = NULL, $exclude = FALSE);

   * Returns all subqueries to the query.
   * @return array
   *   All subqueries to the query.
  function getFilterSubQueries();

   * Adds a subquery to the query.
   * @param SolrFilterSubQuery $query
   *   The query to add to the orginal query - may have keywords or filters.
   * @param string $fq_operator
   *   The operator to use within the filter part of the subquery
   * @param string $q_operator
   *   The operator to use in joining the subquery to the main keywords. Note:
   *   this is unlikely to work with the Dismax handler when the main query is
   *   only keywords.
   * @return DrupalSolrQueryInterface
   *   The called object.
  function addFilterSubQuery(SolrFilterSubQuery $query);

   * Removes a specific subquery.
   * @param DrupalSolrQueryInterface $query
   *   The query to remove.
   * @return DrupalSolrQueryInterface
   *   The called object.
  function removeFilterSubQuery(SolrFilterSubQuery $query);

   * Removes all subqueries.
   * @return DrupalSolrQueryInterface
   *   The called object.
  function removeFilterSubQueries();

  * Transforms a single filter in a form suitable for use in a Solr query.
  * @param array $filter
  *   A filter as an array with the keys '#name', for the facet field name,
  *   '#value', for the facet field value, '#local', for Solr LocalParams, and
      '#exclude' set to TRUE if it is an exclusion filter.
  * @return string
  *   A Solr fq parameter value.
  function makeFilterQuery(array $filter);

   * Gets the value of a parameter.
   * @param string $name
   *   The parameter name.
   * @return
   *   The value of the parameter.
  function getParam($name);

   * Gets all parameters in normalized form.
   * @return array
   *   All parameters as key-value pairs.
  function getParams();

   * Gets parameters in a form suitable for use in a Solr query.
   * @return array
   *   All parameters as key-value pairs, where values have been transformed
   *   into Solr parameter values.
  function getSolrParams();

   * Adds a param to be sent when running the Solr search.
   * If the param is single-valued, this will replace rather than add the value.
   * @param string $name
   *   A Solr param name, e.g. 'q' or 'fl'.
   * @param $value
   *   A Solr param value: an array of values, or a string for a single value.
   * @return DrupalSolrQueryInterface
   *   The called object.
  function addParam($name, $value);

   * Adds multiple params to be sent when running the Solr search.
   * If the param is single-valued, this will replace rather than add the value.
   * @param $params
   *   An array where the keys are param names, and the values may be strings or
   *   arrays of strings.
   * @return DrupalSolrQueryInterface
   *   The called object.
  function addParams(array $params);

   * Removes all values for one Solr param.
   * @param string $name
   *   A Solr param name, e.g. 'q' or 'fl'.
   * @return DrupalSolrQueryInterface
   *   The called object.
  function removeParam($name);

   * Replaces a param to be sent when running the Solr search.
   * Basically a shortcut for removeParam() plus addParam().
   * @param string $name
   *   A Solr param name, e.g. 'q' or 'fl'.
   * @param $value
   *   A Solr param value: an array of values, or a string for a single value.
   * @return DrupalSolrQueryInterface
   *   The called object.
  function replaceParam($name, $value);

   * Handles aliases for field to make nicer URLs.
   * @param $field_map
   *   An array keyed with real Solr index field names with the alias as value.
   * @return DrupalSolrQueryInterface
   *   The called object.
  function addFieldAliases($field_map);
  function getFieldAliases();
  function clearFieldAliases();
  function getAvailableSorts();

   * Adds an available sort.
   * @param string $name
   *  The name of the field in the Solr index to sort on.
   * @param array $sort
   *  An array with the keys 'title', for the human name of the sort, and
   *  'default', for the default sort direction ('asc' or 'desc').
   * @return DrupalSolrQueryInterface
   *   The called object.
  function setAvailableSort($name, $sort);

   * Removes an available sort.
   * @param string $name
   *  The name of the field in the Solr index to sort on.
   * @return DrupalSolrQueryInterface
   *   The called object.
  function removeAvailableSort($name);

   * Gets the current sort.
   * @return array
   *   The current sort as an array with the keys '#name', for the name of
   *   the field, and '#direction', for the sort direction ('asc' or 'desc').
  function getSolrsort();

   * Sets the sort.
   * @param string $field
   *  The name of the field in the Solr index to sort on.
   * @param string $direction
   *  'asc' or 'desc'
   * @return DrupalSolrQueryInterface
   *   The called object.
  function setSolrsort($name, $direction);

   * Returns an array representing the URL query string for the current sort.
   * @return array
   *   The URL query string for the current sort.
  function getSolrsortUrlQuery();

   * Returns the search path (including the search keywords).
   * @param string $new_keywords
   *   Optional. When set, this string overrides the query's current keywords.
   * @return string
   *   The search path.
  function getPath($new_keywords = NULL);

   * Sends the search request to Solr, unless $query->abort_search is TRUE.
   * @param string $keys
   *   The search keys.
   * @return
   *   A stdClass response object.
  function search($keys = NULL);

   * Calls a method, without arguments, on the Solr object with which the query
   * object was initialized.
   * @param string $method
   *   The method to call on the Solr object.
   * @return
   *   Any method return.
  function solr($method);



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
DrupalSolrQueryInterface::addContext function Set context value. 1
DrupalSolrQueryInterface::addFieldAliases function Handles aliases for field to make nicer URLs. 1
DrupalSolrQueryInterface::addFilter function Adds a filter to the query.
DrupalSolrQueryInterface::addFilterSubQuery function Adds a subquery to the query.
DrupalSolrQueryInterface::addParam function Adds a param to be sent when running the Solr search. 1
DrupalSolrQueryInterface::addParams function Adds multiple params to be sent when running the Solr search. 1
DrupalSolrQueryInterface::clearFieldAliases function 1
DrupalSolrQueryInterface::getAvailableSorts function 1
DrupalSolrQueryInterface::getContext function Get context values. 1
DrupalSolrQueryInterface::getFieldAliases function 1
DrupalSolrQueryInterface::getFilters function Returns all filters matching $name, if set; otherwise, returns all filters.
DrupalSolrQueryInterface::getFilterSubQueries function Returns all subqueries to the query.
DrupalSolrQueryInterface::getName function Get query name. 1
DrupalSolrQueryInterface::getParam function Gets the value of a parameter. 1
DrupalSolrQueryInterface::getParams function Gets all parameters in normalized form. 1
DrupalSolrQueryInterface::getPath function Returns the search path (including the search keywords). 1
DrupalSolrQueryInterface::getSearcher function Get query searcher name (for facetapi, views, pages, etc). 1
DrupalSolrQueryInterface::getSolrParams function Gets parameters in a form suitable for use in a Solr query. 1
DrupalSolrQueryInterface::getSolrsort function Gets the current sort. 1
DrupalSolrQueryInterface::getSolrsortUrlQuery function Returns an array representing the URL query string for the current sort. 1
DrupalSolrQueryInterface::hasFilter function Tests whether a filter is already present in the query.
DrupalSolrQueryInterface::makeFilterQuery function Transforms a single filter in a form suitable for use in a Solr query.
DrupalSolrQueryInterface::removeAvailableSort function Removes an available sort. 1
DrupalSolrQueryInterface::removeFilter function Removes a filter from the query.
DrupalSolrQueryInterface::removeFilterSubQueries function Removes all subqueries.
DrupalSolrQueryInterface::removeFilterSubQuery function Removes a specific subquery.
DrupalSolrQueryInterface::removeParam function Removes all values for one Solr param. 1
DrupalSolrQueryInterface::replaceParam function Replaces a param to be sent when running the Solr search. 1
DrupalSolrQueryInterface::search function Sends the search request to Solr, unless $query->abort_search is TRUE. 1
DrupalSolrQueryInterface::setAvailableSort function Adds an available sort. 1
DrupalSolrQueryInterface::setSolrsort function Sets the sort. 1
DrupalSolrQueryInterface::solr function Calls a method, without arguments, on the Solr object with which the query object was initialized. 1