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function apachesolr_index_node_solr_reindex in Apache Solr Search 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.3 \apachesolr_index_node_solr_reindex()
  2. 7 \apachesolr_index_node_solr_reindex()

Reindexing callback for ApacheSolr, for nodes.


string $env_id: The machine name of the environment.

string|null $bundle: (optional) The bundle type to reindex. If not used all bundles will be re-indexed.

Return value

null returns NULL if the specified bundle is not in the indexable bundles list



2 string references to 'apachesolr_index_node_solr_reindex'
apachesolr_entity_info_alter in ./apachesolr.module
Implements hook_entity_info_alter().
hook_apachesolr_entity_info_alter in ./apachesolr.api.php
Add information to index other entities. There are some modules in that can give a good example of custom entity indexing such as apachesolr_user, apachesolr_term


./, line 910
Functions related to Apache Solr indexing operations.


function apachesolr_index_node_solr_reindex($env_id, $bundle = NULL) {
  $indexer_table = apachesolr_get_indexer_table('node');
  $transaction = db_transaction();
  try {
    $indexable_bundles = apachesolr_get_index_bundles($env_id, 'node');
    if ($bundle && !empty($indexable_bundles) && !in_array($bundle, $indexable_bundles)) {

      // The bundle specified is not in the indexable bundles list.
      return NULL;

    // Leave status 0 rows - those need to be
    // removed from the index later.
    $delete = db_delete($indexer_table);
      ->condition('status', 1);
    if (!empty($bundle)) {
        ->condition('bundle', $bundle);
    elseif (!empty($indexable_bundles)) {
        ->condition('bundle', $indexable_bundles, 'IN');
    $select = db_select('node', 'n');
      ->condition('status', 1);
      ->addExpression("'node'", 'entity_type');
      ->addField('n', 'nid', 'entity_id');
      ->addField('n', 'type', 'bundle');
      ->addField('n', 'status', 'status');
      ->addExpression(REQUEST_TIME, 'changed');
    if ($bundle) {

      // Mark all nodes of the specified content type for reindexing.
        ->condition('n.type', $bundle);
    elseif (!empty($indexable_bundles)) {

      // Restrict reindex to content types in the indexable bundles list.
        ->condition('n.type', $indexable_bundles, 'IN');
    $insert = db_insert($indexer_table)
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    throw $e;