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function apachesolr_status_page in Apache Solr Search 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 \apachesolr_status_page()
  2. 6.3 \apachesolr_status_page()

Gets information about the fields already in solr index.


array $environment: The environment for which we need to ask the status from

Return value

array page render array

1 string reference to 'apachesolr_status_page'
apachesolr_menu in ./apachesolr.module
Implements hook_menu().


./, line 546
Administrative pages for the Apache Solr framework.


function apachesolr_status_page($environment = array()) {
  if (empty($environment)) {
    $env_id = apachesolr_default_environment();
    $environment = apachesolr_environment_load($env_id);
  else {
    $env_id = $environment['env_id'];

  // Check for availability
  if (!apachesolr_server_status($environment['url'], $environment['service_class'])) {
    drupal_set_message(t('The server seems to be unavailable. Please verify the server settings at the <a href="!settings_page">settings page</a>', array(
      '!settings_page' => url("admin/config/search/apachesolr/settings/{$environment['env_id']}/edit", array(
        'query' => drupal_get_destination(),
    )), 'warning');
    return '';
  try {
    $solr = apachesolr_get_solr($environment["env_id"]);
    $data = $solr
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    apachesolr_log_exception($environment['env_id'], $e);
      ->getMessage())), "warning");
    $data = new stdClass();
    $data->fields = array();
  $messages = array();
  if (isset($data->index->numDocs)) {
    try {

      // Collect the stats
      $stats_summary = $solr
      module_load_include('inc', 'apachesolr', 'apachesolr.index');
      $status = apachesolr_index_status($environment["env_id"]);

      // We need a schema version greater than beta3. This is mostly to catch
      // people using the Drupal 6 schema.
      if (preg_match('/^drupal-[13]/', $stats_summary['@schema_version'])) {
        $minimum = 'drupal-3.0-beta4';
        if (version_compare($stats_summary['@schema_version'], $minimum, '<')) {
          drupal_set_message(t('Your schema.xml version is too old. You must update it to at least %minimum and re-index your content.', array(
            '%minimum' => $minimum,
          )), 'error');
      $pending_msg = $stats_summary['@pending_docs'] ? t('(@pending_docs sent but not yet processed)', $stats_summary) : '';
      $index_msg = $stats_summary['@index_size'] ? t('(@index_size on disk)', $stats_summary) : '';
      $indexed_message = t('@num Items !pending !index_msg', array(
        '@num' => $data->index->numDocs,
        '!pending' => $pending_msg,
        '!index_msg' => $index_msg,
      $messages[] = array(
      $remaining_message = t('@items (@percentage% has been sent to the server)', array(
        '@items' => format_plural($status['remaining'], t('1 item'), t('@count items')),
        '@percentage' => (int) min(100, 100 * ($status['total'] - $status['remaining']) / max(1, $status['total'])),
      $messages[] = array(
      $messages[] = array(
        t('@schema_version', $stats_summary),
      if (!empty($stats_summary['@core_name'])) {
        $messages[] = array(
          t('Solr Core Name'),
          t('@core_name', $stats_summary),
      $messages[] = array(
        t('@autocommit_time before updates are processed.', $stats_summary),
      $messages[] = array(
        t('Pending Deletions'),
        t('@deletes_total', $stats_summary),
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      apachesolr_log_exception($environment['env_id'], $e);
  if (empty($messages)) {
    $messages[] = array(
      t('No data was returned from the server. Check your log messages.'),

  // Initializes output with information about which server's setting we are
  // editing, as it is otherwise not transparent to the end user.
  $output['apachesolr_index_action_status'] = array(
    '#prefix' => '<h3>' . t('@environment: Search Index Content', array(
      '@environment' => $environment['name'],
    )) . '</h3>',
    '#theme' => 'table',
    '#header' => array(
    '#rows' => $messages,
  $output['viewmore'] = array(
    '#markup' => l(t('View more details on the search index contents'), 'admin/reports/apachesolr'),
  $write_status = apachesolr_environment_variable_get($env_id, 'apachesolr_read_only', APACHESOLR_READ_WRITE);
  if ($write_status == APACHESOLR_READ_WRITE) {
    $output['index_action_form'] = drupal_get_form('apachesolr_index_action_form', $env_id);
    $output['index_config_form'] = drupal_get_form('apachesolr_index_config_form', $env_id);
  else {
    drupal_set_message(t('Options for deleting and re-indexing are not available because the index is read-only. This can be changed on the <a href="!settings_page">settings page</a>', array(
      '!settings_page' => url('admin/config/search/apachesolr/settings/' . $env_id . '/edit', array(
        'query' => drupal_get_destination(),
    )), 'warning');
  return $output;