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README.txt in Apache Solr Search 6

This module integrates Drupal with the Apache Solr search platform. Solr search
can be used as a replacement for core content search and boasts both extra
features and better performance. Among the extra features is the ability to have
faceted search on facets ranging from content author to taxonomy to arbitrary
CCK fields.

The module comes with a schema.xml, solrconfig.xml, and protwords.txt file which
must be used in your Solr installation.

This module depends on the search framework in core. However, you may not want
the core searches and only want Solr search. If that is the case, you want to
use the Core Searches module in tandem with this module.

When used in combination with core search module, Apache Solr is not the default
search. Access it via a new tab on the default search page, called "Search".


Prerequisite: Java 5 or higher (a.k.a. 1.5.x).  PHP 5.1.4 or higher.

Those with PHP < 5.2.0 must install the PECL json module or download
the Json code from the Zend Framework (see below).

Install the Apache Solr Drupal module as you would any Drupal module.

Before enabling it, you must also do the following:

Get the PHP library from the external project. The project is
found at:

If you use drush make, run this command from the apachesolr module directory:

drush make --no-core -y  --contrib-destination=. apachesolr.make.example

Otherwise, from the apachesolr module directory, run this command:

svn checkout -r22 SolrPhpClient

Alternately you may download and extract the library from

Make sure to select a r22 archive, either of these two:

Note that revision 22 is the currently tested and required revision. 
Make sure that the final directory is named SolrPhpClient under the apachesolr
module directory.  

If you are maintaing your code base in subversion, you may choose instead to 
use svn export or svn externals. For an export (writing a copy to your local
directory without .svn files to track changes) use:

svn export -r22 SolrPhpClient

Instead of checking out, externals can be used too. Externals can be seen as 
(remote) symlinks in svn. This requires your own project in your own svn ]
repository, off course. In the apachesolr module directory, issue the command:

svn propedit svn:externals .

Your editor will open. Add a line

SolrPhpClient -r22

On exports and checkouts, svn will grab the externals, but it will keep the 
references on the remote server.

Those without svn, etc may also choose to try the bundled Acquia Search
download, which includes all the items which are not in CVS due to 
CVS use policy. See the download link here:

Download the latest Solr 1.4.x release (e.g. 1.4.1) from:

Unpack the tarball somewhere not visible to the web (not in your apache docroot
and not inside of your drupal directory).

The Solr download comes with an example application that you can use for
testing, development, and even for smaller production sites. This
application is found at apache-solr-1.4.1/example.

Move apache-solr-1.4.1/example/solr/conf/schema.xml and rename it to
something like schema.bak. Then move the schema.xml that comes with the
ApacheSolr Drupal module to take its place.

Similarly, move apache-solr-1.4.1/example/solr/conf/solrconfig.xml and rename
it like solrconfig.bak. Then move the solrconfig.xml that comes with the
ApacheSolr Drupal module to take its place.

Finally, move apache-solr-1.4.1/example/solr/conf/protwords.txt and rename
it like protwords.bak. Then move the protwords.txt that comes with the
ApacheSolr Drupal module to take its place.

Make sure that the conf directory includes the following files - the Solr core
may not load if you don't have at least an empty file present:

Now start the solr application by opening a shell, changing directory to
apache-solr-1.4.1/example, and executing the command java -jar start.jar

Test that your solr server is now available by visiting

For those using PHP 5.1, you must either install the PECL json extension
into PHP on your sever, or you may use the Zend framework Json library.
for the PECL extension see:
The Solr client has been tested with Zend framework release 1.7.7.
To get this code, you may use svn from the apachesolr directory:
svn co
However, the only required parts are:
The 'Zend' directory should normally be under the apachesolr
directory, but may be elsewhere if you set that location to be
in your PHP include path.

Now, you should enable the "Apache Solr framework" and "Apache Solr search" 
modules. Check that you can connect to Solr at ?q=admin/setting/apachesolr
Now run cron on your Drupal site until your content is indexed. You
can monitor the index at ?q=admin/settings/apachesolr/index

The solrconfig.xml that comes with this modules defines auto-commit, so
it may take a few minutes between running cron and when the new content
is visible in search.

Enable blocks for facets first at Administer > Site configuration > Apache Solr > Enabled filters,
then position them as you like at Administer > Site building > Blocks.   

Configuration variables

The module provides some (hidden) variables that can be used to tweak its

 - apachesolr_luke_limit: the limit (in terms of number of documents in the
   index) above which the module will not retrieve the number of terms per field
   when performing LUKE queries (for performance reasons).

 - apachesolr_tags_to_index: the list of HTML tags that the module will index
   (see apachesolr_add_tags_to_document()).

 - apachesolr_exclude_nodeapi_types: an array of node types each of which is
   an array of one or more module names, such as 'comment'.  Any type listed
   will have any listed modules' nodeapi 'update_index' implementation skipped
   when indexing. This can be useful for excluding comments or taxonomy links.

 - apachesolr_ping_timeout: the timeout (in seconds) after which the module will
   consider the Apache Solr server unavailable.

 - apachesolr_optimize_interval: the interval (in seconds) between automatic
   optimizations of the Apache Solr index. Set to 0 to disable.

 - apachesolr_cache_delay: the interval (in seconds) after an update after which
   the module will requery the Apache Solr for the index structure. Set it to
   your autocommit delay plus a few seconds.

 - apachesolr_service_class: the Apache_Solr_Service class used for communicating
   with the Apache Solr server.

 - apachesolr_query_class: the default query class to use.

 - apachesolr_cron_mass_limit: update or delete at most this many documents in
   each Solr request, such as when making {apachesolr_search_node} consistent
   with {node}.

Links to nodes appear in the search results with a different host name or
subdomain than is preferred.  e.g. sometimes at
and sometimes at

Set $base_url in settings.php to insure that an identical absolute url is
generated at all times when nodes are indexed.  Alternately, set up a re-direct
in .htaccess to prevent site visitors from accessing the site via more than one
site address.


Exposed Hooks in 6.x:

hook_apachesolr_modify_query(&$query, &$params, $caller);

  Any module performing a search should call apachesolr_modify_query($query, $params, 'modulename'). 
  That function then invokes this hook. It allows modules to modify the query object and params array. 
  $caller indicates which module is invoking the hook.


        function my_module_apachesolr_modify_query(&$query, &$params, $caller) {
          // I only want to see articles by the admin!
          $query->add_filter("uid", 1);         

CALLER_finalize_query(&$query, &$params);

  The module calling apachesolr_do_query() may implement a function that is run after
  hook_apachesolr_modify_query() and allows the caller to make final changes to the
  query and params before the query is sent to Solr.  The function name is built
  from the $caller parameter to apachesolr_do_query().

hook_apachesolr_prepare_query(&$query, &$params, $caller);

  This is pretty much the same as hook_apachesolr_modify_query() but runs earlier
  and before the query is statically cached. It can e.g. be used to add
  available sorts to the query.


        function my_module_apachesolr_prepare_query(&$query) {
          // Add a sort on the node ID.
          $query->set_available_sort('nid', array(
            'title' => t('Node ID'),
            'default' => 'asc',


  Add or alter index mappings for CCK types.  The default mappings array handles just 
  text fields with option widgets:

    $mappings['text'] = array(
      'optionwidgets_select' => array('callback' => '', 'index_type' => 'string'),
      'optionwidgets_buttons' => array('callback' => '', 'index_type' => 'string')

  In your _alter hook implementation you can add additional field types such as:

    $mappings['number_integer']['number'] = array('callback' => '', 'index_type' => 'integer');

  You can allso add a mapping for a specific field.  This will take precedence over any
  mapping for a general field type. A field-specific mapping would look like:

    $mappings['per-field']['field_model_name'] = array('callback' => '', 'index_type' => 'string');


    $mappings['per-field']['field_model_price'] = array('callback' => '', 'index_type' => 'float');

  If a custom field needs to be searchable but does not need to be faceted you can change the 'facets'
  parameter to FALSE, like:

    $mappings['number_integer']['number'] = array('callback' => '', 'index_type' => 'integer', 'facets' => FALSE);


  Invoked by apachesolr.module when generating a list of nodes to index for a given
  namespace.  Return an array of node types to be excldued from indexing for that namespace 
  (e.g. 'apachesolr_search'). This is used by apachesolr_search module to exclude 
  certain node types from the index.

hook_apachesolr_node_exclude($node, $namespace)

  This is invoked by apachesolr.module for each node to be added to the index - if any module
  returns TRUE, the node is skipped for indexing. 

hook_apachesolr_update_index(&$document, $node, $namespace)

  Allows a module to change the contents of the $document object before it is sent to the Solr Server.
  To add a new field to the document, you should generally use one of the pre-defined dynamic fields. 
  Follow the naming conventions for the type of data being added based on the schema.xml file.


  The is invoked by apachesolr_search.module for each document returned in a search - new in 6.x-beta7
  as a replacement for the call to hook_nodeapi().


  Called by the sort link block code. Allows other modules to modify, add or remove sorts.


See inline docs in apachesolr_theme and apachesolr_search_theme functions 
within apachesolr.module and apachesolr_search.module.


View source
  1. This module integrates Drupal with the Apache Solr search platform. Solr search
  2. can be used as a replacement for core content search and boasts both extra
  3. features and better performance. Among the extra features is the ability to have
  4. faceted search on facets ranging from content author to taxonomy to arbitrary
  5. CCK fields.
  6. The module comes with a schema.xml, solrconfig.xml, and protwords.txt file which
  7. must be used in your Solr installation.
  8. This module depends on the search framework in core. However, you may not want
  9. the core searches and only want Solr search. If that is the case, you want to
  10. use the Core Searches module in tandem with this module.
  11. When used in combination with core search module, Apache Solr is not the default
  12. search. Access it via a new tab on the default search page, called "Search".
  13. Installation
  14. ------------
  15. Prerequisite: Java 5 or higher (a.k.a. 1.5.x). PHP 5.1.4 or higher.
  16. Those with PHP < 5.2.0 must install the PECL json module or download
  17. the Json code from the Zend Framework (see below).
  18. Install the Apache Solr Drupal module as you would any Drupal module.
  19. Before enabling it, you must also do the following:
  20. Get the PHP library from the external project. The project is
  21. found at:
  22. If you use drush make, run this command from the apachesolr module directory:
  23. drush make --no-core -y --contrib-destination=. apachesolr.make.example
  24. Otherwise, from the apachesolr module directory, run this command:
  25. svn checkout -r22 SolrPhpClient
  26. Alternately you may download and extract the library from
  28. Make sure to select a r22 archive, either of these two:
  31. Note that revision 22 is the currently tested and required revision.
  32. Make sure that the final directory is named SolrPhpClient under the apachesolr
  33. module directory.
  34. If you are maintaing your code base in subversion, you may choose instead to
  35. use svn export or svn externals. For an export (writing a copy to your local
  36. directory without .svn files to track changes) use:
  37. svn export -r22 SolrPhpClient
  38. Instead of checking out, externals can be used too. Externals can be seen as
  39. (remote) symlinks in svn. This requires your own project in your own svn ]
  40. repository, off course. In the apachesolr module directory, issue the command:
  41. svn propedit svn:externals .
  42. Your editor will open. Add a line
  43. SolrPhpClient -r22
  44. On exports and checkouts, svn will grab the externals, but it will keep the
  45. references on the remote server.
  46. Those without svn, etc may also choose to try the bundled Acquia Search
  47. download, which includes all the items which are not in CVS due to
  48. CVS use policy. See the download link here:
  50. Download the latest Solr 1.4.x release (e.g. 1.4.1) from:
  52. Unpack the tarball somewhere not visible to the web (not in your apache docroot
  53. and not inside of your drupal directory).
  54. The Solr download comes with an example application that you can use for
  55. testing, development, and even for smaller production sites. This
  56. application is found at apache-solr-1.4.1/example.
  57. Move apache-solr-1.4.1/example/solr/conf/schema.xml and rename it to
  58. something like schema.bak. Then move the schema.xml that comes with the
  59. ApacheSolr Drupal module to take its place.
  60. Similarly, move apache-solr-1.4.1/example/solr/conf/solrconfig.xml and rename
  61. it like solrconfig.bak. Then move the solrconfig.xml that comes with the
  62. ApacheSolr Drupal module to take its place.
  63. Finally, move apache-solr-1.4.1/example/solr/conf/protwords.txt and rename
  64. it like protwords.bak. Then move the protwords.txt that comes with the
  65. ApacheSolr Drupal module to take its place.
  66. Make sure that the conf directory includes the following files - the Solr core
  67. may not load if you don't have at least an empty file present:
  68. solrconfig.xml
  69. schema.xml
  70. elevate.xml
  71. mapping-ISOLatin1Accent.txt
  72. protwords.txt
  73. stopwords.txt
  74. synonyms.txt
  75. Now start the solr application by opening a shell, changing directory to
  76. apache-solr-1.4.1/example, and executing the command java -jar start.jar
  77. Test that your solr server is now available by visiting
  78. http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/
  79. For those using PHP 5.1, you must either install the PECL json extension
  80. into PHP on your sever, or you may use the Zend framework Json library.
  81. for the PECL extension see:
  82. The Solr client has been tested with Zend framework release 1.7.7.
  83. To get this code, you may use svn from the apachesolr directory:
  84. svn co
  85. However, the only required parts are:
  88. The 'Zend' directory should normally be under the apachesolr
  89. directory, but may be elsewhere if you set that location to be
  90. in your PHP include path.
  91. Now, you should enable the "Apache Solr framework" and "Apache Solr search"
  92. modules. Check that you can connect to Solr at ?q=admin/setting/apachesolr
  93. Now run cron on your Drupal site until your content is indexed. You
  94. can monitor the index at ?q=admin/settings/apachesolr/index
  95. The solrconfig.xml that comes with this modules defines auto-commit, so
  96. it may take a few minutes between running cron and when the new content
  97. is visible in search.
  98. Enable blocks for facets first at Administer > Site configuration > Apache Solr > Enabled filters,
  99. then position them as you like at Administer > Site building > Blocks.
  100. Configuration variables
  101. --------------
  102. The module provides some (hidden) variables that can be used to tweak its
  103. behavior:
  104. - apachesolr_luke_limit: the limit (in terms of number of documents in the
  105. index) above which the module will not retrieve the number of terms per field
  106. when performing LUKE queries (for performance reasons).
  107. - apachesolr_tags_to_index: the list of HTML tags that the module will index
  108. (see apachesolr_add_tags_to_document()).
  109. - apachesolr_exclude_nodeapi_types: an array of node types each of which is
  110. an array of one or more module names, such as 'comment'. Any type listed
  111. will have any listed modules' nodeapi 'update_index' implementation skipped
  112. when indexing. This can be useful for excluding comments or taxonomy links.
  113. - apachesolr_ping_timeout: the timeout (in seconds) after which the module will
  114. consider the Apache Solr server unavailable.
  115. - apachesolr_optimize_interval: the interval (in seconds) between automatic
  116. optimizations of the Apache Solr index. Set to 0 to disable.
  117. - apachesolr_cache_delay: the interval (in seconds) after an update after which
  118. the module will requery the Apache Solr for the index structure. Set it to
  119. your autocommit delay plus a few seconds.
  120. - apachesolr_service_class: the Apache_Solr_Service class used for communicating
  121. with the Apache Solr server.
  122. - apachesolr_query_class: the default query class to use.
  123. - apachesolr_cron_mass_limit: update or delete at most this many documents in
  124. each Solr request, such as when making {apachesolr_search_node} consistent
  125. with {node}.
  126. Troubleshooting
  127. --------------
  128. Problem:
  129. Links to nodes appear in the search results with a different host name or
  130. subdomain than is preferred. e.g. sometimes at
  131. and sometimes at
  132. Solution:
  133. Set $base_url in settings.php to insure that an identical absolute url is
  134. generated at all times when nodes are indexed. Alternately, set up a re-direct
  135. in .htaccess to prevent site visitors from accessing the site via more than one
  136. site address.
  137. Developers
  138. --------------
  139. Exposed Hooks in 6.x:
  140. hook_apachesolr_modify_query(&$query, &$params, $caller);
  141. Any module performing a search should call apachesolr_modify_query($query, $params, 'modulename').
  142. That function then invokes this hook. It allows modules to modify the query object and params array.
  143. $caller indicates which module is invoking the hook.
  144. Example:
  145. function my_module_apachesolr_modify_query(&$query, &$params, $caller) {
  146. // I only want to see articles by the admin!
  147. $query->add_filter("uid", 1);
  148. }
  149. CALLER_finalize_query(&$query, &$params);
  150. The module calling apachesolr_do_query() may implement a function that is run after
  151. hook_apachesolr_modify_query() and allows the caller to make final changes to the
  152. query and params before the query is sent to Solr. The function name is built
  153. from the $caller parameter to apachesolr_do_query().
  154. hook_apachesolr_prepare_query(&$query, &$params, $caller);
  155. This is pretty much the same as hook_apachesolr_modify_query() but runs earlier
  156. and before the query is statically cached. It can e.g. be used to add
  157. available sorts to the query.
  158. Example:
  159. function my_module_apachesolr_prepare_query(&$query) {
  160. // Add a sort on the node ID.
  161. $query->set_available_sort('nid', array(
  162. 'title' => t('Node ID'),
  163. 'default' => 'asc',
  164. ));
  165. }
  166. hook_apachesolr_cck_fields_alter(&$mappings)
  167. Add or alter index mappings for CCK types. The default mappings array handles just
  168. text fields with option widgets:
  169. $mappings['text'] = array(
  170. 'optionwidgets_select' => array('callback' => '', 'index_type' => 'string'),
  171. 'optionwidgets_buttons' => array('callback' => '', 'index_type' => 'string')
  172. );
  173. In your _alter hook implementation you can add additional field types such as:
  174. $mappings['number_integer']['number'] = array('callback' => '', 'index_type' => 'integer');
  175. You can allso add a mapping for a specific field. This will take precedence over any
  176. mapping for a general field type. A field-specific mapping would look like:
  177. $mappings['per-field']['field_model_name'] = array('callback' => '', 'index_type' => 'string');
  178. or
  179. $mappings['per-field']['field_model_price'] = array('callback' => '', 'index_type' => 'float');
  180. If a custom field needs to be searchable but does not need to be faceted you can change the 'facets'
  181. parameter to FALSE, like:
  182. $mappings['number_integer']['number'] = array('callback' => '', 'index_type' => 'integer', 'facets' => FALSE);
  183. hook_apachesolr_types_exclude($namespace)
  184. Invoked by apachesolr.module when generating a list of nodes to index for a given
  185. namespace. Return an array of node types to be excldued from indexing for that namespace
  186. (e.g. 'apachesolr_search'). This is used by apachesolr_search module to exclude
  187. certain node types from the index.
  188. hook_apachesolr_node_exclude($node, $namespace)
  189. This is invoked by apachesolr.module for each node to be added to the index - if any module
  190. returns TRUE, the node is skipped for indexing.
  191. hook_apachesolr_update_index(&$document, $node, $namespace)
  192. Allows a module to change the contents of the $document object before it is sent to the Solr Server.
  193. To add a new field to the document, you should generally use one of the pre-defined dynamic fields.
  194. Follow the naming conventions for the type of data being added based on the schema.xml file.
  195. hook_apachesolr_search_result_alter(&$doc)
  196. The is invoked by apachesolr_search.module for each document returned in a search - new in 6.x-beta7
  197. as a replacement for the call to hook_nodeapi().
  198. hook_apachesolr_sort_links_alter(&$sort_links)
  199. Called by the sort link block code. Allows other modules to modify, add or remove sorts.
  200. Themers
  201. ----------------
  202. See inline docs in apachesolr_theme and apachesolr_search_theme functions
  203. within apachesolr.module and apachesolr_search.module.