public function AnswersTestCase::testAnswerWithNoBody in Answers 7.4
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 7.3 answers.test \AnswersTestCase::testAnswerWithNoBody()
Tests body is required on answers_answer.
- ./
answers.test, line 176 - Tests for answers.module.
- AnswersTestCase
- Tests the functionality of the answers module.
public function testAnswerWithNoBody() {
$langcode = LANGUAGE_NONE;
$user2 = $this
$question = array();
$question['title'] = 'Woodchucks';
$question["body[{$langcode}][0][value]"] = "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck?";
->drupalPost('node/add/answers-question', $question, 'Save');
$answer = array();
$answer["body[{$langcode}][0][value]"] = "";
->drupalPost('node/1', $answer, 'Save');
->assertRaw('<textarea class="text-full form-textarea required error" id="edit-body-und-0-value" name="body[und][0][value]" cols="60" rows="15"></textarea>', 'Body field is required');