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function andromeda_slideshow_get_image_styles in Andromeda Slideshow 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 includes/ \andromeda_slideshow_get_image_styles()

Returns a list of image styles available

1 call to andromeda_slideshow_get_image_styles()
andromeda_slideshow_form in includes/
Add and edit slideshow form


includes/, line 11
Helper functions for Andromeda Slideshow


function andromeda_slideshow_get_image_styles() {

  //prepare a #options ready list of image styles
  $image_styles = array();
  foreach (image_styles() as $key => $style) {
    $image_styles[$key] = $style['name'];

  //remove the default image style andromeda_slideshow_thumbnail from the list
  return $image_styles;