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function andromeda_slideshow_load_slideshows in Andromeda Slideshow 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 andromeda_slideshow.module \andromeda_slideshow_load_slideshows()

Loads multiple slideshow by $sids


$sids: keyed array of slideshow sids

4 calls to andromeda_slideshow_load_slideshows()
andromeda_slideshow_get_disabled_slideshows in includes/
Returns a list of disabled slideshows
andromeda_slideshow_get_enabled_slideshows in includes/
Returns a list of enabled slideshows
andromeda_slideshow_load in ./andromeda_slideshow.module
Loads a slideshow by its $sid
andromeda_slideshow_load_by_name in ./andromeda_slideshow.module
Loads a slideshow by its name


./andromeda_slideshow.module, line 273
Slideshow for the Andromeda ( Theme


function andromeda_slideshow_load_slideshows($sids = array(), $by_name = FALSE) {
  $slideshows = array();
  $field = 'sid';
  $query = db_select('slideshows', 's')
    ->fields('s', array(
  if (sizeof($sids)) {

    //load by name if $by_name = TRUE
    if ($by_name) {
      $field = 'name';
    $query = $query
      ->condition($field, $sids, 'IN');
  $slideshows = $query
  foreach ($slideshows as $index => $slideshow) {
    $slideshows[$index]->settings = drupal_json_decode($slideshow->settings);
  return $slideshows;