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function amp_form_node_type_form_alter in Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) 7

Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().


./amp.module, line 436


function amp_form_node_type_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
  $enabled_types = amp_get_enabled_types();
  if (in_array($form['#node_type']->type, $enabled_types)) {
    $form['amp_metadata'] = array(
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#title' => t('AMP Metadata'),
      '#group' => 'additional_settings',
      '#weight' => 100,
    $form['amp_metadata']['description'] = array(
      '#type' => 'item',
      '#title' => 'Content information',
      '#description' => t('Provide information about your content for use in the Top Stories carousel in Google Search.'),
    $form['amp_metadata']['amp_metadata_options'] = array(
      '#type' => 'container',
      '#tree' => 'true',
    $amp_metadata_fields = _amp_get_metadata_type_fields();
    $settings = variable_get('amp_metadata_options_' . $form['#node_type']->type);
    foreach ($amp_metadata_fields as $name => $field) {
      $form_options['amp_metadata_config_' . $name] = array(
        '#type' => 'textfield',
        '#title' => t('@title', array(
          '@title' => ucfirst($name),
        '#default_value' => isset($settings['amp_metadata_config_' . $name]) ? $settings['amp_metadata_config_' . $name] : $field['value'],
      switch ($name) {
        case 'schemaType':
          $schema_type_options = array(
            'Article' => 'Article',
            'NewsArticle' => 'NewsArticle',
            'BlogPosting' => 'BlogPosting',
          $form_options['amp_metadata_config_' . $name]['#title'] = 'AMP schema type';
          $form_options['amp_metadata_config_' . $name]['#type'] = 'select';
          $form_options['amp_metadata_config_' . $name]['#options'] = $schema_type_options;
          $form_options['amp_metadata_config_' . $name]['#description'] = t('The type of schema to use on AMP pages');
        case 'headline':
          $form_options['amp_metadata_config_' . $name]['#title'] = 'Article headline';
          $form_options['amp_metadata_config_' . $name]['#description'] = t('
          <p>A short headline for an AMP article, using fewer than 110 characters and no HTML markup.</p>
          <p>Use tokens to provide the correct headline for each article page. Suggested token: [node:title].');
          $form_options['amp_metadata_config_' . $name]['#attributes'] = [
            'placeholder' => '[node:title]',
        case 'datePublished':
          $form_options['amp_metadata_config_' . $name]['#title'] = 'Date published';
          $form_options['amp_metadata_config_' . $name]['#description'] = t('
          <p>The date an article was published.</p>
          <p>Use tokens to provide the correct published date for each article. Suggested token: [node:created].');
          $form_options['amp_metadata_config_' . $name]['#attributes'] = [
            'placeholder' => '[node:created]',
        case 'dateModified':
          $form_options['amp_metadata_config_' . $name]['#title'] = 'Date modified';
          $form_options['amp_metadata_config_' . $name]['#description'] = t('
          <p>The date an article was most recently modified date.</p>
          <p>Use tokens to provide the correct modification date for each article. Suggested token: [node:changed].');
          $form_options['amp_metadata_config_' . $name]['#attributes'] = [
            'placeholder' => '[node:changed]',
        case 'author':
          $form_options['amp_metadata_config_' . $name]['#title'] = 'Author';
          $form_options['amp_metadata_config_' . $name]['#description'] = t('
          <p>The name of the author to use on AMP pages.</p>
          <p>Use tokens to provide the correct author for each article. Token output should be text only, no HTML markup. Suggested token: [node:author:name].');
          $form['amp_metadata_config_' . $name]['#attributes'] = [
            'placeholder' => '[node:author:name]',
        case 'description':
          $form_options['amp_metadata_config_' . $name]['#title'] = 'Article description';
          $form_options['amp_metadata_config_' . $name]['#description'] = t('
          <p>A short description of an AMP article, using fewer than 150 characters and no HTML markup.</p>
          <p>Use tokens to provide the correct description for each article. Suggested token: [node:summary].');
          $form_options['amp_metadata_config_' . $name]['#attributes'] = [
            'placeholder' => '[node:summary]',
        case 'image':
          $form_options['amp_metadata_config_' . $name]['#title'] = 'Article image for carousel';
          $form_options['amp_metadata_config_' . $name]['#description'] = t('
          <p>An article image to appear in the Top Stories carousel.</p>
          <p>Images must be at least 696px wide: refer to <a href="@image_guidelines">article image guidelines</a> for further details.</p>
          <p>Use tokens to provide the correct image for each article. Example token: [node:field_image]. The image field token likely varies by content type.', array(
            '@image_guidelines' => '',
          $form_options['amp_metadata_config_' . $name]['#attributes'] = [
            'placeholder' => '[node:field_image]',
        case 'imageStyle':
          $form_options['amp_metadata_config_' . $name]['#title'] = 'Article image style';
          $form_options['amp_metadata_config_' . $name]['#type'] = 'select';
          $form_options['amp_metadata_config_' . $name]['#options'] = image_style_options(TRUE);
          $form_options['amp_metadata_config_' . $name]['#description'] = t('<p>The image style to use for the article image</p>');
    $form['amp_metadata']['amp_metadata_options'] += $form_options;
    $form['amp_metadata']['amp_metadata_token_tree'] = array(
      '#theme' => 'token_tree',
      '#token_types' => array(
      '#dialog' => TRUE,
    $form['#submit'][] = 'amp_metadata_node_type_submit';