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function amp_entity_view_alter in Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) 8.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.3 amp.module \amp_entity_view_alter()
  2. 8 amp.module \amp_entity_view_alter()

Implements hook_entity_view_alter().


./amp.module, line 44


function amp_entity_view_alter(array &$build, EntityInterface $entity, EntityViewDisplayInterface $display) {

  // Check if entity is a non-new node in either full or AMP view mode.

  /** @var NodeInterface $entity */
  if ($entity instanceof NodeInterface && !$entity
    ->isNew() && in_array($build['#view_mode'], [
  ])) {

    // Get a list of available view modes for the current entity.
    $view_modes = \Drupal::service('entity_display.repository')
      ->getViewModeOptionsByBundle('node', $entity

    // Double-check that the AMP view mode is enabled for this node type.
    if (isset($view_modes['amp'])) {
      $build['#cache']['contexts'][] = 'url.query_args:amp';
      $absolute_canonical = $entity
        ->toUrl('canonical', [
        'absolute' => TRUE,
      if (!empty($build['#attached']['html_head_link'])) {
        $canonical_href = '';
        foreach ($build['#attached']['html_head_link'] as $key => $config) {
          if ($build['#view_mode'] === 'amp') {
            if ($config[0]['rel'] != 'canonical' && $config[0]['rel'] != 'shortlink') {
            elseif ($config[0]['rel'] == 'canonical') {

              // Replace the canonical link with an absolute version, this is
              // required for AMP pages and recommended for others.
              // @todo Remove this when is
              //   fixed.
              $build['#attached']['html_head_link'][$key][0]['href'] = $absolute_canonical;
              $build['#cache']['contexts'][] = '';
          elseif ($build['#view_mode'] === 'full') {
            if ($config[0]['rel'] == 'canonical' && !empty($config[0]['href'])) {

              // Check if the canonical link is absolute and external. Do not
              // expose AMP for those.
              $current_canonical = $config[0]['href'];
              if (UrlHelper::isExternal($current_canonical) && !UrlHelper::externalIsLocal($current_canonical, \Drupal::service('router.request_context')
                ->getCompleteBaseUrl())) {
              $amp_href = \Drupal::service('amp.query_parameters')
              $build['#attached']['html_head_link'][] = [
                  'rel' => 'amphtml',
                  'href' => $amp_href,
              $build['#cache']['contexts'][] = '';