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function _amp_convert_markup_to_amp in Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) 7

Use AMP class from library for conversion of text to AMP HTML.


string $markup: The markup to be converted.

Return value

array $amp_content An array containing the following:

  • amp_markup: The AMP HTML.
  • amp_warnings: The AMP warning messages.
  • amp_components: An array of AMP JS components.
1 call to _amp_convert_markup_to_amp()
amp_field_formatter_view in ./amp.module
Implements hook_field_formatter_view().


./amp.module, line 1269


function _amp_convert_markup_to_amp($markup) {
  $amp = _amp_create_amp_converter();
  $amp_content = array(
    'amp_markup' => $amp
    'amp_warnings' => $amp
    'amp_components' => $amp
  return $amp_content;