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StreamWrapperTest.php in AmazonS3 7.2


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namespace Drupal\amazons3Test;

use Aws\Common\Credentials\Credentials;
use Aws\S3\S3Client;
use Drupal\amazons3\Matchable\BasicPath;
use Drupal\amazons3\Matchable\MatchablePaths;
use Drupal\amazons3\Matchable\PresignedPath;
use Drupal\amazons3Test\Stub\S3Client as DrupalS3Client;
use Drupal\amazons3Test\Stub\StreamWrapper;
use Drupal\amazons3Test\Stub\StreamWrapperConfiguration;
use Guzzle\Http\Message\Response;
use Guzzle\Http\Url;
use Guzzle\Tests\GuzzleTestCase;

 * Tests \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper.
 * @class StreamWrapperTest
 * @package Drupal\amazons3
class StreamWrapperTest extends GuzzleTestCase {

   * @var StreamWrapper
  protected $wrapper;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setUp() {
    $config = StreamWrapperConfiguration::fromConfig([
      'bucket' => '',
      'region' => 'region',
      'caching' => FALSE,
      'expiration' => 0,
      'credentials' => new Credentials('placeholder', 'placeholder'),
    $this->wrapper = new StreamWrapper($config);
    if (in_array('s3', stream_get_wrappers())) {
    stream_wrapper_register('s3', '\\Drupal\\amazons3\\StreamWrapper', STREAM_IS_URL);

   * Test setting and getting the default configuration.
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::setDefaultConfig
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::getDefaultConfig
  public function testSetDefaultConfig() {
    $oldConfig = StreamWrapper::getDefaultConfig();
    $config = StreamWrapperConfiguration::fromConfig([
      'bucket' => '',
      'region' => 'region',
      'caching' => FALSE,
      ->assertSame($config, StreamWrapper::getDefaultConfig());
    if ($oldConfig) {

   * Test that our default configuration is respected.
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::__construct
  public function testConstructDefaultConfig() {
    $config = StreamWrapperConfiguration::fromConfig([
      'bucket' => '',
      'region' => 'region',
      'caching' => FALSE,
    $wrapper = new StreamWrapper();
      ->assertEquals('s3://', $wrapper

   * Test that when needed the StreamWrapper will create a client.
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::__construct
  public function testCreateClient() {
    $config = StreamWrapperConfiguration::fromConfig([
      'bucket' => '',
      'region' => 'region',
      'caching' => FALSE,
      'region' => 'us-east-1',
    $wrapper = new StreamWrapper($config);

   * Test that a Drupal cache adapter is created.
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::__construct
  public function testCreateCache() {
    $config = StreamWrapperConfiguration::fromConfig([
      'bucket' => '',
      'region' => 'region',
      'caching' => TRUE,
      'expiration' => 0,
    $wrapper = new StreamWrapper($config);
    $reflect = new \ReflectionObject($wrapper);
    $cache = $reflect
    try {
        ->assertInstanceOf('Doctrine\\Common\\Cache\\ChainCache', $cache
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
    if (isset($e)) {
      throw $e;

   * Test setting an S3 client.
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::setClient
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::getClient
  public function testSetClient() {
    $client = S3Client::factory([
      'credentials' => new Credentials('placeholder', 'placeholder'),
      ->assertSame($client, StreamWrapper::getClient());

   * Test setting a URI.
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::setUri
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::getUri
  public function testSetUri() {
    $wrapper = new StreamWrapper();
    $uri = 's3://';
      ->assertEquals($uri, $wrapper

   * Test setting a scheme-only URI.
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::setUri
  public function testSetSchemeUri() {
    $wrapper = new StreamWrapper();
      ->assertEquals('s3://', $wrapper

   * Test that we throw an exception if a URI is not set.
   * @expectedException \LogicException
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::getExternalUrl
  public function testExternalUriNotSet() {
    $wrapper = new StreamWrapper();

   * Test when an image doesn't exist that we return the internal style URL.
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::getExternalUrl
  public function testExternalImageStyleUri() {
    $wrapper = new StreamWrapper();
      ->assertEquals('' . StreamWrapper::stylesCallback . '/', $wrapper

   * Test regular URL generation.
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::getExternalUrl
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::getLocalPath
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::forceDownload
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::getS3Url
  public function testExternalUri() {
    $wrapper = new StreamWrapper();
      ->assertEquals('', $wrapper

   * Test that we can call getExternalUrl() when no key has been specified.
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::getExternalUrl
  public function testExternalUriEmptyPathSegments() {
    $wrapper = new StreamWrapper();
      ->assertEquals('', $wrapper

   * Test getting a mime type.
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::getMimeType
  public function testGetMimeType() {
    $mimeType = StreamWrapper::getMimeType('s3://');
      ->assertEquals('image/jpeg', $mimeType);

   * Test getting the default mime type.
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::getMimeType
  public function testGetMimeTypeDefault() {
    $mimeType = StreamWrapper::getMimeType('s3://');
      ->assertEquals('application/octet-stream', $mimeType);

   * Test that a null dirname returns the bucket associated with the wrapper.
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::dirname
  public function testDirnameNull() {
      ->assertEquals('s3://', $this->wrapper

   * Test that we can fetch the dirname from a different bucket.
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::dirname
  public function testDirnameBucket() {
      ->assertEquals('s3://', $this->wrapper

   * Test that dirname works with a key.
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::dirname
  public function testDirnameSubdir() {
      ->assertEquals('s3://', $this->wrapper

   * Test that dirname works with a pseudo directory.
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::dirname
  public function testDirnameNested() {
      ->assertEquals('s3://', $this->wrapper

   * Test that dirname properly handles trailing slashes.
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::dirname
  public function testDirnameTrailingSlash() {
      ->assertEquals('s3://', $this->wrapper

   * Test that stream registrations are blocked.
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::register
   * @expectedException \LogicException
  public function testRegister() {
    $client = S3Client::factory([
      'credentials' => new Credentials('placeholder', 'placeholder'),

   * Test that the ACL is set to public-read by default.
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::getOptions
  public function testGetOptions() {
    $wrapper = new StreamWrapper();
      'ACL' => 'public-read',
    ), $wrapper

   * @expectedException \LogicException
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::getOptions
  public function testGetOptionsNoUri() {
    $wrapper = new StreamWrapper();

   * Test that we can set a different S3 client class.
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::setS3ClientClass
  public function testSetS3ClientClass() {
    new StreamWrapper();

   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::getBasename
  public function testBasename() {
    $config = StreamWrapperConfiguration::fromConfig([
      'bucket' => '',
      'region' => 'region',
      'caching' => FALSE,
      'expiration' => 0,
    $wrapper = new StreamWrapper($config);
      ->assertEquals('test.jpg', $wrapper

   * Test that we throw an exception if a URI is not set.
   * @expectedException \LogicException
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::getBasename
  public function testBasenameUriNotSet() {
    $wrapper = new StreamWrapper();

   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::getExternalUrl
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::getS3Url
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::getContentDispositionAttachment
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::forceDownload
  public function testSaveAs() {
    $config = StreamWrapperConfiguration::fromConfig([
      'bucket' => '',
      'region' => 'region',
      'caching' => FALSE,
      'expiration' => 0,
      'saveAsPaths' => new MatchablePaths(BasicPath::factory(array(
    $wrapper = new StreamWrapper($config);
      ->assertRegExp('!.*response-content-disposition=attachment%3B%20filename%3D%22test\\.jpg.*!', $wrapper

   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::getExternalUrl
  public function testSaveAsExcluded() {
    $config = StreamWrapperConfiguration::fromConfig([
      'bucket' => '',
      'region' => 'region',
      'caching' => FALSE,
      'expiration' => 0,
      'saveAsPaths' => new MatchablePaths(BasicPath::factory(array(
    $wrapper = new StreamWrapper($config);
      ->assertEquals('', $wrapper

   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::getExternalUrl
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::getContentDispositionAttachment
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::forceDownload
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::getS3Url
  public function testSaveAsAll() {
    $config = StreamWrapperConfiguration::fromConfig([
      'bucket' => '',
      'region' => 'region',
      'caching' => FALSE,
      'expiration' => 0,
      'saveAsPaths' => new MatchablePaths(BasicPath::factory(array(
    $wrapper = new StreamWrapper($config);
      ->assertRegExp('!.*response-content-disposition=attachment%3B%20filename%3D%22test\\.jpg.*!', $wrapper

   * Test that we properly encode filenames according to RFC2047.
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::getExternalUrl
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::getContentDispositionAttachment
  public function testAttachmentSpace() {
    $config = StreamWrapperConfiguration::fromConfig([
      'bucket' => '',
      'region' => 'region',
      'caching' => FALSE,
      'expiration' => 0,
      'saveAsPaths' => new MatchablePaths(BasicPath::factory(array(
    $wrapper = new StreamWrapper($config);
      ->setUri('s3:// with spaces.jpg');

      ->assertRegExp('!.*response-content-disposition=attachment%3B%20filename%3D%22test%20with%20spaces\\.jpg.*!', $wrapper

   * Test that we can create torrent URLs.
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::getExternalUrl
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::useTorrent
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::getS3Url
  public function testTorrentPath() {
    $config = StreamWrapperConfiguration::fromConfig([
      'bucket' => '',
      'region' => 'region',
      'caching' => FALSE,
      'expiration' => 0,
      'torrentPaths' => new MatchablePaths(BasicPath::factory(array(
    $wrapper = new StreamWrapper($config);
      ->assertEquals('', $wrapper

   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::getExternalUrl
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::usePresigned
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::getS3Url
  public function testPresignedPath() {
    $config = StreamWrapperConfiguration::fromConfig([
      'bucket' => '',
      'region' => 'region',
      'caching' => FALSE,
      'expiration' => 0,
      'presignedPaths' => new MatchablePaths(PresignedPath::factory(array(
        'presigned/.*' => 30,
    $wrapper = new StreamWrapper($config);
    $url = Url::factory($wrapper
      ->assertGreaterThanOrEqual(time(), $url

    // We allow a bit of fuzziness in the expiry to cover a different call to
    // time() in getExternalUrl().
      ->assertLessThanOrEqual(time() + 32, $url

   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::getExternalUrl
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::injectCname
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::getS3Url
  public function testCustomDomain() {
    $config = StreamWrapperConfiguration::fromConfig([
      'bucket' => '',
      'region' => 'region',
      'domain' => '',
      'caching' => FALSE,
      'expiration' => 0,
    $wrapper = new StreamWrapper($config);
    $url = Url::factory($wrapper
      ->assertEquals('', $url

   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::getExternalUrl
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::injectCname
  public function testNoCustomDomain() {
    $config = StreamWrapperConfiguration::fromConfig([
      'bucket' => '',
      'region' => 'region',
      'caching' => FALSE,
    $wrapper = new StreamWrapper($config);
    $url = Url::factory($wrapper
      ->assertEquals('', $url

   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::getOptions
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::useRrs
  public function testReducedRedundancyStorage() {
    $config = StreamWrapperConfiguration::fromConfig([
      'bucket' => '',
      'region' => 'region',
      'caching' => FALSE,
      'reducedRedundancyPaths' => new MatchablePaths(BasicPath::factory(array(
    $wrapper = new StreamWrapper($config);
    $options = $wrapper
      ->assertArrayHasKey('StorageClass', $options);
      ->assertEquals('REDUCED_REDUNDANCY', $options['StorageClass']);

   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::dir_opendir
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::mkdir
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::rename
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::rmdir
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::stream_open
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::url_stat
   * @covers \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapper::unlink
  public function testAutomaticUri() {
    $wrapper = new StreamWrapper();
    $path = NULL;
    $uri = 's3://';
    try {
        ->stream_open($uri, 'r', 0, $path);
    } catch (\PHPUnit_Framework_Error_Warning $e) {

      // This throws a warning because we aren't mocking any calls, but we don't
      // care because we just want to call getUri().
      ->assertEquals($uri, $wrapper

    // Instantiate the AWS service builder.
    $config = array(
      'includes' => array(
        0 => '_aws',
      'services' => array(
        'default_settings' => array(
          'params' => array(
            'region' => 'us-east-1',
        'cloudfront' => array(
          'extends' => 'cloudfront',
          'params' => array(
            'private_key' => 'change_me',
            'key_pair_id' => 'change_me',
      'credentials' => array(
        'key' => 'placeholder',
        'secret' => 'placeholder',
    $aws = \Aws\Common\Aws::factory($config);

    // Configure the tests to use the instantiated AWS service builder
    $client = $this
      ->get('s3', true);

    // The 404 is for the first check to mkdir() that checks to see if a
    // directory exists.
      ->setMockResponse($client, array(
      new Response(200),
      new Response(404),
      new Response(200),
    $wrapper = new StreamWrapper();
      ->url_stat($uri, 0);
      ->assertEquals($uri, $wrapper
    $dir_uri = 's3://';
      ->mkdir($dir_uri, 0, 0);
      ->assertEquals($dir_uri, $wrapper
      ->setMockResponse($client, array(
      new Response(200),
    $wrapper = new StreamWrapper();
      ->dir_opendir($dir_uri, "");
      ->assertEquals($dir_uri, $wrapper
      ->setMockResponse($client, array(
      new Response(200),
    $wrapper = new StreamWrapper();
      ->rmdir($dir_uri, 0);
      ->assertEquals($dir_uri, $wrapper
      ->setMockResponse($client, array(
      new Response(200),
    $wrapper = new StreamWrapper();
      ->assertEquals($uri, $wrapper
      ->setMockResponse($client, array(
      new Response(200),
      new Response(200),
    $wrapper = new StreamWrapper();
      ->rename($uri, 's3://');
      ->assertEquals('s3://', $wrapper
