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function alpha_pagination_save_view in Views Alpha Pagination 7.2

Saves a view.


\view $view: The view object to save.

1 call to alpha_pagination_save_view()
alpha_pagination_save_views in ./alpha_pagination.module
Saves multiple views.


./alpha_pagination.module, line 194
Module hooks and alters for the Views Alpha Pagination module.


function alpha_pagination_save_view(\view $view) {
  static $features;
  if (!isset($features)) {
    $features = module_exists('features') ? features_get_component_map('views_view') : [];

  // Save the view.

  // Notify about any potential features that may need to be manually updated.
  if ($features && !empty($features[$view->name])) {
    drupal_set_message(t('The features component "@feature.views_view" contains the view "@view". To ensure this change is persistent, the feature must be re-exported.', [
      '@feature' => reset($features[$view->name]),
      '@view' => $view->name,
    ]), 'warning');