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function akamai_submit_purge_request in Akamai 7.3

Submits a purge request to the CCU API.


string $hostname: The name of the URL that contains the objects you want to purge.

array $paths: An array of paths to be purged.

Return value

object|false If the request was accepted, a response object. Otherwise, FALSE.

2 calls to akamai_submit_purge_request()
akamai_purge_paths in ./akamai.module
Purges a set of paths from Akamai's cache.
akamai_submit_batch in ./
Submits a batch of queued purge request items to the CCU API.


./akamai.module, line 416
Integration with Akamai CDN CCU API.


function akamai_submit_purge_request($hostname, array $paths) {
  if (variable_get('akamai_disabled', FALSE)) {
    watchdog('akamai', 'Request to purge paths ignored because clearing is disabled. Check module settings.');
    return FALSE;
  try {
    $ccu = akamai_get_client();
    $response = $ccu
      ->postPurgeRequest($hostname, $paths);
    if (!empty($response)) {
      akamai_log_purge_request($hostname, $paths, $response);
      return $response;
  } catch (GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException $e) {
    watchdog_exception('akamai', $e);
    $request = $e
    $request_variables = [
      '@method' => $request
      '@uri' => $request
      '@body' => (string) $request
    watchdog('akamai', 'Request: @method @uri @body', $request_variables, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    if ($e
      ->hasResponse()) {
      $response_body = $e
      watchdog('akamai', 'Response: @response', [
        '@response' => $response_body,
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    watchdog_exception('akamai', $e);
  return FALSE;