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function _ajaxblocks_in_ajax_handler_impl in Ajax Blocks 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 ajaxblocks.module \_ajaxblocks_in_ajax_handler_impl()

Internal function which sets and returns the flag indicating whether current operation is block loading via AJAX.

2 calls to _ajaxblocks_in_ajax_handler_impl()
ajaxblocks_ajax_handler in ./ajaxblocks.module
Handles AJAX request and returns the content of the appropriate blocks.
ajaxblocks_in_ajax_handler in ./ajaxblocks.module
Returns TRUE if current operation is block loading via AJAX. May be used by other modules in hook_block() implementations to decide what version of block to return.


./ajaxblocks.module, line 461
Loads dynamic blocks on cached page for anonymous users by performing AJAX request.


function _ajaxblocks_in_ajax_handler_impl($set = FALSE) {
  static $in_ajax_handler = FALSE;
  if ($set) {
    $in_ajax_handler = TRUE;
  return $in_ajax_handler;