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function ajax_facets_preprocess_panels_pane in Ajax facets 7.3

Implements hook_preprocess_panels_pane().


includes/, line 186
Functions, related with block API.


function ajax_facets_preprocess_panels_pane(&$variables) {

  // Add special class to identify panels pane as block by module ajax facets.
  if (!empty($variables['content']['#facet'])) {

    // subtype should contain something like "facetapi-ZsnSXo0R09p45W7e4f70B4qN67wJgjZQ".
    if (!empty($variables['pane']->subtype)) {

      // Add BEM style class to facet block.
      // This class is using to show hidden facet block.
      $variables['classes_array'][] = 'block--ajax_facets';

      // We set class but not ID, because drupal blocks have such ID by default,
      // but panes can have other ID and it can be a cause of potential problems.
      $variables['classes_array'][] = strtolower("block-{$variables['pane']->subtype}");