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function _ais_is_used in Adaptive Image Styles (ais) 7

Checks the given array for the given image style


string $name: Machine name of the image style

array $ais: Array of image styles

Return value

boolean Return TRUE if it is in the array, FALSE otherwise.

2 calls to _ais_is_used()
ais_admin_settings in ./
Generates the AIS administration form
ais_image_style_deliver in ./ais.module
Wrapper for image_style_deliver() that handles adaptive image styles.


./ais.module, line 301
Adaptive Image Styles Module


function _ais_is_used($name, &$ais) {
  foreach ($ais as $is) {
    if ($is['name'] == $name) {
      return TRUE;
  return FALSE;