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function agrcache_get_file_list in Aggregate cache 7

Merge the existing file list with new values.


$type: The type of file list, either 'js' or 'css'.

3 calls to agrcache_get_file_list()
agrcache_build_aggregate_cache in ./agrcache.module
Replacement for drupal_build_css_cache() and drupal_build_js_cache().
agrcache_generate_aggregate in ./agrcache.module
Menu callback to generate a css aggregate.
agrcache_update_file_list in ./agrcache.module
Merge the existing file list with new values.


./agrcache.module, line 499
Provides imagecache style generation of css/js aggregates.


function agrcache_get_file_list($type) {
  $cid = "agrcache_file_list_{$type}";
  if ($cache = cache_get($cid)) {
    return $cache->data;
  else {
    return array(
      'files' => array(),
      'callbacks' => array(),